Happy Day after Halloween and first day of Nov! darling
QUESTION: What do you call a slinky lady ghost with an insatiable appetite for lots of new mortal lovers?
ANSWER: A man-haunter.
Lots of things are connected to Halloween and related events. For instance:
+ Trick or treating.
+ Parties and costumes for children or grownups.
+ Games like bobbing for apples.
+ Activities like telling spooky stories; pumpkin carving; or inviting a sexy, fun-loving, imaginative Hypnoteuse to a company or neighborhood Halloween shindig!
Whatever fun and games one decides to take part in, there are lots of ways to kick up Our heels and have a good time.
And to keep the good times rolling along: I feel it’s in the spirits of this season for Me to present you with a nice treat that will alluringly arouse your memories of Me over and overwhelming you in enticing ecstasies!
So you were wondering, “Lady Mesmer, how can i partake in and of the Halloween spirits of giving which You voluptuously unveil?”
ANSWER: **” Send Me a HALLOWEEN TREAT gift CERTIFICATE” using this www.amazon.com/gift-cards/ link.
You can even take that change you’ve saved up and turn it in at a COIN STAR machine (many are found at a market near you) and get an AMAZON.com certificate for me right then and there! My amazon address is
Let’s explore, enjoy, embrace, and enhance what trance-spirals as you stare DEEPER AND DEEPER into My invitingly ensorcelling Emerald Eyes enchantingly entrancing you enthrallingly, ever-increasingly, and everlastingly!
Eternally Entrancing,
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