Why didn’t I want to stop Sumurumus Jacobson from doing whatever witch’s trickery She was up to and casting her spell, or whatever the hell it was, upon me? Okay, I’ll admit it. I’m no Hugh Hefner or Wilt the Stilt Chamberlain. I am also not some Puritanically prudish yokel who fell off the turnip truck before it even arrived at the sticks whose residents considered the heart of Amish country more sinful than Sodom and Gomorrah, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Hollywood, Chicago during prohibition, and Paris all rolled up into one hideously depraved den of decadent debauchery. Why did the idea of being my mother-in-law’s mind slave and sex toy make my heart pound and my cock throb more than all of the erotic experiences I’d ever had all put together? I felt more relaxed than I’d ever been in my whole life. I was more nervous than a sentient turkey living in the United States in early November. Yet, all these conflicting or contradictory or paradoxical thoughts, desires, and emotions seemed to make perfect sense as I gazed into those eyes and was being lulled into some kind of waking sleepiness by that voice of hers now ringing in my brain and echoing inside my mind. I hung on each syllable of her every word. My wife’s stepmother, Sumurumus Jacobson, varied her cadence, changed her pitch, and employed different volume levels. There was no possible way for me to correctly anticipate what She would say next or how she would next say it. All I could do was follow where She led and float along whence She carried me.
“While you have been listening to My irresistible voice and gazing into My fascinating eyes, your eyes have slowly and surely become tired and heavy. Yes, your eyes have surely become sooooooo heavy and tired, and certainly become sooooooo tired and heavy, that all you wish to do is softly and quickly close them and go into sleepy, sleepy rest. You will not close your eyes, however, until I give you My permission to do so. My will is stronger than your will. Imagine yourself standing at the head of a beautiful and magical and wonderful staircase. This miraculous staircase has ten steps. As I say the number of each step, you will walk upon that step. On each and every step you will more deeply descend quickly, easily, and peacefully into the realm of deep, relaxing hypnosis. I shall count down from ten to one. With each number you shall inevitably descend deeper and deeper into deep, deep hypnotic hypnosis and mesmeric, mesmerizing, mesmerism. Ten, the soothing sound of My velvety voice is the only thing you hear in your mind. You know that My will shall prevail in all things. Nine, My ensorcelling eyes are all that you can see. You know you want to obey Me. Eight, it feels so good to let go of everything and surrender yourself to Me and to My words and to My will. You know you need to obey Me. Seven, on this seventh step you feel more wonderful than you have ever felt in the entirety of your previous existence. You know you must obey Me. Six, this sixth step reminds you that you have willingly and gladly surrendered your heart, your mind, your soul, and your body into My keeping. You know you will obey Me. Five, you are feeling more and more comfortable, more and more relaxed, more and more tranquil, and more and more willing to be submissive to Me, and only to Me, with each breath you take and with each and every word I say unto thee. My thoughts are your thoughts. Four, any kind of distraction you may experience will only enable you to focus even more and more of your concentration on losing yourself deep in My eyes and upon only listening to the sexy sound of My soporific and soothing voice. My words are your words. Three, now that you are standing upon this third step, any resistance of any kind at any time to any of My instructions will only cause you to go deeper and deeper into deep, deep, mesmerizing hypnosis. My instructions are your instructions. Two, you are now more relaxed and more comfortable and more open to My suggestions than you have ever been before. For you are certain that My thoughts are your thoughts, My words are your words, and My instructions are your instructions. One, now your eyes will gently close. Yet, you will be completely open and absolutely willing to follow My suggestions, comply with My instructions, and obey My commands.”
