Copyright ©2000 Emerald Eyes
It is time for kirk to return to his small private cubicle for the rest of the bitter cold Martian night. He has spent a rather lackluster, uneventful day on the job at the huge Zoltek Chemical Conversion Complex minding the work and output of the robotized chips that control the production of the heavy water which will gradually fill the basin below to true oceanic proportions.
kirk is proud to be a member of the all-male slave battalion that was personally selected for this duty by the Supreme Goddess—the Chairlady of the Board of Directors.
Like each of his compatriot male slaves, kirk had long ago undergone an operation in which a tiny receiver with infinite battery life had been placed within his brain. Commands are regularly beamed into his consciousness through this receiver from a stationary satellite directly above his work compound on Mars. This orbiting satellite is in direct communication with the Mistress Command Center back on Earth.
Daily, kirk will receive commands through his brain implant telling him to go to work come morning; to return to his cubicle at night; to consume a vitamin-enriched microwave dinner; then to spend an hour of relaxation while under a hypnotic trance, receiving soothing words of submission to the Supreme Goddess as well as special commands in Her name that have been concocted the previous Earth Day on the giant central computer.
After receiving all his daily commands as post-hypnotic suggestions, he is removed from the trance to go to bed for his night’s sleep. Then he falls into a deep, relaxing sleep while enjoying a wonderful dream of submission, subservience and grateful obedience to the great Goddess and all of Her scheming, self-centered—yet very reverent and happy—super-sex subjects.
Like all the other slaves on Mars or on Earth, little kirk is owned by a most beautiful, deservedly vain and self-centered super-Sex Female.
Complementing each of the two battalions of male slaves on Mars (more on the work battalions, etc., later) are 167 of the most gorgeous sexy Females imaginable, whose mobile resort compound was located on a very posh beach of the heavy water ocean. As the level of water in the ocean advances, the lovely Ladies’ mobile resort gradually moves upward.
Once every nine Martian days, kirk is permitted a one hour audience with his lovely, demanding Mistress-owner to hear the marvelously concocted commands She condescends to give him permission to obey. kirk loves his Mistress with a burning passion. There is nothing She will command him to do for Her that he won’t do with a keen sense of gratitude. More than any Mistress who has ever owned him, She is truly the most deserving of his love, obedience and thankfulness! he is indeed a most lucky and fortunate slave.
We digress—briefly—in this story of slave kirk to give the readers of the 20th century a little background to better get an idea of the setting for this yarn.
The Supreme Goddess and Chairlady of the Board of Directors, as the democratically elected Supreme leader of the Sol System (by an overwhelming majority of the eligible Female voters of the System), has decreed with the passive consent of the Lactic Galaxy Parliament to rehabilitate the Planet Mars, the fourth planet our from the star Sol, to the point it can sustain a steady population of at least 250 million humanoids (25 million of the “Super-Sex” and 225 million supporting male slaves.
These values compare quite favorably with the current (the year is 7000 AD) steady population for the Mother Planet, Earth, of 600 million humanoids (60 million of the “Super-Sex” and 540 million slaves.) The ratio of 9 male slaves for every Female Super-Sex Mistress—who, by the way is, of course, infinitely more deserving than Her adoring subjugated slaves—has been a standard that has withstood the test of time for the last 5,000 years—since the days of the Magnificent One: the Great Pioneering Super Star, Mistress Marquesa de Sade!
To make this possible, Mars must possess vast oceans covering a minimum of 65 percent of the planet’s surface area. (On earth, the oceans cover about 75% of the surface.) These oceans must consist exclusively of heavy water (Deuterium oxide, D2O) for practical reasons beyond the scope of this tale. Also, an atmosphere must be created with considerable ozone at upper levels to screen out Sol’s ultraviolet light as well as even more energetic cosmic rays. Lower atmospheric levels must be rich in nitrogen and oxygen. Only powerful fusion reactors, as an unlimited energy source, are able to bring about these miraculous transformations.
What is the purpose of the male slaves in this wondrous age of unlimited energy and the unlimited analytic capabilities of the robotized chips with their 500,000 Mhz computational speed coupled to unlimited lightning speed memory made possible by temperatures only a fraction of a degree above absolute zero?
The answer is: almost none!
They theoretically could serve two important roles:
(1) A source of sperm for the preservation of humanoidity. Actually this role is virtually nonexistent, since the frozen banks of sperm kept by the Corporation are enough to supple the race with 2,500,000 years of pregnancies at the steady slave population level—even at the natural ratio of a million sperms per ovum fertilized.
Additionally these are highly-bred sperm cells each capable of aiding in the creation of an advanced Sex Goddess!
(2) As playthings and erotic entertainment for the Female humanoids who are their Mistresses! This, we must admit, is a valid role, as the Females do get tired of playing with robotic substitutes for the real thing.
However, to give the males some feelings of usefulness, they are “required” to oversee the robots who actually do all useful work. The theory is that at some point a robot will fail in his work in such a way that a real emergency situation will arise—then it is up to the male to find a solution for the emergency. In actual fact, however, such an emergency would be beyond the capabilities of the male to solve and, in any event, will usually be solvable simply by pooling the “brains” of no more than two additional robots.
Two slave battalions are now on Mars (some 1500 slaves each with a complement of something like 10,000 robotized chips apiece and some two-million metric tons of fusion reactor, computer-controlled chemical processing equipment—not to mention housing, life support domed capsules, chemical catalysts, etc., etc., etc.!) The project, you see, is vast and ambitious. The booster rockets to place this total payload on Mars staggers the imagination, especially by 20th century standards. However, with the unlimited power of fusion and the compactness and efficiencies available some 5,000 years later, the project described above was not only doable but was carried out with only a mild ripple in its impact on Earth’s economic resources.
