Christmas Shopping
A Christmas story inspired by Goddess Marquesa’s real-life adventures
“Hello,” I chirped as the woman on the other end answered her phone, “this is ‘Santa’s Little Helpers’ calling about your Christopher Radko ornament.”
Santa’s Little Helpers is a crafts and repair shop here in west Florida that specializes in wreaths, ornaments, and all things Christmas. After graduating at the height of the pandemic with a B.A. in Fine Arts (concentrating in glass sculpture) it was the best job that I could find. The work was seasonal, but the pay was decent, and the hours were not too brutal until mid-December, which is to Santa’s elves what “tax season” is to accountants.
“Ah, yes,” the voice on the other end acknowledged. “Is the repair done?”
“Y-yes,” I replied, stuttering from sudden nervousness I could not explain. “W-would you like to come in and pick the ornament up? If you would like us to ship it, we will charge you the cost.”
“Very well, charge My card,” she replied.
“Y-yes, Miss,” I stammered.
There was a pause on the other end of the line. I waited, expecting her to say some words of parting, but the line was silent. After a few moments, she spoke again, but her tone had changed…The only way to describe the quality that her voice assumed is…seductive….alluring.
“You like the sound of My Voice, don’t you?” she asked.
“Y-yes…I do,” I answered honestly.
“What did you say your name was?” Her voice held the same enchanting tone.
“I didn’t….m-my name is John,” I replied.
“It has been a pleasure talking with you, John,” she said.
“It has been a real p-pleasure for me,” I managed to gasp out. “Please feel free to call me any time…”
“I just might do that,” she teased, then hung up.
I finished the transaction and placed her ornament with the outgoing packages. Something about the call had shaken me to the core. I had never felt such a connection with someone over the phone. My cock had stiffened and wouldn’t settle down, and I realized it was because I kept hearing that special voice she had used in my head. She had jump started some arousal center in my brain and it would not shut off.
I copied the name off of her packing slip and looked her up on Google, but there were no pictures of her on the web that I could find…at least not under that name. It is amazing what you can find out about people on the web these days with just a name and address, though. I saw that she was quite a bit older than me, so I figured that it was a pipe dream to call her looking for a “date.” What interest would a mature woman like her have in a green kid like me?
Even so, I found it hard to focus on my work for the rest of the day. When I was lying in bed that night I could still hear her teasing me…“I just might do that…” Finally I gave in to the urge to jack off to her, and I slept like a baby.
The next day the phone at my work station rang, which rarely happens. Usually it is I who calls the customers. “Hello?” I spoke into the receiver.
“Hello John.” Only two words, but they were spoken in her special voice. My dick had never become so hard so fast.
“H-h-hello,” I replied, finding it impossible to hide my surprise and arousal.
“Have you been thinking naughty thoughts about Me?” she asked.
“Y-y-yes,” I confessed, without understanding why I felt compelled to tell her the truth.
“Good boy…” she cooed. “I knew you would. Are you working on an ornament now?”
“Yes,” I answered.
“Pick it up. Hold it by the tassel,” she commanded.
“Yes,” I agreed as I obeyed.
“Gently swing the ornament back and forth before your eyes. Watch the play of the light as it moves….listen to My voice….,” she directed.
I did as she told me. “Now listen,” she continued. “Focus. You are becoming very relaxed….so peaceful….so calm….you feel yourself getting sleepy….”
“Dude!” my co-worker shouted, shaking me by the shoulders. “Come back to earth!”
I shook my head to clear my vision. My hand was still on the phone receiver, which I had replaced in the cradle. I don’t know how long I had been sitting like that.
“What is going on with you?” my coworker asked. “You were on that call for like a half hour, just listening and staring off into space. Then you hung up and you have been sitting like a zombie. Lunch break is almost over.”
“Yeah, I’m okay,” I assured him. “I just need to get some water on my face.” As I said this, I rose from the stool behind my work table.
“What the fuck, dude?!?” my coworker gasped.
I looked down and saw what had shocked him. A sticky stain was spreading over the front of my pants. I had unloaded a ton of cum into my briefs sometime during my mystery phone call, without even realizing it.
I cleaned myself up in the bathroom and took the rest of the day off, too shaken to focus on work. That night, despite having emptied my balls so thoroughly in the afternoon, my cock became painfully stiff as I thought of her. I had to jack off to her again before I could sleep.
