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I wanted to thank you for the Hypnotique Slip Sliding into Sleep file was so great within minutes of listening i could not keep my eyes open …i can remember very little of the file ..and your voice is wonderful velvety soft so nice ..like i said i think a lot when listening to inductions although not with this one within minutes i think i was gone..and i don’t know but as i write this my whole body seems to feel as if it’s pulsating in arousal ..again thank you so much have a great day … you are a very very good hypnotist..


AutoErotic Ecstasy – Review

I have purchased more than half of Marquesas recordings and so I can readily compare Her new “AutoErotic Ecstasy – Erotic Hypnotism Demonstrated” with Her past offerings. This one is definitely different. As She says in Her description, there are no enslavement or mind control suggestions. It’s purely an incredibly arousing induction followed by a rollercoaster ride of a self pleasuring session and a climax such as I have never before experienced.

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Aunt Celeste

“Alex, this is my Aunt Celeste.”

Alex hadn’t wanted to have lunch with Elizabeth’s Aunt Celeste. Not today anyway. He had meetings scheduled for all afternoon and had intended to grab a bite in his office rather than go out. Still, one of the prices of being engaged is that you occasionally have to go along with your fiancé.  It was easy to see the family resemblance. Liz took after her mother’s side of the family and Celeste was her maternal aunt. She was also Liz’s favorite relative, and Alex had heard stories of the woman who had practically raised her. Aunt Celeste was a mature version of the blonde goddess with a model’s figure and poise he was engaged to.  “It’s nice to… Um… I mean… Liz has…”

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