One day on the way home from work, I sat in the bus, dozing off. It had been a rough day, and a cloudy, windy one as well. I have an hour ride on the bus, so there’s plenty of time for a nap. And sitting there in the heat I closed my eyes and felt my breathing getting heavier and heavier.
And I fell into a dream. A spectacular scenario from probably 4000 years ago. Yet it was right now in the dream. I was standing in a kind of hall. There were pillars on both sides. And the hallway between the pillars was about 12 feet wide. There was space beyond this hallway, but I didn’t notice how far it extended.
I didn’t see any people on either side of me. But at the end of the hallway there was a throne. And on that throne sat a person. This personage must surely be a princess or a queen. As of yet, I did not know which she was. Though I did sense, it was a woman. And a powerful one too. I sensed that profound power in my entire being and essence. I was a proud man, of high and noble standing, and with an important mission to fulfill. All these things being so, I started walking up towards the throne to deliver my monumental message. The dress I wore, was either Greek or roman. A warrior’s skirt and sandals. I felt a hot wind softly kissing my feet and legs as I walked what seemed to be an endless isle.
Finally I reached the 3 steps leading to the throne. I kneeled and prepared to give forth the message I was commissioned and commanded to deliver. I looked upon her. Then and there I forgot all about my charge. She was the most beautiful woman ever revealed to mortal man. She was attired in a long white robe, but her arms were naked. Her black shiny hair was so long that you could not see where it ended in the shadows behind this wonderful and worshipful woman.
“What is your business with the Goddess, messenger?”
Her glow of power and her beauty had me paralysed. I heard her voice and I knew she had once spoken to me. But, alas, I did not dare to utter a single syllable of a solitary word. I felt like I was stationed in some kind of bewildering bell. In my mind I now existed in an ever expanding expansive empty space, where it felt like the universe had opened up itself to me.
No matter what I could have said to this surpassing sovereign, it would have made no sense at all . I had no message for this celestial creation. But She had things to teach me. I knew this in an instantaneous instance of lightning like enlightenment. I had not one iota of any idea concerning the content of the lessons I would learn from her.
In my entranced state of mind, I saw behind her what was at first a flickering light. And as it grew and rose, it appeared as a form. It was a huge snake. A giant python possessing one solitary pulsating ruby eye. It had normal eyes as well, but I did not see those at first. The snake’s non-pulsating eyes appeared to be the same snakelike eyes as those that serenely scrutinized me from the fascinatingly feminine face of the grandly glorious, gorgeous Goddess.
I couldn’t help staring at this beautiful pulsating eye, and it manifested a humming and tingle ling sensation in my body. And my mind went even more numb if possible.
“Since you can not talk, slave” the Goddess spoke and her voice came through very clear this time, ” I will show you what your business with the Goddess is.”
She made a small, almost unnoticeable gesture with her right hand. I found myself standing in front of her, with the ruby eyed snake still holding me tantalized. Another small gesture and I was completely naked. I didn’t notice before, but I had an almost painful erection pulsating in the same rhythm as the ruby above the Goddess’s head. Suddenly I realized that the Goddess was naked as well. That could explain my erection because now she was even more beautiful. Her large, full breasts had completely erect nipples. Around her waist she was as willowy as a wasp. She had not a single hair on her body. Only her head was beautifully covered with her long black hair. Between her long and lovely legs I saw her incredibly fascinating, completely bare pussy. It was somewhat moist, and at the top of her lips, another small erect nipple looked out between the folds.
She held out both her hands, palms pointing at me, and from them shot out two small strings. I was absolutely unable to move. I could not see them at first, but right before they hit me I saw what appeared to be fishing hooks at the end of these strings. They hit my nipples and I felt a burning sensation when they dug into my bare flesh. Suddenly, I was pierced through my nipples by little rings with strings attached. Somehow, I knew their purpose was for her to control me in some way. Another string was shot and I felt the same burning pain, only 10 times stronger, in my dick. And then I had a bulls ring through the hole in my penis with another string attached. Two more strings shot out and in my peripheral sight I saw more fishing hooks. This time they struck my ears. So now I had earrings with strings attached as well. All the time the ruby eyed snake had made me even more receptive and compliant to whatever happened to me.
Now I saw between the legs of the throne a long cane, like a walking cane with a curved handle, slowly approaching me. It just kept on growing in length, until it finally reached through my legs and behind me. Then it stopped and moved forward and I felt it entering me from behind. Though the cane was an inch thick, its insertion did not hurt a bit.
When I lowered my vision from the ruby, the look in the Goddess’s face caught me. Her lips had parted and she breathed heavily through her mouth. Her second set of lips had swollen and her third nipple seemed to be pulsating like my entire body.
I felt her reaching out to me through the strings attached to my skin and through the cane inside me. I also felt her pulling on the strings. As I slowly got closer to her, I felt the pain increasing where the rings were. I bid it welcome for it was different from the humming numbness. At the same time I felt an electric pulse in my anus. At first I couldn’t distinguish it from the cane residing there. What I felt could be the presence of the cane. What I was feeling could have been my anal muscles contracting in delight.
I floated up the three steps, slowly bending according to the strings direction. I realized I was closing in on the captivating, moist, and bare temple between the Goddess’s legs. I knew what to do. First I filled my senses with Her smell. When I felt the strings pulled, I oh so gently tasted her with my tongue. Her fluid melted through my tongue an entered my blood system, my brain, my nervous system. It was like a thick stream of burning lava and I couldn’t get enough of it. It took me over like it was her will entering me completely. And of course it was. I sensed her in every cell in my body. Nay, her body now. She was licking herself, satisfying herself . Ultimate pleasure because she alone knew how.
I felt the cane inside grow in width along with her rising pleasure. The end of the cane kind of grew into my dick with this incredible electric pulse.
I could not stop myself from licking her, even if I had wanted to. so the cane grew and grew in my anus and it became painful beyond anything I have ever known before.
I felt a scream rise from the pain. At first a low moan. It rose to my stomach, and I felt the pulse in my stomach like ear deafening drums. I felt her clit grow as She heard my moaning and it made the cane grow even more. My body was unable to resist the incredible sensation of blacking out. When my scream, before being a real scream, reached my solar plexus, I felt it wash out my identity. Her clit grew in my mouth, like a dick now. And my scream was growing too. The electric pulse, the size of the cane which was now almost 4 inches in diameter, at last released the scream.
Raw, hoarse, deep from the bottom of my soul (my mouth firmly fixed to her pussy) I screamed a long, agonized cry into her pussy. The sound came out her clit that grew into my throat and I couldn’t breathe. And just before I passed out, I felt my heart beating, pounding, and then stop. And for a moment total silence. And then I felt my heart beating again, but it was a new rhythm. Not one I was use to. And it suddenly hit me. It is her heart beating in my chest. From now on every feeling I will ever have will be her feeling, her will in me expressing itself through me. And I felt wonderful.
I finally met my Goddess and she accepted me. Always.
I woke up just before my final bus stop. I had this funny taste in my mouth. Nah.. it couldn’t be. It tasted just like sperm. I looked around the bus but no one seemed to notice me. And in my nose was this delightful smell of juice. It was pussy juice. Nah… couldn’t be. Just a dream. Or was it?
The End.
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