Entries by George


I have watched you put many men under your spell but I am sure you cant do it to me…I can resist

Goddess Marquesa smiled at George I am sure you’re right. You’re probably far too strong-willed to be under my spell.  There is one small problem though Your cock has a mind of its own, you know. It’s been listening to every word I’ve said. And I think that it’s very receptive to obeying and serving me, even if you aren’t. Read more…

Goddess Marquesa Takes Over the Town Phase 3.5 (Marquesa continues to enthrall the town)

My Dear Readers:  My silly sissy secretary arranged this story in the wrong order for publication.  Please read this installment of “Marquesa Takes Over the Town” before reading Phase 4.


Between her computer program and survey she was quickly taking over the town.  She decided it was time for a TV spot to ensure the entire town would be under her wonderful spell

Her first program hit the air At 8:00 promptly with a small blip, the every TV screen in town came to life. If people were already watching TV it changed to this channel. Translucent letters reading Marquesa Pleasures drifted across the screen in front of a swirling background. Soft music began leaking out of the living room speakers. The beauty of this program was it was special once you looked at it for five second you could not pull your eyes away Read more…

Goddess Marquesa Takes Over the Town Phase 4

Disclaimer: In this story the fictional character of Marquesa engages in the unethical behavior of using public funds for her personal enrichment. Such unethical behavior, be it by unscrupulous politicians, business persons, or anyone else in regards to the general hard working public is not to My liking.
I do not condone such behavior but enjoyed the rest of the story enough to publish it; BECAUSE IT IS THE AUTHOR’S FANTASY.
I would never use my hypnotic abilities do such a thing. It is NOT My fantasy.


Goddess Marquesa walked into the interview room knowing she was in charge…At the same time George a veteran reported prepared for the interview of a lifetime

George had carefully prepared his notes and had them at the ready he knew what he was going to ask.  He had put on his best suit and a nice red power tie that would look great on camera.  He looked over at Marquesa who was being attended by 10-12 people. They buzzed around her focused on her and only her. Marquesa had come to prominence when she won mayor of her town in a landslide victory she got 90% of the vote which was unprecedented for an unknown candidate.  She was beloved in her town and no one had a bad thing to say about her.  George had to admit the mayor oozed sex appeal. Read more…

Goddess Marquesa Takes over the Town Phase 3

Goddess Marquesa had a computer program she had used to seduce every councilman
and women who opened the link in her town.  She had control of them she also sent out the computer
program to every person with a computer but that still left a lot of people in her town
with free will.  So she came up with a new plan the marketing blitz Read more…

Goddess Marquesa takes over the town, Phase 2

Goddess Marquesa had a simple plan. As an expert in hypnosis programming she made a program and sent an email to all the council members who happen to be men. In it she said please review my latest tax proposal, and included a link. “Any feedback would be appreciated,” she told them.

Councilman Nathan looked at the email and clicked on the link. Suddenly the screen blinked, and then Nathan found himself surprised; and he was a man who wasn’t easily surprised, ever, but on the screen in front of him was a video of Goddess Marquesa sitting on a satin covered bed in a very sumptuous room and she was wearing a short sexy negligee. Read more…


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