I watched My son-in-law’s eyes finally close. I listened to his breathing slowing down and becoming much, much deeper. I look at the mirrored wall in My living room. I alone can see My sexy, satisfied smile. My scrumptious subject surely and swiftly succumbed to My subtly spellbinding and supremely sinister stratagem of strategies. By occupying his eyes, My elegant, evil, awesomely overwhelming, and absolutely overpowering orbs established their occupation of his occipital lobe–and beyond. Now that he was firmly in deep, deep hypnotic sleep, I can admit this to Myself. I have to say he looked so cute, so very helpless, and so, oh my goodness gracious, damned sexy to Me right now. I’d always considered him to be quite handsome. When I met him for the first time, he was already engaged to My stepdaughter Mendi. Talking him down to his face was the only thing I could do to keep My desire for him in check and My sexual fantasies to Myself. It’s not right to be attracted to Your stepdaughter’s fiancé. It is absolutely wrong and eternally wicked to lust after One’s son-in-law. I have always been aware of his reluctance to really look at Me. I especially was aware of his reticence to gaze directly into My eyes. Maybe he was having a premonition of what such an action would inevitably lead to? Perhaps there is such a thing as male intuition after all? Who am I kidding! He was just scared of Me. Soon he shall learn that he had, has, and shall have very, very good reason to be afraid of Me, and My powers, and My desires, and My will. In the past I thought I might be reading too much into his little quirk. Once he admitted his desires for Me, that did it. I decided to yield unto temptation.
I have always been a very dominant Woman. I like to control things. It really turns Me on when someone trusts Me enough to let Me be entirely in charge. My new relationship with hotty, young, tender, and juicy Bradford would not be an exception to that rule.
It is time for the instructions of his programming in earnest. “Bradford, My dear, listen very, very carefully to Me. Whenever you hear Me say your first name and the words “MATRIARCH MAY I,” you will instantaneously and effortlessly go deeper and deeper into deep, deep, mesmerizing hypnosis than you have ever been before. Irrespective of where you are and regardless of whatever you are doing, whenever you shall hear Me say the words, “BRADFORD, MATRIARCH MAY I,” then you shall without fail go more deeply into deep, deep, hypnotic sleepiness and heightened suggestibility to Me than you have ever been. Now, I command you to tell Me what will happen when you ever hear Me say the words, “BRADFORD, MATRIARCH MAY I?””
It took him a little while to mumble out his reply. “I will be more mesmerized than ever before in my whole, entire life.”
Sumurumus spoke once again. “You are doing very well. I am satisfied. Now I will count from one to five. After I say the number five, you will be completely conscious. Your subconscious will always remember and shall never forget for any reason your irresistible and unbreakable hypnotic trigger, “BRADFORD, MATRIARCH MAY I.” One, you feel sooooooo goooooood when you follow My suggestions, obey My instructions, and carry out My commandments. When you do what I tell you to do, you will always feel better and still better and better still. Two, you know that every word My magical, matronly, mystical, matriarchal, and mesmerizing voice says to you is the total and absolute truth. You know, of a certainty, that you can always trust, and depend upon, My hypnotic voice of truth. Three, indeed you are becoming more and more aware of the world around you. Your trigger, “BRADFORD, MATRIARCH MAY I” will never fail to bring you deeper under the siren spell of My hypnotic power of persuasion than you were at any previous time. This trigger will be remembered, and shall immediately be acted upon by, your subconscious. Four, now you can begin to move. While you are in hypnosis My thoughts are your thoughts, My words are your words, My instructions are your instructions, and My will is stronger than your will. Five, now you are fully awake, you are completely alert, and you feel more wonderful than wonderful can be.”
I slowly open my eyes. Then I yawn and stretch. I feel magnificent. I have no idea why, but I feel really great. “What is going? Why do I feel so?”
Her son-in-law responded to his trigger exactly as Sumurumus had told him he would. This mesmerizing Matron had hypnotically bewitched many times more than Her fair share of men and women. Still, there was always a thrill the first time a new conquest was captivated and consequently conquered.
Now it was time to deepen and test the depth of his entrancement. “Yes, My prey, continue to quickly, easily, and peacefully descend deeper and deeper into the depthless depths of your wonderfully blissful state of entrancement. Now, dear boy, when you hear Me clap My hands, you will immediately return to your regular state of awareness. Once you hear the sound of Me clapping My hands, you will automatically come back to your full and waking consciousness. Nod your head and say “Yes” if you understand your instructions.”
