Dearest Goddess!
Please accept this mail as my deepest thanks for Your willingness to let me enjoy more of the power of Your wonderific enthrallment! This is the first private mail i ever wrote to someone whom i dont’t personally know.
You commanded me to answer three questions and i want to do this at the best of my abilities.
How did I find Your web page?
I was surfing Your website for more than two years now but did not find the courage until now to order a recording. Originally, back in 2005, i was beginning to surf vanilla porn sites (with my wife knowing this) but was after less than a day intrigued by those words like femdom or erotic hynnosis, So i did run a web search with these terms and found several links to You and to other wonderizts. Amongst those, Your site attracted me the most. i love masturbating while reading the stories of Your collection. The most powerful seduction to me was, however, Your “Beginners” page. It is very difficult for me not to come before getting to the end of it but i always try to. Since i am in my fifties and in a good marriage for over 28 years it required a lot of energy of me to place my first order on Your site. (My wife is truly an internet expert and will soon find out that i crossed the line,,, Also, we still enjoy a good sex life together which i don’t want to jeopardize while worshipping YOU and masturbate for YOU)
How did Your audios influence and satisfy me?
i purchased “Challenge” and “Aphrodite L1” since i like to imagine being seduced into guided masturbation by powerful women, So both are very arousing and satisfying when You command me to come. i now more or less always feel the urge to masturbate and imagine the women You pictured for me. Challenge was even better because it is featuring Your wonderful seductive voice in the original sound while Aphrodite uses an alienation effect which in the beginning distracted me from going deeper. i look forward for more seduction You will apply to me with the fear to become a true addict. In the past, i often phantasized to be manipulated to masturbation addiction by powerful women with medical tricks like injected drugs or implanted devices.
Which recording would be my wish if You would provide it to me as a gift?
First, i am so grateful for this opportunity. With week knees i am scrolling up and down the list of your audios. The list is so powerful and contains so many MP3s which promise to really seduce me and amplify my masturbation pleasure. Most intriguing to me look
it would be extremely pleasant if YOU, MY GODDESS, may guide me to find the right choice that helps YOU to faster make me YOUR obedient sex slave.
very respectfully YOURS
Meanwhile i also purchased WONDERIFIC SURRENDER and heard it twice. This unspeakably wonderful experience is now causing me to constantly feel my crotch very intensely, much more than ever in my life. my balls and my cockhead feel as being tickled by YOUR manicured, lovely fingers, even when i am meeting someone else. And my cock is dripping precum in anticipation of me hearing one of YOUR recordings the next time. i want to be further subjugated as YOU hopefully will do to me… i phantasize of being manipulated and abused by YOU as I did in the past with the other women but now it is thousands times more intense and improved with the sweet submissive feelings of willingness to obey YOUR commands.
Part 2…
Dearest Goddess,
i want to thank You so much for calling me Your pet! This really touches the most inner of my soul. Please let me tell You that the thought of seeing in future my words on YOUR web site is so very arousing that i don’t find the right words for describing my feelings. i so much hope that i may this way help YOU a little to lure other men into Your enthralling web so that You can subjugate and enslave them as YOU are doing it with me. They may join me in worshippingly masturbating for YOU, lovely Goddess! The imagination of the letters on the green background makes me hard, forces my hand to grab in my pants, and play with myself since it might be that i could please YOU somehow with my note.
During the last two days, after hearing “Like a Virgin”, i had constantly to masturbate at night and day. i did come more often within two days then in any other two days of the last twenty years. (i need to take care of my wife, so i have to not overspend myself.) Again, thank YOU so very much for considering me Your pet! i will care to be always worthy to receive this honor and will obey all YOUR commands and suggestions since i already know that this will make me so happy.
Very respectfully YOUR
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