He was waiting for her when she arrived. Her staff had done the
necessary prep work with their usual efficiency. He was strapped into
the chair in the center of the small, bare room. A hood covered his
head. She took the file folder from the back of the chair and sat
down in front of him to read over the notes. It was nothing
unexpected. The usual executive. Over-worked and over-stressed,
looking for an hour’s escape. She put the file away and pulled the
hood from his head.
“Mr. Ross? I am Marquesa.”
He blinked at the sudden transition from light to darkness. He
blinked against the light and then focused on her. She was seated
very close to him. He was used to sitting across the table from the
powerful and the famous but he found that her gaze disturbed him. Her
green eyes penetrated him. He felt as though she knew his thoughts.
Knew everything he had ever done. Every embarrassment, every private
act. He felt himself blushing under her eyes.
Marquesa understood his reaction perfectly. She was accustomed to it.
He was not wrong. She was in fact looking within him or, perhaps,
listening would be a better word. She had been born with the ability
to reach beyond her own mind, the gift of seeing within others,
sensing their feelings, sometimes even their thoughts and memories.
His reaction to it, however, was somewhat unusual in her experience.
“Are these restraints really necessary?” he asked, a note of anger in his
Typically, men grew timid in her presence. Her beauty would have been
enough to reduce most men to an awkward silence. The force of her
spirit searching them took care of the rest. This one, however, was
unaccustomed to being in the weaker position to anyone else. His
response was to lash out, to try to assert himself. Marquesa smiled.
He was wasting his time in a battle of wills with her, but it might
prove entertaining at least.
“They’re for your safety, Mr. Ross. Sometimes my clients find the
experience… Overwhelming. We wouldn’t want you to injure yourself.”
He frowned, “And the hood?”
Marquesa shrugged, “A little sensory deprivation. It helps to make
you more focused once your sight is restored. Trust me, Mr. Ross… I
have been doing this for quite a long time.”
“Well, it had better be good considering what I’m paying for it.”
Marquesa frowned. She found discussions of money to be crass. It
never occurred to her to bring up her own wealth which, she was quite
certain, far surpassed whatever this arrogant little creature might
have been able to scrounge together. Still, Marquesa knew from
experience that this arrogant bluster would not survive the next few
minutes. It never did.
“I’m sure you will be more than satisfied. Shall we begin?”
Marquesa took the remote control and pressed a button. The lights in
the room dimmed. Over her shoulder, a pattern of swirling, dancing
lights began to play against the wall. Calmly, in a voice so quiet he
had to focus on it in order to make out her words, Marquesa told him
to look at the lights. To watch the pattern. As his eyes followed
the lights, she spoke to him softly, slowly. She watched as his eyes
gradually lost their focus, as his jaw sagged slightly leaving his
lips parted. She watched the rise and fall of his chest as his
breathing slowed. Her experience revealed dozens of small outward
signs that showed he had entered into a deep trance. Her natural
gifts allowed her to perceive even more. She felt his mind go quiet.
She felt the emptiness that would permit her to fill it with anything
she chose.
Over the next few minutes she did exactly that, crafting a new reality
for him with her words. Again, her experience let her know when he
was fully immersed in the new world that she had created within his
mind and her gifts allowed her to perceive the waves of pleasure that
were filling his body and mind.
Marquesa flipped off the projection which had now served its purpose.
It would not be needed again. The triggers she had implanted in his
mind would allow her to take him in and out of trance again instantly
and at will. She walked out of the small examination room, flipping
off the light as she closed the door. He sat alone in the small room.
His body in darkness, but his mind alive in the light of the world
Marquesa had placed him in.
She returned an hour later. He was just as she had left him, of
course. Absolutely still, his unblinking eyes staring into forever.
She sat down in front of him and, after a moment, spoke the trigger
that would return him to the room. He gasped once and then shuddered.
He looked around in confusion for a moment and then his eyes fixed on
her again. His mouth opened to speak, but nothing came out.
