Go to a sex therapist! That’s what my very on or off girlfriend Serena said I should do to make her more on than off.
Everything was fine until problems at work and other nagging worries a few weeks ago joined with Serena’s sudden, unexplained absences. Now my “Love wand” appeared to be waning. This had happened in the dim and distant past. Things would start fine, then ZZZZZZZAP!!! off went the power and on came the stress and “Deflation”. And even when it worked better it would peak way too early. The more I thought about it the worse it got. According to my doctor, everything was supposed to be ok physically though.
So Serena gave me details of a “Sex therapist” that she knew. “She is very informal” she said. “She doesn’t run a practice anymore. But she sees people privately, sometimes. I have needs you know. You have to go. No stalling or argument or prevarication now.”
So I went to this big old house. It was a little gothic. There were actually gargoyle’s on the gatepost and half of me expected them to turn and watch me as I walked by on a long, sweeping, gravel path….
When the door opened I nearly passed out. “Serena?” I said.
It was Serena standing there large as life. But then a slightly different voice, in fact a totally different accent said…..
“No, you are close though. Didn’t Serena ever talk about her identical twin sister?”
Twin sister-I thought. Wow! This was heavy. But Serena had insisted and I would rather go ahead now than go back to the beginning searching around for other therapists.
” My name is Venusia” she said in a wonderfully crisp and businesslike yet calm English accent.
and this was the solitary difference. I quite liked it. Venusia looked very neat and imposing . She wore a cut off jacket over a shiny satin blouse with tight leather trousers. She led me through the hallway into a large room with a couple of chairs facing each other, a huge chaise lounge upholstered in velvet with dreamy looking red satin cushions, and a great big grandfather clock in the corner ticking away steadily.
She shortly came in with a notepad and ushered me to a seat opposite her. Her golden satin blouse flashed tantalizingly in the sunlight streaming through the windows.
She then asked a whole load of questions, after explaining that her therapy always involved physical contact between her and a client. She asked about my physical health, mental health, childhood, and then my fantasies. I stumbled a bit on this and continued to hesitate. But all of a suddenly, and I have no idea why it happened, it then all came tumbling out…
“I fantasize about very controlling yet calm ladies in long, black satin dresses” I said. “I particularly want to be captured by such a lady and well….put to sleep.”
She looked totally unfazed by this and added, “This is not uncommon. Do you know that Wagner had a fetish about silky material? Hardly storm trooper material is it? And lots of men, even very powerful men, fantasize about having their will taken away and then becoming totally sleepy and subservient in the presence of a lady.”
I was actually relieved. I then got up as I thought that this part of our encounter was finished and another appointment would be made.
“Now sit” she said, “I will be about an hour. In the meantime why not slip off your clothes and lay on this lovely velveteen chaise lounge and relaxxxx.”
I was startled, to say the least. “Take off my clothes? whuh-what ALL my clothes!?” I asked cautiously. I hadn’t bargained for anything like this.
“The very thing” she said calmly. “As I said, the methods that I use do involve physical contact. And I need you to trust me to care for you. What better way than being naked. Oh! and don’t worry, I’ve seen them all. And just as in humans the state of your manhood when “Asleep” has no major bearing of what it does when it is roused does it?”
“I suppose not” I said.
“Well, please disrobe now. Back in about an hour. Oh, and you may get relaxed and a little drowsy. But don’t fall asleep-yet.”
The yet bit interested me. What would happen next?
I did get drowsy. The steady, relentless, unyielding ticking of the clock; the comfort of the silken cushions; and the soothing whisper of the wind and tender caress of the afternoon sun all combined to lull and soothe me. But my curiosity kept my tired eyes from closing.
Suddenly the door to the room creaked open and the vision that I contemplated was breathtaking……… Venusia stood stern faced with shiny, glossy, ruby red lips and clad in a heavenly gown of black charmeuse satin which began at her shoulders where two halter straps traveled down to the twin silky soft pillows of her bosoms with gossamer clad nipples showing through. It proceeded to a Diamante belt that glowed and glittered and soothingly shone emitting myriad facets of light reflecting the balmy late afternoon sun. Her gown proceeded to an ankle-length skirt that shimmered beguilingly as she twirled her silky hair [held back by a band] and fondled her glittering and breathtaking bejewelled earrings.