Now, our hero kirk, is no ordinary male humanoid. he is a post graduate fellow of the Esteban Halcón School of Astrophysics and Cosmology at Cambridge on the Rhine.
he is using the “Theory of Everything,” involving the eleven dimensions of space-time, to check on the stability of the giant fusion reactor. None of the robotized chips have as yet been programmed with the complex equations contained in the “Theory of Everything” since the Chief of Robotized Chip Programming has deemed such to be a “totally worthless waste of memory space.”
Why he would take such a position is baffling to we mere humanoid males when memory availability and memory speed are limitless resources in our day and age. This would surely be a major oversight if it were ever to lead to an emergency so huge as to endanger the entire Mars Planetary Rehabilitation Mission. But we have been told that such an emergency is of an infinitesimally small probability with the advanced sensors and controls built into our Super Fusion Reactor, designed and built under the ever-watchful eyes of the Joint Advanced Robotized Chip Team from Los Alamos-Sandia Corporation and the U.C.L. Livermore Labs.
Be that as it may, it was our hero kirk who discovered a major flaw in the reactor design which, if not corrected, would cause the total annihilation of not only the reactor but of the planet Mars itself . . . and perhaps half of the sol System . . . killing all life as we know it on Mother Earth as well.
The flaw was such that within days it could lead directly and inexorably to the creation of a mini-”accelerated” black hole that would consume everything around it within a fraction of a second at a speed far exceeding that of an ordinary “passive” black hole, having nothing more than gravity going for it.
This would lead directly to an enormous explosion that could mimic the cosmic fury of the “Big Bang” that created the known—and unknown—universe some 15 billion years ago, but, of course, on a much smaller scale.
At first, after revealing his calculations based on the “Theory to Everything,” and his relatively simple-to-execute correction to the reactor design, there was great jubilation and celebration on Earth as well as on Mars where our hero kirk was stationed. he was lionized as the savior of humanoidity. To the Super-Sex Female contingent on Mars he had almost instantly reached a level of celebrity approaching that of a member of the Super-Sex itself. It was indeed a most amazing accomplishment!
kirk was treated to revelries seldom seen by members of his low animal-like sub-sex. The entire contingent of the Martian Super-Sex set vied openly—one against the other—to show little kirk special favors such as permitting him time to worship Them openly in the nude at Their gloriously lovely feet. That was poor kirk’s favorite pastime, confessing under Their lovely eyes and to Their equally exquisite ears his undying fidelity and grateful obedience to Their every suggestion, wish and command.
All the while he was openly exposed to Their demanding eyes as, between his soft words of submission, he could kiss and suck on Their flavorful, beautifully manicured toes. His very appreciative, rock-hard cock would all the while strain to its limits while dancing about in frivolous abandon to some exotic rhythm.
But alas, this was not to last indefinitely. Suddenly, the Chief of Robotized Chip Programming and the entire Joint Advanced Robotized Chip Team struck back at little kirk in all their combined fury. “A purveyor of false doctrine and a scheming, self-indulging sycophant, a self-seeking swindler and parasite on all Goddess-fearing humanoids.”
They claimed “he has violated all that is good and decent that was handed down to us 5,000 Earth-years ago by the Great Mother of us all, our One, our Only, our Super-Star, the Mistress Marquesa de Sade!”
“Rubbish!” was hero kirk’s reply to this fusillade from his adversaries. “i demand, in all humility, in the name of our Supreme Goddess, the Chairlady of the Board of Directors of our Great Sol System Corporation, to be heard in an open court of my super-peers of the Super-Sex to demonstrate to one and all the jeopardy that we were placed in at the hands of my sanguine detractors.”
kirk’s bold demand for a hearing in open court was duly granted by our one and only super Benefactress, our Supreme Goddess and Chairlady of the Board—as well as B&D and the equally wonderful S&M! his logic for such a hearing was overwhelming.
“After all,” She was overheard to remark, “we could all be joining the archangels in our galactic heaven now if he was indeed correct but unheeded.”
Without going into excessive and boring detail, kirk easily won his battle during the ensuing open court session where the validity of his calculations was proven “beyond a shadow of a doubt.” he was thoroughly exonerated and vindicated, while his detractors were sentenced to five years each at hard physical labor.
This episode quickly led to a formal invitation for our hero kirk to a private audience before the Supreme Goddess and the entire Board of Directors as well as the top tier Corporate Management Team consisting of the most beautiful, sexy, deservedly fain and self-centered Super-Sex Ladies of the entire Sol System.
The audience lasted one whole Earth month during which the ladies had a most exciting time treating an equally thrilled kirk to a most thorough experience of utter humiliation, shame, deprivation and unmerciful disciplinary whippings. Being under tight bondage with scant chance—while gagged and blindfolded—to behold the fabulous lush beauty of his tormentresses or confess his obedient submission to Their marvelous superiority, he bore up very well for the 120lb weakling that he was.
For the last week of this wonderful month he was freed from the blindfold and gag while his left hand was freed (he, being right handed) to reach his center of sexual fulfillment. kirk was most profuse in the praise he heaped upon his tormentresses as well as the gratitude he felt to be allowed such a fantastic opportunity to thank each of them for his eternal subjugation and servitude to Their Divine Wills. All the while he feverishly drank in the fabulous beauty and marvelous vanity They each possessed in profusion.
Indeed, little kirk was already in heaven! The archangels of the galaxy could wait. This was obviously much better than anything they could ever offer. he also openly said a prayer of thanks to the Esteban Halcón School of Astrophysics and Cosmology at Cambridge on the Rhine and its patron saints, Einstein and Hawking.
To this day, many years later, little kirk has been the only member of humanoidity’s inferior male sex to deserve the adulation and many blessings he received for one single altruistic act.
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