He cleared his throat and managed, at least, to speak, “How… How long?”
Marquesa smiled, “A little over an hour.”
“An hour? It seemed like seconds.”
She shrugged, “Time is whatever I wish it to be. Tell me what you
He tried to focus on it, tried to recall all of the details. It was
like trying to grab a handful of sand: it kept slipping away through
his fingers. It was vivid, but so unlike anything he had ever known
that it was difficult for him to describe.
“I… I don’t know where I was. All I remember is light. I felt like
I was floating in light. Almost like being in a warm pool, but it was
light. And I… You were there! I was… I was worshipping you.
Praying to you. I could see you. I think you were all I could see.
I just kept praying to you over and over again. Thanking you. And
every time I did, I felt… I don’t even know how to put it into words.
It was physical pleasure but it was more than that. Joy?”
Marquesa nodded, “I think that is a very good word for it. I’m glad
you were pleased.”
“Can you create something else for me? If I describe something, can
you…” She was shaking her head.
“I can create anything I wish, but I’m not interested in granting
wishes. Tell me, have you ever felt better than you did when you were
worshipping me?” He shook his head. “Then why would you choose
anything else?”
He had no good answer for that.
“Can it last longer?”
“It lasts for as long as I wish it to last. Of course, nothing is free.”
“Can I go back?”
“For how long?” Marquesa asked.
He smiled wryly, “How about forever?”
Now it was Marquesa’s turn to laugh, “That would cost much more than
you can afford, I’m sure.”
“I wouldn’t count on that, he replied. Money is the one thing I do have.”
She was intrigued. “Really? And why would you want it to last forever?”
He shrugged, “I suppose I wouldn’t. Maybe I would. I don’t know.
All I know is that those few minutes were the happiest I have been in…
Marquesa nodded. His suit jacket was draped over the back of the
chair. She took his wallet out and flipped through it. There was a
large amount of cash and the usual gold and platinum cards. They did
not impress her. With rare exceptions, most of her clients were
wealthy to one degree or another. However, what he was discussing
went far beyond that.
“You wouldn’t mind if we did a little checking? Just to see how
serious you are?”
“Do whatever you need to do.”
Marquesa nodded, “I’ll do that. In the meantime…” She spoke his
trigger and returned him to paradise.
“This one is on the house,” she said and, taking his wallet, she left
him in darkness again.
It took twenty-four hours for her staff to compile a full dossier on
Alan Ross. It was waiting on Marquesa’s desk when she arrived in the
morning. As one of her servants brought in her breakfast tray and
poured her coffee, she reviewed it. Yes, he could certainly afford
what it was he was asking for. A huge fortune, no children, married
and divorced three times. Lots of associates but no friends. She
could easily see why he was ready to exchange this world for one of
hers. Marquesa dismissed the servant with a wave. It appeared Mr.
Ross might be worth a little more of her time. She would go back down
to the interview room and bring him out of trance so they could
discuss it further… At least, she would eventually. He could wait
until after her breakfast and morning meetings. After all, he wasn’t
going anywhere.
When she was ready, Marquesa returned to find Alan Ross exactly as she
had left him. Still strapped into the chair, still staring blankly
forward. There was a day’s growth of stubble on his chin and cheeks.
She spoke his trigger and watched as he returned to awareness. He
tried to speak but his throat was dry and closed. Marquesa expected
this and put the bottle of water she had brought to his lips, allowing
him to drink.
After several gulps of the cool liquid had passed over his cracked
lips, he managed to croak out, “How long?”
“A little over a day.”
He shook his head in wonder, “It seemed like minutes.”
Again, Marquesa nodded in agreement and then moved on. “It took a
little while to run your background. As it turns out, you do have
enough money for what we discussed.
He nodded, an annoying look of self-satisfaction crossing his face for
the first time since she originally put him into trance. “How much
will it cost me?”
Marquesa smiled, “Why, everything, of course.”
