Amateur Dramatics, so thats what his favourite clerk at the bank he had just started at got up to in her spare time. More than that, when he showed an interest she had given him the synopsis of the storyline of a play that her and her “Thespians of Venus” Theatre group had written and were going to perform. They were all women, they needed a man.
There were hardly any men at the bank. And those who were there seemed to spend their days in a kind of docile daydream. He was curious when, on one occasion, Ms Mesmer, his immediate manager, strolled up to one young man when he seemed to be getting “Out of line” with a female colleague. He watched her place one arm on his shoulder and subtly dangle a sparkling emerald pendant in front of his eyes as she whispered in his ear. It was as if he was then anesthetized by some unknown force which seemed to irresistibly compel His eyes to glaze over. She then took his arm and led him away, still whispering quietly in his ear. She shot a cold look to anyone watching this “Just carry on with your work please” was all she said.
He read the synopsis and was approached by the tall Raven-haired Anastasia–as usual immaculately dressed in a tight, split, cotton skirt. He heard the swish of it’s silky satin lining against the frilled silk slip beneath and looked up at her green bank issue satin blouse with a bow at the top with a soft silk scarf tucked around it. He loved her wonderfully crisp English voice.
“What do you think?” she said.
He thought it was quite something. It featured a young man who stood to inherit a fortune. He is introduced to Madame Mesmeriana at a party. She introduces him to her niece Charmeuse, who Anastasia eagerly said would be played by her. Later the Aunt drugs the young man and starts to hypnotize him. He is compelled to return again and again as she induces him to fall helplessly in love with her niece. Finally she arranged a wedding and invites him for the preceding weekend hypnotizing him more than twice a day. The wedding day comes but one of the guests inadvertently breaks the spell. The groom doesn’t really know whats happening. He flees after the ceremony. He wants to escape as he thinks he is going mad . Why has he married this woman? What forces are at work here? Thinking that the niece has hatched the plot, he seeks the support of her aunt only to be lured into a trap. The aunt seeks to hypnotize him again in order for her daughter to consummate the marriage. He has been up all night so this task may be easier….
“I like the trap bit” he said.
“Well why don’t you come and re-hearse it. Try your hand. Don’t worry about lines or anything else. I’ll provide cue cards and everything. Our manager plays Madame Mesmeriana, by the way, so she’ll be there as well. weve been loaned a whole apartment to practice this scene with some of the props.”
“Sooooo, I am supposed to be hypnotized?”
“Oh yes, you are to be deeply hypnotized” said Anastasia. “Also, to give some reality you might like to stay up at least half the night the night before. Just so you can really show that you are trying to resist but failing. To convince everyone this is real, the best way is for you to feel like you are actually being entranced by Madame Mesmeriana and Charmeuse AKA Ms Mesmer and me, your Anastasia.”
“Tell me” he said “Isn’t there a film, an old film, where an evil aunt in a black dress hypnotizes a young girl to marry a guy?”
“Yes, you are thinking of Gail Sondergaard in the Road to Rio. Ahhhhhhh! but this is a bit different though. Why should young women always have to be submissive?”
“I loved that scene where she sits with the niece until she’s asleep then pulls out that huge pendant and starts swinging it. I love the camera angle when shes sitting over the girl looking down on her. She’s part predator but kind of comforting. I remember the girl’s eyes looking sooo sleeepy. I used to wish I was her.”
“Well now you may get your chance-in a different way. I’ll see you captivated tomorrow”
The next day, he was falling on his feet. Because Anastasia suggested it, he had been awake most of the night. In addition to following Anastasia’s advice, to the very letter and spirit, he was just so excited about the prospect of being part of some kind of crazy film noir hypnotism-esque experience.
He approached the apartment block where the entrancing scene was to take place in eager anticipation. His whole body was practically quaking. Bewildering questions overran his tiring mindlessness. Would he feel sleepy? Would he feel arousal? Would he feel comforted and cared for? In the dreams of hypnotic sleep of his early youth he imagined a stern lady in a liquidly, languidly figure-embracing satin gown saying “You are sooooooo sleeeeepy my young man. Relax and keep watching my soothing, sweet pendant. Just rest and sleeeeeeep, sleeeeeeeeep, sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.”
He entered to see his manager and Anastasia. Anastasia eagerly shook his hand…
“Oh my sweet darling, youre nervous. Don’t worry. This is after all merely theater.”