He did as he was bidden. Several times did Bradford Sherman’s mother-in-law clap Her large, lovely, ladylike hands. Her son-in-law promptly awakened after each occurrence of Her action. Before he had an occasion to realize he was conscious once more, Sumurumus employed his trigger. His facial expressions clearly revealed the powerful presence of the waves of pleasure she intended him to experience. She was masterfully making sure he would be eternally addicted to Her pulchritude, to Her presence, to Her ability to summon forth the pleasures in which he reveled, and to Her power. Watching him surrender gave Her elation. Observing Bradford Sherman succumb gave Her a tingling sensation in her heart. Perceiving Her son-in-law’s submission gave Her wetness in Her most intimate and feminine and powerful place.
I hear my mother-in-law clap Her hands. My eyes are opening. I don’t remember closing them. I have got to find out what’s going on here. I open my mouth to verbalize my query. “What is?”
“BRADFORD, MATRIARCH MAY I.” Yes, son-in-law, deep sleep, deep, deep sleep for Me. You are doing very, very well. I am sooooooo pleased with My handsome pet. Now, when you hear Me clap My hands from now on, three things shall happen. First, you will open your eyes. Second, you will feel as you do when you are completely conscious. Third, you will remain totally under the absolute power of My irresistible, inescapable, hypnotic spells. When you hear the sound of My hands clapping, then your eyes will open, you will feel alert, and you shall remain My hypnotic slave boy toy carrying out all of My commandments and each one of My dictums.”
Sumurumus clapped Her hands. “How do you feel, Bradford?”
“I have no idea what is going on here. The one thing I know is I feel marvelous. Something seems to be telling me you, in some inexplicable way, are responsible for what is happening to Me.”
“Silly boy, of course I am responsible. It is the combination of Me and all your thoughts, emotions, and desires connected to Me. You never should have tried to ignore them or lock them away in some dark, dank, dismal dungeon.”
“Refusing to admit what I was feeling and what I wanted was the right thing to do. I am a married man. I have made a commitment to your stepdaughter Mendi. Sumurumus, you are My mother-in-law. These yearnings of mine are nothing short of incest.”
“Speaking of your desires, I have one question. What do you find physically attractive about Me?”
I was very nervous. In some strange way I knew if I expressed my points of attraction concerning my Mother-in-law, my life would not, and could never, go back to being what it had been. “I don’t think I should go in to that subject.”
“Oh, but you should. I want to know why you are attracted to Me. Now that you have My leave to express this taboo, now that you are aware I want you to tell Me, I think you shall discover that your real feelings on this subject are quite different from what you have just said. In fact, the more you try to resist complying with My wishes, the more you are compelled to do My bidding. I told you I am responsible for what is happening here and now. Silly, naive, adorable, little Bradford, you have no concept of what is transpiring even as I speak unto thee. You are in My power. I am a wise and winning and wily Witch. You are at My beck and call. Yes, I am a sensuous, scientific, and seductive Sorceress. You have fallen hopelessly and helplessly in love with Me because you have fallen under My siren spells. Yes, My precious pet, I am an enticing, intimidating, ineffable Enchantress.”
“There are no such things as witches or sorceresses or enchantresses.” I recalled My wife Mendi’s actions pertaining to her bewitching stepmother and my Mother-in-law Sumurumus Jacobson. I hoped with all my being that my pontifically and grandiloquently authoritative declaration would not soon be reduced to the pathetic remnants of a miserable heap of dust and ashes and the vain and empty prattling of an unlearned know-it-all by Mistress (mistress, I’ve never had a mistress. Why did I think up the word, “mistress?” She is Mrs.) Mrs. Sumurumus Jacobson.
I smile at Bradford. For a highly intelligent and very successful man, he can be so conspicuously and completely clueless concerning some of the most significant things in his life. My smile grows even broader. Now is the right time for Me to teach him the proper order of things and his actual place in the hierarchy of this universe in which, until now, he has only existed, in which we are living, and in which I reign over him.
I need a thoroughly and conspicuously convincing demonstration of My power. I review My interactions with My son-in-law. I recall Bradford’s almost painful shyness when he is in My company. He has never even unbuttoned or unzipped his jacket when he was around Me. That gave Me ideas. I elected to temporarily postpone the satiation of My desire for that harmless, little game. For now, I will simply make him divulge that juicy piece of information he wishes to keep from Me. I know his desire to hold on to this morsel of data symbolizes his male desire and macho need to resist the potent powers of My irresistibly, inscrutably, and indomitably fiendish and fascinating femininity.
