Las Vegas is an unusual town. Everything is excessive: Money… Lights… Women… Entertainment… Gambling… Sex!
On this night the excessively beautiful, excessively mesmerizing, excessively sensuous Magnificent Mistress Marquesa was there too.
As the beautiful blond walked into the gaming room She saw Christopher sitting at a poker table playing against one man. A casino dealer distributed the cards in a game of seven card stud. Several sexy women stood around Christopher watching the game, hoping he would “choose” them.
The pile of chips in front of him was huge as he pushed what looked like $50,000 in chips to the center of the table and laughed. “I call you ‘pahdnah’,” he almost shouted in a pronounced Texas accent.
His opponent carefully examined his own hand, perspiration dotting his forehead. Using his left hand to hold his cards, he wiped his sweating palm on his jacket pocket and then switched his cards to the right hand, drying the sweat from his left hand on the opposite pocket. Momentarily he looked into Christopher’s eyes for a sign.
Nervously he pushed all his remaining chips to the growing pile of money and whispered, “I bet it all.”
Without a moment’s hesitation Christopher smiled and matched the bet.
“Watchagot?” he grinned.
The sweating man turned over his hole card and showed a matching ace to the two aces and eights showing, building a full house.
Christopher grinned and rolled over his two hole cards: a pair of red sixes to match the pair of black sixes showing. “Fohah sixes, mah friend,” he said as he gathered in all the chips on the table.
Stricken, the loser pushed back his chair and started to leave as Christopher tossed him a hundred dollar chip and smiled. “Cab fayah, mah friend,” he said.
The man threw it back, saying “I’ll just walk, thanks.”
Christopher gave one of the women standing around him a long wet kiss, slapped another on the butt, flipped the refused chip to a cocktail waitress and ordered a drink.
Then he saw Her!
His mouth went slack. The Magnificent Marquesa — blond, sexy hair falling free, stood on the other side of the table. She was dressed in a tight, form-fitting black dress which accentuated Her full, lush breasts, Her slim waist and Her sensuous full buff hips.
Her strikingly beautiful face was delicately white, Her lips full and red. To Christopher Her eyes were twin blue-green laser beams penetrating his brain. This formerly confident man stumbled on the words as he spoke to Her: “Can… can… can I get you a drink? God, you’re beautiful!”
She fixed him with Her most piercing put-down stare. “Yes, I’ll let you get Me a cognac and — I know — but it’s more likely that a Goddess made Me like this than a god,” She said as Her countenance quickly changed to a most sensuous smile.
Gathering his courage he asked, “Want to play a hand or two?”
“It just may be too rich for My blood.” She smiled as She looked at the pile of chips, calculating their value. “It looks like a little over a hundred fifty thousand dollars and I’m not carrying that much.”
Christopher looked at the pile of chips, the Marquesa, then the chips, then slowly again to the Marquesa. The mesmerizing blond knew what was coming.
“I’ll play you one hand of seven card stud… what’s on the table against one night with you. Are you game, little lady?”
She smiled mysteriously, “I should warn you, I’m very good with cards — card games and card tricks… especially card tricks. Are you sure you want to bet such a large amount?”
Christopher immediately thought of a line form the play “Guys and Dolls”: “If a man bets you that the jack of spades will jump out of the deck and spit cider in your eye do not put up the money, for surely you will end up with cider in your eye.” But he couldn’t help himself. She was so beautiful, he would give anything to be with Her.
“I’m pretty good at tricks myself, honey. Sit down and play with ol’ Chris.”
“Go ahead, Christopher,” She said as She eased into the seat across from him. “Tell Me the rules to the game and we can start.”
“Two down, four up, one down. Nothing wild. Best five card hand wins. You can deal.”
Christopher thought to himself, “Oops! Why had he let her deal? She had said she did card tricks… oh well, he would just keep a close eye on her.”
Closer than he’d ever imagined!
“Maybe we can play two games at once. No matter who wins if I turn over the Queen of Hearts you will go into a hypnotic trance. Do you agree?”
Now Christopher was laughing to himself again. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, but she was nuts!!! It was true… all blondes are air-heads!
One of the women — the one he had slapped on the butt — leaned over and whispered into his ear. “Be careful honey. That’s the Magnificent Mistress Marquesa. I’ve heard a lot about her, she’s dangerous!”
