Tag: Control

Picking Up The Tab (Chapter 6)

                She continues to perfectly pace Her ministrations with telepathic suggestions and commands:  Jussst..RELAXX!!…AND..ALLOW! THIS..RAPTURE TO..COME! OVER YOU!! — TO OVER-COME! YOU — TO..TAKE OVER — COMPLEETELEE TAKE OVER — YOUR MIND AND BODY — AND..ALLOW..MEEE!!..TO TAKE OVER YOUR MIND AND BODY…AND THIS FEEELS..SOOO GOOOD!!! — OHHHH SOOOO GOOOOD!!”Yeeesss!!!!”   Carefully pacing Her thoughts both with Her right hand, now lightly running Her fingertips over and around the cap of his shaft — and with Her left hand, as She delicately runs Her fingertips over Her clit, Marquesa deftly deepens their dreamy euphoria even as She throttles back on their arousal level.  And this does feel good — Soooo Goood!!  For each of them.  As She proceeds along, deep in trance alongside him, Her hypnotic suggestions and commands to him having long taken hold on Her as well, due to their swiftly growing rapport, and to the receptivity with which over the years Her inner mind has learned to assimilate and embrace Her suggestions to Her subjects.  “Yeeesss!!!…This feels..*Soooo Goood!*”  For a few moments, She savors Her mellowed out arousal, even as He savors his. Read more…

Picking up the Tab (Chapter 5)

             Pausing briefly, Marquesa reaches into Her purse to extract a pair of thin, tight-fitting latex examining gloves that snugly cover Her hand and extend a couple of inches up Her wrist.  It pleases Her to note that their white color blends almost perfectly with the white table cloth, a thought that hadn’t occurred to Her before She placed them in Her purse.  Quietly, unobtrusively, without Her customary ostentatious snapping of the elastic, She pulls them on.  Next, with Her left hand, She picks up the cruet and pours half a teaspoon of olive oil onto Her right gloved palm, and then, Read more…

The First Thanksgiving

The First Thanksgiving


a Thanksgiving tale conceived by Goddess Marquesa


“Welcome, ladies, and Happy Thanksgiving!” Goddess Marquesa said, smiling broadly as she raised her glass of wine to toast her two guests. All three women were seated around a dining room table set to receive a bountiful feast.

“Thank you!” Raven replied, clinking her glass against the Godess’s. Raven was a tall black-haired beauty, and had worn a bright red dress that accentuated the classic curves of her body, to mark the occasion. She batted long lashes at the Goddess and sipped prettily from her glass.

“You are the Hostess with the mostest!” Crimson chimed in, clinking her glass first against Raven’s, then against that of the Goddess. Her long red hair ran past her shoulders over her grey blouse and short green skirt. Shiny patent-leather black boots showed off the contours of her athletic legs. “I was so surprised to receive your invitation to Thanksgiving! Getting to spend this holiday with you is really special!”

Goddess Marquesa set her glass down and favored her guests with a warm smile. “You two girls are my besties,” she explained. “I could have celebrated Thanksgiving with anyone, but I wanted this year to be special.” Read more…

Picking up the Tab (Chapter Four)

             “In a moment..YOUR EYES WILL OPEN! — Your EYES will OPEN but you will..REMAIN DEEP a-SLEEP!!…In fact, by opening your eyes, you will only..SEND YOURSELF STILL DEEEPER a-SLEEEP!!Yeeesss!!!AND NOWW…OPEN YOUR EYES!! — OPEN YOUR EYES!…As your eyes open YOU ONLY..GO DEEEPER a-SLEEEP!!!…EVEN DEEPER a-SLEEEP!!…AND YOU WILL..RAISE YOUR LEFT ARM…IF YOUR EYES ARE OPEN..YOU WILL..RAISE YOUR LEFT ARM!!”  Sure enough, his arm rises.   Seeing it rise prompts a flood of juices to Marquesa’a pussy.  Veerrry Goood!!!”   She is gloating, gloating in delight, gloating over Her Power, over Her Power over him, gloating over the way things in general are transpiring.    “NOW LOWER YOUR LEFT ARM!…LOWER YOUR LEFT ARM!…Veeerrry Gooood!!!…NOW STAND UP, STAND UP…”  Slowly, stiffly, he stands.  “That’s Right!!…AND NOW PICK UP YOU GLASS…TAKE CARE TO KEEP IT FROM SPILLING…Veerrry Goood!!!….

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                      Eager to begin, Marquesa puts Her glass down, focuses Her attention completely on Her prey, and begins to send him telepathic commands.   “BECOME DROWSY!…RELAX!!…REST!…SLEEP!”  These thought messages, short and sweet, sound like something from Hypnotism Made E-Z — comic book hypnosis — but in Her earlier ‘laboratory trials’, short-and-sweet seemed to outperform long-and-involved messages.  At first, Her quarry seems oblivious to the thoughts She sends his way, but She’s not easily deterred.  Besides, She tells Herself, the night is still young.
She knows this is much like fishing — sometimes it takes a while before you get that first bite.  Minute after minute, eyes and mind focused on Her prey and concentrating intently, She continues on.  Once again, as though he senses Her energy, senses Her closeness, he looks back again in Her direction.  Owing to Her darkened corner, He doesn’t register Her presence, but the fact that he looks around suggests to Her that he’s still alert, so if he’s responding to Her commands as She’d hoped, it’s not apparent.  Realizing something is amiss, She stops and realizes She needs to regroup.  “Grasshopper!” She thinks, “You have yet much to learn before you attain true Mastery. Time to start over.  Back to basics…”

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