Ross laughed until he saw the completely earnest expression on
Marquesa’s face. He nodded. “And it would last forever?”
“If you like, yes.”
Everything. The word left him stunned. All that he had spent a
lifetime amassing. All that he had worked for. He had traded family
for it, friends, time. How could he just hand it all over? He
couldn’t do that. He couldn’t. Could he?
Sensing his hesitation, the conflict in his mind, Marquesa asked,
“Would you like to see for yourself? We could arrange a little tour
of my facility.”
He could not do this. And yet… A tour. What would be the harm?
“All right. Let’s go.”
Marquesa shook her head, “There are a few safety precautions. It’s a
secure facility. I have to consider the privacy and comfort of my…
Guests. There would have to be certain precautions. You do
understand, I’m sure.”
He nodded impatiently. “That’s fine.”
“Very well, then. I’ll have one of my staff come for you.”
Half an hour later, he was led out the front door by one of Marquesa’s
assistants and placed in the backseat of a car. His wrists were
securely cuffed behind his back and the hood was in place over his
head. He had no idea at all where he was being taken as the car
turned, stopped, sped up and slowed down. After an hour, they came to
a stop. The door beside him opened and someone pulled him out and,
holding his arm, led him away. His head covered, completely
disoriented, it never occurred to him that he was back where he had
started: Marquesa’s estate. He was led down a flight of stairs. He
could hear the sound of their footsteps echoing as he was walked down
a long corridor. Cool air, the gentle whir of air conditioning and
the hum of electrical devices… An antiseptic smell, almost like a
hospital. That was all that he could tell.
The hood was pulled off and he saw Marquesa again.
“Ready for your tour? Well then, come along,” she took his arm and
led him into an open room. A bank of monitors and consoles is at one
end. A man is standing at a console, dressed in a white lab coat. He
is monitoring the readouts. When they enter, he immediately drops to
his knees, his eyes down. Marquesa walks past without acknowledging
him. One wall of the room is occupied by a row of large drawers set
into it, almost like the drawers of a filing cabinet. There are
twenty of them.
“Here we are,” Marquesa said, her hands on her hips.
He looked around, confused again, “I don’t understand.”
“Inside each of these drawers is one of my guests. Perfectly safe and
very well cared for. Each drifting forever in one of my worlds. Just
as you were. A world I’ve created just for them.”
“Each one is different?” he asked. “They aren’t all like what I
Marquesa laughed, “God may have been willing to settle for just one
world… I’m a little more creative than that. Yes, each one is
unique, just as the mind of each of my guests is unique. Of course,
there are similarities. Each of them is worshipping me in his own
He was stunned. It was beyond the limits of his imagination. A room
filled with men living forever in a dream world.
“Would you like to see one?” she asked. He nodded. Marquesa pressed
a button on the wall and one of the drawers slid open with the whir of
an electric motor.
Ross shuddered at what he saw inside. As she had said, it was a man.
Completely nude, shaved hairless from head to toe. There are
restraints at his wrists, at his ankles and at his throat. Sensors
are affixed to his chest and his scalp. He stares upward, his eyes
wide but unfocused… And he has a gentle smile on his lips.
“How… How… How long has he been like this?” Ross asked.
“Hmm… A good question. Doctor?” The man who knelt as they entered
immediately rose, ran over and then fell back down on his knees, his
head bowed.
Marquesa snapped her fingers and said just one word, “Up.” The man
sprang to his feet, his eyes still downcast…
“How long has this one been with us, Doctor?” she asked.
“Um… I… Uh… I would have to check, Goddess.”
“Make it snappy, boy,” Marquesa warned with an irritated expression.
He ran to the console, pressed a few keys and then ran back.
“Nine years, Goddess.”
“Hmm… Yes. And he is in good health? No problems?” she asked.
“Oh no, Goddess. He is in the best of condition, just like all the
others,” the Doctor replied anxiously.