Christopher playfully slapped her on the ass again and said, “I’ll take mah chances. Deal ’em… but thanks for the warning Crystal.”
Since there was no betting the Blond Goddess dealt quickly. Two “down” cards placed before each of them. Christopher saw his. A king of spades and a ten of spades.
The “up” cards followed. In front of the Goddess an ace of hearts, a king of hearts, a jack of hearts, and a deuce of clubs. Christopher smiled as his “up” cards sat in front of him: the queen, jack, and nine of spades and the ace of diamonds.
Already he had a very high straight flush — in his mind he had won — but what about the queen of hearts? What if it really did put him a trance if she dealt it? He looked a bit nervous.
His brunette “slap and tickle” companion was focused on the cards as Marquesa’s lovely hands distributed them. Christopher suddenly breathed a sigh of relief as the Marquesa threw his last “down” card, the queen of diamonds.
She gave Herself Her last card and looked, for the first time, at Her hole cards.
Smiling confidently, Christopher turned over his straight flush and looked at the Mistress. “My game I guess. Are y’all readah to go with me honey?” He nodded to the brunette, “Y’all come too Crystal. This should be fun!”
Slowly, confidently, the Goddess turned over Her “down” cards. To go with the ace, king and jack of hearts was a ten of the same suit. Then She turned the Queen of hearts over. A royal Flush!
Christopher stared down at the cards in shock. The Queen of Hearts! He took a deep breath, looked at Crystal, turned back to the cards and gasped, “…oh…!” Then he became silent, gazing vacantly at the cards.
“Close your eyes Chris,” the blond Goddess said in Her velvet honey voice. His eyes widened momentarily, then blinked. Then his eyes fell shut. The crowd around the table was silent. They stared in amazement.
The blond Goddess stood up, walked around the table and then stood beside chris as he sat with his eyes closed. She gently touched his temples with Her beautiful hands and traced a soft, seductive spiral.
“My little boy-toy chris, you have entered a deep, deep hypnotic trance. When I turned over the Queen of Hearts you knew you must obey Me for I am your Queen of Hearts! you are aware of your Queen’s voice, you are aware of what is going on around you but you know you only desire to listen to your Queen. Isn’t that right?”
The entranced gambler nodded in agreement.
“It feels good to relax under My trance, doesn’t it? Somewhere, as if from far away, you hear My seductively controlling voice telling you to surrender your will to Me. My will is your will, My little boy-toy… surrender to My will… surrender… surrender… surrender…”
“Now you may kneel down before me on the floor, at My feet. Now open your eyes and look into Mine… My beautiful sexy, captivating green eyes… know that you are completely Mine, under My control… My boy-toy… My slut-slave… I am your Mistress!”
Her eyes took control of his mind and soul. Indeed, he was Hers! The Mistress glanced around the room. The crowd was silent, in awe of Her power. She noticed that the sexy brunette, Crystal, was standing very still, eyes closed, head hanging down, moving ever-so-slightly back and forth. She too had succumbed to Mistress Marquesa’s powerful will.
“you may join slave boy chris at My feet, crystal. Open your eyes and look at Me as I speak to you.”
As she fell to her knees, she too gazed up into the Mistress’ hypnotic green eyes, transfixed by their beauty and power, enslaved by Her stare.
“Let’s go up to your hotel room slave boy, it is much too public here.”
The Mistress snapped Her fingers as if calling a puppy and both of Her entranced slaves followed Her to the elevators. The crowd slowly dispersed — disappointed, horny, and yearning to see what happened next. Most hoped that some day they too might be enslaved by such a stunning Goddess.
As the threesome entered chris’ suite, the Mistress ordered the two hypno-slaves to stand facing one another. “slut slave chris, strip! I want you naked in front of crystal! And crystal, lift the hem of your dress until chrissy-boy can see your panties.”
Both immediately followed the commands.
“Sissy chrissy — look at crystal’s beautiful panties. Don’t you just love them? Wouldn’t you like to be her panty slave? Look…”
crystal began to inch the hem of her tight black dress up her pretty legs. Slowly, bit by bit, inch by inch, until just the edge of her silky panties was visible to the kneeling gambler. his eyes remained fixed on her legs, suddenly captivated by her sexy nylons.
“Good boy chrissy. Crystal, soon you will become a powerful force in slut-slave chrissy’s life. That is just as it should be. Women should rule over powerless, submissive males like chris!”
