Entries by Not-so-Wiley Coyote

The Grace of the Witch

by not so wiley coyote

D.H. Lawrence claimed the novel was the greatest invention since the telescope because it wouldn’t let you tell lies and put them over. To get you to believe what happened in Florida may take a novel. I’m having some problems believing some of it myself. Read more…

Training by Audio Recording

I have almost stopped listening to the recording. I’m not sure why. If anything, its effect on me is stronger. When I do listen, I slip easily into that state where I am not intently listening to Mistress’s beautiful voice, I’m just concentrating on the feelings her voice evokes. Sometimes it’s like my body is completely empty and her voice–a single, perfectly formed word–absolutely fills it. I can tell she speaks softly, with her lips almost touching the microphone, because I can feel her breath as she shapes the word. Then it’s as if my whole body is that microphone, and her voice delicately pulses me right down to my toes. Read more…

The Proven Path Step 1; A Review of Mistress Marquesa’s Introductory Tape

August Derleth wrote a short sci-fi story I read when I was a teenager. I don’t remember the title, but it was about this beautiful alien who shows up on earth all by herself. Whenever she meets someone, invariably male, who stands in the way of her goal of world conquest, she hands him this stone she’s carrying. It is so pleasant to the touch, the man automatically begins to stroke it. The sexy alien talks to him about how pleasant the stone feels. I’ll bet you can’t imagine what happens as she does so.

WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! This tape could be the latest model of that stone!

The amount of material on the tape is formidable, especially considering it’s only 30 minutes— though you’ll swear it seems to go by in 5. Read more…


I ordered Soforia’s introductory tape at the same time I ordered the Marquesa’s and I finally got it last week. When I first started listening, I thought “bummer”. The technical quality is poor. There’s a loud background hiss and at one point she even hits the mike. Her voice is high and oddly cadenced. There’s not a lot of dramatic phrasing, so you don’t get much of an impression of the person behind the voice. She speaks in a slow sing-song, which is kind of boring–certainly not sexy. But it is very relaxing, and her visualizations were delightful. Read more…

ypnosis and the Causes of Coyote Behavior

When I first began these notes, I referred to them in my day planner as “HJ diary”. The HJ stood for Henry Jekyl. My thought was that Mistress Marquesa’s Hypnotic Surrender tape was the equivalent of the mixture Dr. Jekyl took. I was looking for a change in me, and it could be the catalyst that might bring that other personality out. There was the real–although improbable, I thought at the time–possibility that my personality might change permanently or uncontrollably as a result.
Our moods fluctuate from day to day. To filter out that “noise” from a deeper, more lasting change, was the problem. Back when my survival instincts were at natural coyote levels, I felt the short run might be all the time I would have to “high tail it”, as we coyotes say, to safe ground. So I decided it would be prudent to keep a diary of my feelings and compare them from day to day.
Did a lot of good, huh? Read more…


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