Some say women are more like cats and men are more like doggies.
Hmmmmmmm! I wonder:
! Reading these words from left to right, “Feminine” and “feline” do share five letters. While “masculine” and “canine” share four letters.
! There’s a saying, “Cats rule, dogs drool”. And Krystal’s web site (http://LadyMesmer.com) is a passionate and pleasurable place risquély revealing the simply irresistible, krystal clear fact that “HypnoDommes rule and horn dogs drool to serve and obey and please Us”.
While your subconscious keeps pondering the fascinating possibilities, here’s something to watch:
Animals can do some truly remarkable things. And this video of a family’s pet cat saving a child from a dog attack is but one example.
CLICK THIS: cat saves boy from dog attack LINK to see what I mean.
Ahhhhhhh! Yes; as for Women being catlike and men being like dogs, keep these facts in mind:
#1. A Domme may call a male subbie Her puppy, doggie, horn dog, etc.
#2. Julie Newmar brought CatWOMAN to life and into your wet dreams about wild and wicked witching catwomen, captivating panting packs of gentlemen… one of whom is you; who yearns to become even more obedient and more submissive under My Purrrrrfect Hypnotic Control.