“Very good, Doctor. Mr. Ross, allow me to introduce Dr. Charles
McCain. He sees to the care of my guests. And how long have you been
mine, Doctor?
“Twelve wonderful years, My Goddess.”
Marquesa nodded. “Very good, Doctor.” She snapped her fingers and
gave the command, “Down.” Immediately, he was on his knees again.
“Is he…” Ross began.
Marquesa smiled as she reached down to stroke the kneeling man’s hair.
“He is in a different sort of trance than these. Unfortunately, I
have need of his talents in this world. Now, as you can see, I have
space for twenty right now. Only seventeen are filled so, if you are
still interested, I can take you immediately.”
He was stunned, speechless. Excited and terrified at the same time.
He could not take his eyes off the man lying in the drawer. And there
were sixteen others in exactly the same state? It was like a horror
movie. And yet there was that smile. There was the memory of his own
trance. It was like a nightmare… And a dream.
“I… Uh… I would have to think about it.”
Marquesa frowned. “Yes, of course. Well, not everyone is brave
enough to give himself to me. Isn’t that right, Doctor?”
“Yes, Goddess.”
“You’ll have to excuse me. I have a busy afternoon. I’ll make sure
you are returned to your car.”
Without another word, Marquesa walked away. As she was leaving, he
heard her speak to the assistant who had delivered him. “Get him out
of here,” Marquesa told her.
That night, Alan Ross lay in bed. Alone as usual, but unable to
sleep. He tossed and turned, unable to get away from what he had seen
today. When he closed his eyes, he saw the man in the drawer. Almost
like a zombie, yet he looked so happy. How long since he had been
that happy? Had he ever been? There was so much stress in his life.
So much loneliness. The constant struggle to acquire more and more
and the realization that none of it made him even the smallest bit
happier. How much better to just relax. To let go of the reins. To
The next day, Marquesa’s assistant knocked on the door to her office.
“Ma’am? There is an Alan Ross on line one for you. He says he has
decided. He would like to speak with you.”
Marquesa shook her head. “No. Give him the usual instructions. If
he wires the deposit, schedule him to come in and complete the
paperwork with my attorney. We’ll see how serious he is. I’m not
going to waste any more time on him.”
A few days later, after transferring one million dollars to the
offshore account Marquesa’s assistant had specified, Alan Ross was
ushered into a conference room at her home. She was not there,
instead it was an attorney with a small stack of paperwork. It is
surprising how little of it there was, actually. A power of attorney,
a new will, a few other things. A handful of signatures to strip him
of everything he had valued for a lifetime. All the money and all the
possessions that had cost him everything that really mattered. He was
surprised at how freeing it felt to sign them over. It was
And then she arrived. The attorney immediately fell to his knees. As
before, Marquesa did not acknowledge his existence. Rather than
kneel, Ross rose from the chair.
“I always thought a gentleman rose in the presence of a lady,” he told
her, smiling sheepishly.
Marquesa laughed, “Well, chivalry is very nice…”
“I prefer worship.”
Ross nodded. He looked at the attorney, kneeling there in his suit on
the carpet. “Am I going to end up like him? Like the doctor?”
“Would that be such a terrible thing? He’s very happy.”
“Is he?” Ross asked. “Are you sure?”
“Up,” Marquesa ordered with a snap of her fingers. The attorney
sprang to attention.
“And how long have you been mine, little one?”
“Six years, My Goddess.”
“Are you happy?”
“Very, very happy, Goddess.”
“Tell me why?”
“Because I get to serve you, Goddess.”
Marquesa nodded, “Very good, boy. Now, is all of the paperwork complete?”
“Yes, Goddess,” the attorney replied.
“Very well then. You may go. Begin transferring his cash and
securities. I will review the real estate and personal property to
see what I want to keep and what I’ll dispose of.”
The attorney acknowledged Marquesa’s instructions, gathered the
paperwork and left.
