Although its appearance suggests otherwise, a horny toad isn’t truly a toad and it does not possess real horns. And thanks to their camouflage, for various animals and plants [E.G. the Phasmatodea and the Venus flytrap] their looks don’t match up with what they’re really like. These are a couple of reminders that there are instances when something can appear very different from what it actually is.
In “The Big Bang Theory” episode, “The Tangible Affection Proof”, Amy and her boyfriend Sheldon have the conversation below:
Amy: Happy Valentine’s Day.
Sheldon: Okay. Shall we go to dinner?
Amy: Hang on. As you know, I had planned a traditional evening of romance and
Sheldon: Yes, and as you know, I planned to pretend to enjoy it. I’ve been
working on this facial expression all day.
Amy: And I appreciate your effort, but upon contemplation, I decided I was being
selfish. So, I cancelled our dinner reservations and came up with an even better
way to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Sheldon: What is that?
Amy: By doing none of it. No dinner, no romance, no gifts. We stay here, order a
pizza and watch one of your beloved Star War Trek things.
Sheldon: Really?
Amy: Well, that’s what you’d love, isn’t it?
Sheldon: More than anything.
Amy: Well, then, that’s what we’re going to do.
Sheldon: Well, I don’t know what to say. This is the most thoughtful gift that
anyone’s ever given me. And that’s including an amazing gift that I gave myself
earlier today.
Amy: I’m your girlfriend. That’s my job. And I know gift-giving puts a lot of
pressure on you, so whatever you got me, you can return.
Sheldon: No. No, after everything you didn’t do for me tonight, I want you to
have it.
Amy: What’s this?
Sheldon: Read it.
Amy: Sheldon Cooper, Caltech University employee information?
Sheldon: At the bottom.
Amy: In case of emergency, please contact… Amy Farrah Fowler. And there’s my
phone number. This is the most beautiful gift you could’ve ever given me.
Sheldon: Well, I thought, if I have a stroke or a kidney stone, who would I want
to share that with?
Amy: And you picked me.
Sheldon: It’s like you said, you’re my girlfriend.
Amy: Oh, Sheldon.
At first glance, many people would mistakenly conclude that Amy’s and Sheldon’s Valentine’s Day gifts to each other lacked even an iota of love. And yet, when viewed in their proper context, the love that aroused the giving of each present is crystal clearly easy to see.
Pondering appearances and reality motivated My question below. And I hope this query will stir up lots of wonderful replies:
??? Have You/you ever experienced or come across or heard about something that was very much aroused by love, Femdom sensuality, etc which many people would assume was completely disconnected from any of these marvelous things?
I adore it when fine folks send Me comments, questions, and suggestions inspired by something I’ve written, said, or done.