She was not a therapist. Venusia was a feminine goddess of love and beauty who looked sternly and knowingly and confidently at me, inside me, and right through me.
“Now this is what you crave, isn’t it? I embody and reveal what you have desired. I am what provides the comforting yet erotic spark of your currently slumberous manhood. Behold! what makes you think of sensuousness and sleep in the very same instance. Well I am going to help you get more sleepy. Now, I am going to induce you to sexily sleep by hypnosis. Yessssss, hypnosisssss.”
I had not told her that I yearned to be erotically and soporifically mesmerized. But some way, somehow she seemed to know.
“Be not afraid, my little one. For I will bring you ssslummberr and pleassssure in the same measure. And you want this don’t you? Yessssssssssss.”
“Oh please do it” I meekly said.
“Now I want you to focus on me. Rest your eyes on this image of me” she said. “Starting with my beautiful earrings, I want you to see how they catch the light as I turn my head this way and that. Turning your attention to the left, to the right, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. See how they flash and captivate you as my ruby red lips utter calming words of comfort…
“Now let your eyes travel down to my breasts. Gaze upon them as my wonderfully statuesque, sexy body sways as I turn softly to captivate you with my earrings. See those firm breasts, those erect nipples drawing your eyes to them as the soffft, silky satin material–that tantalizingly yet restfully veils their promise–reflects the sunlight. My lusciously voluptuous breasts like sweet waves, like an oasis in a desert of sexlessness, like an elixir bringing your sleeping manhood back to wakefulness. As your eyes resting on my breasts grow sooo heavy, so tired, soooo relaxxxxxxxed…..
“Now let your ever sleepier eyes fall to the skirt of this dress, its piece de resistance. Se how it rhythmically undulates with the promise of my womanhood lifting the stirring body of your manhood higher as you grow more calm, more relaxed, so much more sleepy….
“See how the skirt sways back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Making you drowsy as you are transfixed. Feeling delightful, irresistible drowsiness pleasurably overwhelming, overpowering, overtaking, overcoming you. Feeling ssooo sleepy, sleeeepy, sleeeepy , sleeeepy. Impossible to keep those eyes open as you are mesmerized by the dress, especially by the skirt, especially by the skirt….”
I loved the way she said skirt. It sounded like “Skaaaaarrrrt” in her wonderfully cool and controlling English accent culled straight from the Ealing films of yesteryear.
“Just keep thinking of my hypnotic skaaaaaarrrt as your eyes close. My sweet, silken, black, silky, hypnotizing skaaaaarrrt.”
As my eyes flickered I heard her voice as if it was coming from a distant shore.
“Now I want you to visualize a scenario, my dear. You are alone in a large room at a ball. Suddenly, the double doors to the room in which you enjoy your repose are flung open by a woman just like me in a dress just like mine. She advances on you relentlessly saying “I want you” “I want you” “I will possess you.” See how I advance swaying my wonderful body before your eyes. Tantalizing you with my Skaaarrt, my angel, my soffft satin Skaaaarrt. See how it draws you to me. See and imagine and feel how you freeze in rapturous delight. I advance towards you saying “I want you, my dear one. I need to sexxxxxx you to ssleeep, to sexxxxxx you to sleeeep, to sexxxx you to sleeep.” Suddenly my soothing , yet arousing fingers are on your tender neck, my ruby red lips inches from your face. Sexxxxxing you to sleeeep. My darling, sexxxxxxxing you to sleeeeep.”
I was in heaven! And then she said “Open your eyes.”
She was right above me, her ruby lips kissing mine, her soothing fingers caressing the sides of my neck and my earlobes.
“This is happening now, my dear one, my sweet boy. My darling, little man, each endearment soothing and arousing you as the hem and length of my skaaaaart tease the zones in your inner thigh. The sensitive, stimulated, stimulating zones of arousal, of sexy mesmerism. Sexysatinsleepybye, my darling, sexysatinsleepybye. Sleepysatinsexybye, sleeepysatinsexybye, sleepysatinsexybye…”
This phrase came faster and faster as I felt all the tension go. And deep inside my spine I felt my manhood released from it’s exile. It sprang erect pumping and being caressed by the depths of this goddess’s womanly cavern of aroused passion. The words grew faster. It was like the first time , my first orgasm. The wonderfully exciting, yet calming, burning feeling. The mind and soul and my body locked onto completing a mission of sweet, orgasmic ecstasy. My voice deep yet suddenly whining like a child…
“That’s it, sweetheart. You moan. Quietly moan as you build up and up and up. My arms around you, my scented satin-suathed body and essence entrancingly comforting and coddling. But also arousing and stimulating and bringing you to the point of no return. Release! my angel. Release!!!”