Crystal continued inching her skirt up right in front of his face.
Mistress Marquesa spoke softly to him as he knelt, transfixed before the brunette beauty. “Watch very, very closely. When you see Crystal’s panties you will be unable to look away. you will be excited by her panties. you will want more than anything in the world to look at and smell her sexy, fragrant panties.”
“Yes, her panties,” chris nodded.
“That’s a good boy chrissy, a very good boy!” She said to him as he smiled. he wanted to be a good boy.
Crystal was becoming moist. No man had ever worshiped her like this before and even in her hypnotic trance, she was excited. She wanted to control the weak minded male before her. “It is My right! I am a Woman!” She thought.
“The fragrance from your crotch is enough to control any man Crystal. Reach out. Control him. You are a Goddess. Control him… control him!” Mistress Marquesa whispered into Crystal’s ear, “Now!”
Crystal slowly put Her hand behind chrissy’s head and pulled his face into Her fragrant delta. At first he tried to resist but as he drew closer She overcame his weakening resistance with a gentle tug. He took one deep breath… and another… and another.
The Magnificent Marquesa then spoke to him: “Kiss her irresistible womanhood and breathe in Her powerful scent. Keep breathing, in and out — deeply — and with each breath fall deeper and deeper under Her Womanly power. Don’t even try to resist. Obey… obey… obey…!”
“Tell him Crystal. Tell him what you think about your new power.”
Crystal was breathing harder now. “chrissy, as you kiss and smell My panties all you can think about is obeying Me. All you can think about is worshiping My sexy panties. All you want is My panties. My panties are your life, your world. Tell Me you agree,” She said as She felt her power over him grow.
his response was muffled by the sexy silk garment, “…mufft… muftt obey You. Sexy.. panties… worship… obey… panties…”
Crystal looked to the Marquesa, “Is this what I should have felt all along, this womanly power?”
“Yes,” She quietly replied. “Now for post-hypnotic suggestions to your new boy-toy.”
“Sissy chrissy, in a few moments when I awaken you, you will not remember what happened here. But — My slut slave — you will remember your total addiction to Crystal’s Feminine fragrances. Any time you inhale Her panties, Her body, her armpits, or any part of Her, you will become weak… too weak to resist Her orders. you will be powerless to resist any of Her commands. your will to resist will disappear completely and you will obey her lovely voice without hesitation. you will turn your attention immediately to satisfying only Her needs and desires. Do you understand?”
As he inhaled Crystal’s Feminine odors he nodded in complete agreement. he was now a slave to Crystal’s panties.
“Wake up… both of you. Now!” the Marquesa said as She snapped Her fingers
Both blinked, but their reactions were completely different. Crystal smiled when She saw slave chris worshiping Her silken panties. She knew that Her relationship with him had changed forever. chris pulled away, suddenly aware that he was groveling at what he thought less than an hour ago was some cheap bimbo. he started to rise to his feet, a confused look on is face.
Crystal thought quickly and lowered Her silken panties and with one fluid motion She picked them up. Playfully She swung them in front of chris’ face as he blushed and his breath started to quicken. Closer and closer She came to him until She waved them just under his nose.
he spoke to Crystal, his new Mistress: “Your body, Your panties — i am so weak and powerless before You Mistress… command me! Please my Goddess, i am Your slave!”
Crystal put the panties over his head and pulled him over to the desk chair in the hotel room and placed him over Her knee.
“Never try to escape Me again slave boy. It is useless and it makes Me angry!”
With that She started spanking him, surprising even the Glorious Mistress Marquesa.
“Tell Me you love this!” Crystal commanded the lowly slave.
“ah love it Mistress!”
“Tell Me you love Me and only Me!”
“ah love You… only You, mah Mistress!”
“What are you, My little whore?”
“Your slave forevah, Mistress. Your panty slave forevah.”
“Well,” the Mistress Marquesa said as She walked to the door, “I’ll leave you two kids to play while I go to play some more poker.”
Crystal looked over to the Blond Goddess and said “But what about Your winnings? You left them on the table in the casino.”
Marquesa smiled broadly, “Oh, they know to save the money for Me. I come here often. In fact, My personal suite is just across the hall.”
As the Marquesa walked out the door, Crystal could see the brass name plate on the door across the hall. On it was inscribed: “Queen of Hearts.”
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