krystal3My dearie, get ready to enjoy my next gift to you.  I’m giving you something to enhance your enjoyment of all my recordings you have or will get.
One of my hypno-fans recently revealed they don’t devote as much time as they want to my recordings because they work all day with computers.
This revelation made me wonder:  “How many hypnosis-lovers treat my hypno-creations like they’re software?”
Certainly, you can download all my recordings onto your PC’s.
Absolutely, getting them over the web is the fastest way for you to enjoy how much DEEPER AND DEEPER HYPNOTIC HAPPINESS you’ll have each time you settle down and open yourself up to my video(s) and/or audio(s) you desire.
NONE OF MY MESMERIZING recordings ARE COMPUTER PROGRAMS.  You don’t need computers to look at and/or listen to what I’m captivating you with.  As you obey My suggestive suggestions below, you’ll revel in My hypnotically sensuous pleasures treasures even more:
SUGGESTION #1-  GET MY RECORDINGS ON DISK.  Rather than downloading my next recording(s) you crave to enjoy, order the audio(s) or the video(s) on DVD.
Be patient until they arrive.   Fantasize about the pleasures approaching your mailbox.
When the DVDs come, your hypnotically released anticipation, contemplation, fascination, and expectation will raise your hypnotizing pleasures in multitudes of ways.
SUGGESTION #2-   USE PC-INDEPENDENT PLAYBACK EQUIPMENT.  Is looking at your computer’s video display as pleasurable as watching your favorite TV flatscreen?
Is listening to your PC’s audio as enjoyable as listening to that stereo or home entertainment center you relish?
My pleasure partner, magnify your entrancements.  Take my mesmerizing DVD’s you received and let your really cool TV or stereo unleash even greater hypnosis thrills.
Enjoy what me hypnotizing you through this equipment does with, for, and to you.
Now say, “Lady Krystal Mesmer I will follow your hypnosis-enhancement suggestions ASAP.”
I hope you’ll tell me what happened after you followed my recommendations.  🙂
Lady Krystal Mesmerizing you MORE!