“You see,” she said, turning back to Ross. “He is quite happy in his
new life. As you will be. Of course, he only gets to experience my
presence occasionally. You will spend every moment with me. The joy
that he feels for a moment, you will feel every second of your life.”
Marquesa sat down in the seat that Ross had risen from. She crossed
her legs and looked him up and down.
“Well then, here we are,” she said. “Everything that was yours is
mine now. I’m going to give you one last chance to change your mind.
After that, there is no turning back. If you wish to leave, you may
Ross sighed heavily. “I don’t have anything to go back to. Even
before I signed the paperwork, I didn’t. I’m tired of this world. I
want to live in one of yours.”
Marquesa nodded, “In that case, I will hear your prayer. Ask for what
you wish.”
Ross understood what he had to do. With a clear mind, completely of
his own free will, he knelt down on the carpet and bowed down, his
face to the floor.
“Please… Goddess.”
Marquesa closed her eyes. She could feel his prayers rising to her,
she could sense the sincerity of them. And she could feel his
worship. She allowed him to go on, enjoying his adoration. Each of
her possessions was different and the worship of each was unique,
precious. She treasured this new addition. And then she leaned
forward and whispered to him.
“Today you will worship me in paradise.”
Overcome, his voice caught in his throat as he tried to speak, “Thank
you, Goddess.”
Marquesa touched the intercom. “He is ready.”
A guard entered, carrying a pair of handcuffs and a hood. Marquesa
rose. She snapped her fingers and gave him the command, “Up.” He
stood, his eyes lowered. Marquesa nodded to the guard and his hands
were cuffed behind his back. The guard was putting the hood over his
bowed head when Marquesa stopped her.
“That won’t be necessary. This will be a one-way journey for him.
Take him downstairs. Dr. McCain is waiting to process him.”
Startled, Alan’s eyes rose to meet hers.
Marquesa reached out to caress his cheek. “I like to keep my
possessions close to me.”
He nodded and again, this time smiling slightly, said, “Thank you, Goddess.”
Marquesa returned his smile and said gently, “Eyes down.” He complied
immediately and she rewarded him, “Good boy.”
“Take him away.”
He looked very different when Marquesa next saw him. He was lying
inside drawer number 18. His nude body held down by straps. The
sensors were affixed to his body so the doctor could monitor him and
the IVs that would sustain him were already in place. Marquesa ran
her hand over his chest and stomach. She felt him trembling.
Marquesa stroked his hair to comfort him.
“Relax, My Darling. Just another moment and we will be together
forever.” He smiled nervously. She snapped her fingers to summon
the doctor.
“Is he ready?”
“Yes, Goddess.”
“Then let us begin.”
She leaned down. Her lips brushing his ear, she whispered his trigger
and the trembling stopped. His eyes lost their focus, his breathing
became even and steady. And then she began to speak, creating a new
world with her words. A world where he knelt at her feet, a world
where he prayed to her and felt her presence. A world where her
spirit enveloped him, filled him. And then, when she was ready, she
said the final word and gave birth to a new creation. He gasped once
and then his face took on a look of angelic peace.
Marquesa looked up at the Doctor inquiringly.
“All of his vitals are steady, My Goddess.”
Marquesa nodded. She caressed his cheek one last time and then
pressed the button. His drawer slid back into the wall. Marquesa
closed Her eyes and placed Her hands on the wall. She felt the
prayers rising from each of Her worlds. And She felt the newest
addition to Her choir of praise. One more voice raised in worship of
the Goddess.
MISTRESS MARQUESA’s PLEASURES-percolating postscript:
alan ross learned to ETERNAL LOVE worshipping Me. All My VIDEOS & AUDIOS draw you closer to Me. Nevertheless, I well-built each of these recordings specifically to enhance our pleasures from your DEEPER AND DEEPER devotion to Mistress Marquesa:
alan ross completely surrendered to Me everlastingly. If you haven’t succumbed to the thrills of submitting to My HYPNOTIC SURRENDER premier trance training audio, OBEY ME, DO IT NOW!
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