How did a woman tie me so thoroughly into knots with only her voice over the phone? I had no idea what she looked like, but my cock kept getting hard at the thought of her. No matter what else was going on or how hard I tried to focus on other things, I thought of her a lot.
The next day at work was difficult. I kept looking at my phone, both hoping and fearing that it would ring. Every time I did so my cock became a flagpole in my pants.
I made it to the weekend. By Friday I had calmed down a bit. I was still stroking to her every night to get to sleep, but by the end of that work week I could get through the day without glancing at the phone more than four or five times.
The weekend felt more normal. I went out with friends, did some sculpting in the space I rent at a local studio. She was still on my mind, though. The glass sculpture I made was of a Greek Goddess, the one who carries a bow. I didn’t know what my mystery caller looked like, but that is what she felt like in my head.
On Monday, I returned to work feeling confident. Christmas was a week away, the shop would be very busy. I felt sure that my equilibrium would steadily return as my mind and hands were occupied. I had been seated at my workbench for about an hour, and was intensely focused on repairing an antique handmade ornament, when it happened.
“Hello, John,” her special voice intoned, right by my ear.
My whole body responded spontaneously. The hair stood up on the back of my neck. My nipples hardened. Goosebumps rose on my arms. My cock stood at attention like a buck private whose commanding general had just walked in the room.
I looked up to see her standing right at my work station. She was wearing a tightly fitted green dress that matched the deep color of her eyes. It was cut low to show the plunging cleavage of her magnificent breasts, and high to reveal the long sweeping curves of her exquisite legs. Her blond hair framed an elegantly sexy face that was wearing what can only be described as a wicked smile.
Nothing could have prepared me for how the sight of her made me feel. I instantly recognized the bewitching Siren that had mesmerized me over the phone in the woman who stood in front of me. I was terrified, and as I gazed into her eyes, I could see that she knew exactly the effect she was having on me, and was enjoying every moment of it.
“I-i-i-t’s you,” I stammered, completely at a loss for anything more intelligent to say.
“Yes,” she agreed. “You may call Me ‘Goddess.’”
“Goddess,” I repeated. My mouth hung open, slack-jawed. A bead of drool may have escaped my lips, I can’t be sure. Finally, I summoned the willpower to articulate a question. “What are you doing here?” I asked. “Customers aren’t allowed back here in the workshop.”
“Yes, I know,” she explained, her smile widening. “But when I explained to your colleague in the retail shop out front that I wanted to surprise you he let me through. I can be very persuasive. But you know that, don’t you?”
“Y-y-yes,” I agreed, once again stammering from arousal and disorientation. “B-b-but why have you come?” I finally managed to ask.
“I am thinking of getting myself a new toy for Christmas,” she declared. “I came down to the shop to check out the merchandise.”
My pulse was already fast, but it sped up even faster. “Oh. I-i-i see,” I stuttered.
“I like what I see,” she said with a wink. Reaching into her handbag, she drew out a dog collar. It was deep red, studded with bright green pine trees all around its circumference. “I’ll wrap mine to go.”
With these words she leaned across and gently stretched the collar around my neck. As she did so, I was enveloped in the sweet haze of her perfume. Her face came within an inch of mine as she buckled the collar in front. I almost fainted.
Before I knew what was happening, she was walking away. I raised my hand and opened my mouth as if to protest. Before I could make a sound, she had reached the door of the workshop and turned to face me.
“Here boy,” she called, snapping her fingers as one would to a tame pet. As she did so she opened the door and motioned with her head, indicating that she expected me to follow.
I did not hesitate. I had no idea what this would mean for my job or my future, but I knew deep down that I had to obey her. I rose from my stool.
“On your knees, boy,” she commanded. “Might as well get used to being there now.”
The others in the workshop stared and gasped, but I paid no attention. I dropped to my hands and knees and crawled. What would she do with me? I had no way of guessing. I only knew that I was hers. A feeling was rushing through me that I had never experienced, but which I recognized immediately as pure love. It was the greatest Christmas gift I had ever received, and I was not going to refuse it. I crawled forward to follow my Goddess.
The End
An Excellent story and a testament to the power and seductiveness of the Mistress’ voice.