The flight had been on time. He felt great. A long, deep sleep – despite his excitement. The stop-over in Paris had been smooth & the trans-Atlantic journey peaceful & calm. He’d stretched out on the vacant seats & slept deeply. Woken. Drunk some water. Mentally recited his ‘lesson’ 20 times [as instructed – as if he needed any stimulation his erection hard in his underwear – no tube to keep him in check. He’d enjoyed the feeling of arousal – a minor temptation…………….resisted.] Slept again. Woke as the Boeing circled LAX. Immigration & Customs no problem. He wondered if they’d looked closely at the contents of his baggage. Hmm. As Mistress had instructed, he’d brought everything. All the toys. Again he felt a thickening in his cock at the prospect.
Again, as instructed, he’d found a gents washroom & quickly shaved & freshened-up. Then, he’d fitted the slave ring & tube – pleasantly surprised at the minor difficulty of a growing erection seemingly reluctant to be contained. Just obey. Don’t think, just obey. All squared away. Now…………
He entered the concourse, aware that his heart was beating quickly.
‘I’m here. I’m doing it. I’m going to be completely enslaved & trained & brainwashed into sexual submission & obedience. As if I’m not already. Three weeks. Of obedience & submission. I wonder if I’ll last. SHE’s aware of my age. Said so. It suits HER. I just hope I suit HER. Now. Some cash. Then a cab. East Atherton. About half an houyr I reckon. Don’t telephone. Just arrive & obey. It’s why you’re here. To be trained. Completely. In total submissive sexual obedience. To the woman you adore.’
He felt himself beginning to recite his lesson. Like a mantra. Of obsquience & supplication. The act of acknowledgement of his lowly status calmed him & he strode with calm poise towards the cash machines. No need for a car yet. Mistress had told him that would be attended to later. “………….just enough cash for the cab. Recite your lesson from the time you get into the cab until you arrive at my door. When you arrive, ring the bell & kneel with your head down, staring at the ground. And wait……….”
His tube was tight around his erection. “I’m going to be HER slave. For three weeks. …rest of my life more like. France/ SHE says she’s excited about it………….I hope I just PLEASE HER. Just do what SHE wants. No matter what. Everything. Jesus! I’m so excited. I feel like a kid. I just hope SHE….. Too late now, Mike. This is it. Next stop, total sexual [and all other] submission & obedience. I want it. I really want it. But I am nervous. A seventy-one year old kid. Completely under the control of a woman he’s never met. Crazy. But sooo exciting. You only live once. I just hope I don’t disappoint HER too much…………
She saw him straight away. Quite tall. Very erect. [!!] like a British Guardsman. Ramrod. White hair. Pink face. Rosy-red cheeks. Can’t see those teeth. English clothes. Awful. New wardrobe for you my slave. Can’t have you out in public looking like that! Not with me. Shall I? Let’s see if he sees me. Mmm. Not bad. For his age. Quite slim. Not a hunk. No bod to speak of [I knew that – I’ve seen him naked many times]. Where’s he going? Ah. This is quite fun. He’ll come this way………
As he turned from the cash machine, he noticed a tall gorgeous blonde staring at him from about 6 feet away. Not smiling. But not frowning. Appraising. His heart skipped a beat & he felt his face flush.
‘It’s HER………… Isn’t it!? I’m sure………….. It’s…………… Can’t be…………. She’s lovely. Beautiful. That hair. Eyes. Wow, what a figure. Legs. Those shoes! Jesus! It’s HER…………..!
He hardly heard the word. A single word. Enunciated. Not loud. But clear.
He was on his knees, beginning to bury his face in her lap………….
“Stop! ……
Kiss my feet, slave.
Yes. Very gooood.
Now, look up at me.
Say your lesson……….”
Whoever saw this sexual drama could not have been but impressed. Possibly envious [female or male]. Involved perhaps. The sight of a well dressed, older man, greeting his Lady in a public place with such an overtly adoring, submissive, worshipful, penitential and above all, sexual gesture of subservient adulation and love could not have been more erotic. Husband returning to adored wife?
Lucky guy. Lucky wife. Mistress more like – look at those clothes. She’s rich. Bet he’s got a wife at home. Bastard. All men are….. He’s far too old for her anyway. She’s no chicken – but she’s wearing well. Classy. I hope I look as good as she does when………Hell, I wish I looked as good as she does right now. Bet she’s not his wife…..
Jesus what a broad. She’s breathtaking. His wife…………….? Maybe. Nah. ………..wouldnt greet your wife that way – I wouldn’t. Maybe if she was my wife I might. Lucky guy.
She, tall, elegant, blonde, with a glorious figure, statuesque, regal, accepting the act of homage from her thrall, her devoted slave [he, proud to be seen as such]. It was a tableau of the eternal power of woman, of the eternal subjugation into craved servitude of an ecstatically contented male.
She paused for a moment, revelling in the moment. She could feel her already-heightened sexual senses beginning to boil. Her head tilted back, her throat clear & white in a posture of controlled exultation. She knew! She knew! Total! Complete. How exquisite. Now she was acting on pure instinct.
Her green eyes bored into his blue, adoring gaze. She sensed rather than heard his declaration of submission, so earnestly declared. Still unsmiling, though filled with jubilation, she held his gaze for a long moment.
“Stand up. Follow me – walk behind me. Keep repeating your lesson – out loud. Do not look at anyone. Come.”
The fascinated by-standers [& there were several] watched with outright envy or fascinated disapproval tinged with a certain, unidentified emotion, as the divine creature processed regally with her attendant servile attendant in tow, from the concourse.
When they reached the sidewalk outside the building, she turned to him.
“Wait here, slave. Do not speak to anyone. At all. Close your eyes. Repeat your lesson silently in your head. Do not move until I tell you to do so.”
Without bothering to confirm that her commands had been obeyed, she turned & headed for the parking building.
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