“Bradford, now you shall give Me the information I have requested. You will tell Me which of My physical characteristics have attracted you to Me. You will immediately obey My command. For My will is stronger than the remnants of your will.”
“Your hair and Your legs. You have the most beautiful hair and the sexiest legs I’ve ever seen.”
Now that I knew what turned him on, I would quickly use these two tempting tools of My trickish trade to multiply his mesmerism by, ratchet up his reverence for, increase his adoration of, and deepen his devotion to, Me–his mother-in-law Goddess. Sensuously seducing along with sexily and sexually spellbinding One’s son-in-law is so very, very wickedly wrong and very, very wickedly wicked. “I! love!!! it!!” I repeatedly say in My mind.
Madame Sumurumus Jacobson slowly, gracefully, majestically, and coquettishly arose from the sofa. “Gaze upon Me, Bradford” She commanded. The unquestionable and unassailable dominance of Her hypnotic spell over all his faculties was superfluous when it came to his heeding this latest of Her requests posthaste. “Listen well to all I shall tell you. Bradford, soon I will come to you. You will never take your ensorcelled eyes off Me during My approach. As you feast your sexy eyes upon My mesmerizing movements, your passionate desire for Me shall grow with each moment that passes. While I am nearing you, your entire body will become heavier and heavier. As I walk around the room, ultimately arriving right in front of you, each part of your body will feel increasingly heavy with each step I make and with every moment that passes. If you attempt to move any part of your body, the whole of your body will feel it is becoming heavier and even heavier and even heavier still. My voice is the voice of truth. As your body is becoming heavier, it will also become more sensitive to the sense of touch. Your body will become more tactilely sensitive, while it is becoming heavier than it has ever been before. You know of a certainty that My siren voice is the voice of absolute truthfulness. These two things I have told you of shall continue to happen, until you hear Me clap My hands. Your body will become heavier and also more sensitive to My touch, until you hear the sound of Me clapping My hands. You know that all I tell you is the truth. For Myyyyyyy voice, yes My siren voice, is the voice of all that is perfectly right and absolutely true. Do you understand?”
Sumurumus heard his groggy, mumbled assent. It is said that, “A straight line is the shortest distance between two points.” The Junoesque Mother-in-law’s journey, which culminated with Her exceptionally long and shapely legs straddling Her son-in-law’s knees, did not take advantage of this ‘vox populi’ maxim. At times She moved closer to him. On other occasions She backed away. Sometimes She walked in a straight line. In other instances She moved in circles, spirals, triangles, and other geometric shapes. At some points in time Her strides were long and purposeful. Such steps were designed to reveal the entire length of Her exquisitely and exceptionally leggy legs. When it struck Her fancy, She took the tiniest of steps. On a couple of occasions She sat down and crossed, uncrossed, then recrossed Her gams. There were times when She stood motionless before him.
Now this is really weird. Why can’t I move, I silently ask myself? Maybe all I need to do is try a little harder. Is there something wrong with me? When I try to move any one of my body parts, all of my body feels even heavier than it did. I am staring at Sumurumus. She is sooooooo gorgeous. I really enjoy looking at Her. I’m beginning to have a hard-on. She’s coming closer. No, now she’s moving away from me. She’s back on track again. What is She up to? She’s walking in circles, no squares, no that’s a triangle. She’s sitting down. Watching her cross those legs makes my manhood tingle. Why is she taking such small steps? I want Her more and more. Why is She just standing there winking at me? This has got to be some kind of game. I don’t even know the rules. Mrs. Sumurumus Jacobson, my mother-in-law, is bare-legged today. The short, clinging dress ‘sans’ hosiery of any kind look has always gotten my juices bubbling and flowing. Why is She taking so long to get here? Now She’s posing on one foot. What makes me think Her goal has anything to do with reaching me? Is this some kind of dirty trick?……..to be continued…
End Part II
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