I lost control. Five sleepy squirts and it was all done. I felt human again and very tired. Soooo tired.
“Rest now, darling……But still hear me and follow what I suggest as you go to sleep, sleeep.”
As he finally relaxed, his body shuddering into the next level of deep sleep, my demeanour changed. I took a chain from around My neck and attached one of My mesmerizing earrings to it.
“Open your eyes” I commanded.
He did, ohhhhh so helpless. “This is what I want” I said….
“you will not remember what I am to say now–will you?”
“Nooooo” he said.
“No MISTRESS!” I snapped.
“Noooo Missssstress” he compliantly said.
“you are such a fool for Me. But you are still one of many. There is no “Serena” your girlfriend and she doesn’t have an identical twin. She is, like I am , Venusia. Only one soul exists. I am her. But I am the real her. I invented Serena to get you.
“I search this land for vulnerable, yet virile men. I dispatch my fraudulent sister to befriend them, to offer love. But I always make sure that all of you come to me. Serena is my cool and aloof, but slightly more amenable persona, whereas I am the Dominant reality. Oh I don’t simply want to control men like you. I want to and will continue to own you as long as I choose you. you are not alone….”
I show him the photo album of My 20 “Pets”. “This is My life. This is My “Collection” of subservient but virile males who give Me sexual pleasure whenever I want, whenever I call. No commitment, just the same method that I have used to ensnare sleeping beauty’s like you there. But the best bit is….macho men types are always brutes and thugs. These meek, mild subservients are no such thing, yet their love-making prowess, especially when hypnotized, is a thousand times better. And this one is about to join the club.
“Now forget what I just said and sleeep, sleeeeep!”
He did. I love it when they fall asleep. Their tiring, drowsier, rest-filled eyes fighting their inevitable ensorcelling. The lust-launching limpness in all limbs and organs…..but one of course. I turn to him.
“Wake again, Angel. you will make passionate love to Serena when you see her. When she goes away though , you may feel “Deflated” in the manhood department. I will then send you an SMS message. It will read “Time for satinsilkysexybyes”. you will then know that on that very day you will see Me in front of your work wearing a satin skaaaaarrt, My darling. And you MUST just follow that sssatin sssskaaaaart to wherever it takes you. And when you get their and I whisper “Satinsilkysexybye” in your ear, you will be Mine forever……you will follow Me in whatever place to wherever the soft, undulating waves of My skaaaaart of satin worship guide you. And when you get there , your manhood will be ready to spring like a starving jaguar leaping out of a dark cave after sleeeep to consume his prey. Now rest, little tiger-man, rest until I call you sleeeeep!!!”
P.S. Dearie:
Do you like Venusia?
Does a REAL well-built WOMAN with a well-bred English accent make you say “Cheerio!” and want MORE? After clicking on either of her links, VICTORIA may become the QUEEN OF your HEART’S desire!
Venusia is a sex therapist. CLICK HERE AND VIRTUALLY EMBRACE AN EVEN SEXIER THERAPIST… and Therapist Victoria’s gallery
Venusia could be named for Venus the Roman goddess of beauty and love. There’s a BEAUTIFUL, BLONDE BOMBSHELL of a GEEK GODDESS you’ll ahim GROW to love
Or is the name Venusia from the very hot planet Venus? Speaking of HOT! and OUT OF THIS WORLD videos:
Kimmy, My Hypnotic Martian
Star Siren
The Woman in the Moon
Look here for more of Kimmy, more of Stacy, or more of Madison.
Venusia loves collecting men with the right stuff. For other fantasy women who share her desires and possess similarly irresistible charms:
The Collector
Space Station Orgy
Venusia created her identical twin sister Serena.
But she didn’t make up this real-life hot-bodied hypno-cutey Sirena & Her recordings
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