“Now you know our “Beloved” manager. You may now see her differently. But we all need to get into character. The improvised dressing room is to the right for little boys.”
She handed him a silk dressing gown.
“Now put this on. Remember, you have just bathed having been in the woods all of the night and the day. We will also put on the attire that focuses attention on feeling the realities in our hypnotizing scene. Why, you could look like Noel Coward in that sweet gown.”
He did as he was asked. He then heard Anastasia say “Well done, darling. Now go to the right and enter the bedroom and sit on the edge of the bed. We will enter soon.”
He again did as he was asked. He entered a sumptuous suite with deep pile carpets and soft light. But it was the bed that captivated him. It was wholly swathed in sweet, soft and erotically, hypnotically suggestive, rippling and slippery, red satin sheets topped with soft, beautifully frilled, inviting pillows. It was all that he could do to hardly restrain himself from just snuggling down and giving in to the ever-present, femininely scented, satin-clad arms of a female Morpheus waiting to drift him off to sweet, satin, sexy, sensual, sleepy, soothing fairyland….
Suddenly , the in character very attractive figures of his villainously villainess-like, mesmeric captors wafted their silky satin-clothed presences into the bedchamber.
“From now on, I am Madame Mesmeriana” said his Manager swathed in softly shimmering and darkly mesmerizing black satin–tight at the bosoms and swaying loosely at her well-turned ankles. A huge diamond pendant bobbing gently within her bountiful, balmy, calmingly beckoning cleavage.
“From now on, I am Charmeuse” said Anastasia whose raven hair was now blonde. She was clothed in a bedazzling, shiny satin wedding gown–not a marshmallow gown–but a figure-hugging, beguiling icon of matrimonially seducing satin silk sweet paradise…..
“Now to our scene” said Anastasia.
His Manager, now in her new and utterly captivating incarnation as the villainous but softly soothing Madame Mesmeriana, sat behind him and gently massaged his neck…
“You are confused, dear boy. You married my niece, Charmeuse, today. You proclaimed undying love for her. Yet you ran away. You are not well, my little pet. You need a little rest, a little sleep. I know you think something is wrong. But it’s you, my dear one. You have been working toooooo harrrd, my sweet child. You need to relaxxxxx, relaxxxxxxx!”
As he felt her fingers caress his neck he did feel calm. But this was really only a play. Why not go with it and relax a little more as Madame Mesmeriana had suggested? why worry?
Charmeuse sashayed sweetly towards him. He found her virginal white gown utterly mesmerizing. She softly swayed her hips as she approached him. He wistfully beheld a controlling look in her lovely eyes as her hands clad in silken opera gloves beckoned his weary eyes to stare at the clasp between her breast was a set of diamonds set in concentric, mesmerizing circles.
Madame Mesmeriana hypnotically continued bewitchingly weaving the inescapable, silken strands of her soothingly satiny, sirenic spellbinding. “Just look at that dresssss, my darling. Remember how it captivated and inraptured you earlier today. See how it’s silkenly dazzling sweet opulence absorbs all your attention. Watch as the in and out reflection of light in the clasp at the centre of those sweet bosoms guides your eyes to the soft swaying of the white bedazzling waves of the satin sweet ocean of her dresssss. Her dressssss, darling, like sleeeeep. Everything surrounding you is like the word sleeeeeeep. Even me saying the word “dressssssss!!” is ssso feminine, so beguiling, so lullaby hypnotizzzzzzing you ever deeper. All around you is soothingly making you so sleeeeepy, sooooo restfully sleeeepy.”
Suddenly he saw a cue card. He had to remember to say “I am beguiled and ensorcelled. Charmeuse is putting me to silken sexxxxy sleeeeep, silken sexxxxxy sleeeeep.”
“That’s goooooood, my drowsier darling. Now as that dress inexorably advances on you, preparing to envelop your sweet! sweet head in silken satin, sensual, sexy dreams, you feel your manhood growing hard. You want to make love to pretty, satin-charmeuse, don’t you? Make love and release before you sleeeep. Consummate carnally your matrimonial Mesmer-marriage and then sweet, satin, soft slumber, my good, little boy.”
Another cue card
“I must consummate my marriage to my wife Charmeuse then sleeeep, ”
Finally he felt his eyes roll back as Madame Mesmeriana laid him on the raunchily red but sweetly, gently soothing red satin bed as Charmeuse–or was it his dream woman Anastasia–advanced upon him. When she, at long last, reached him, she lovingly and yet lasciviously ran her hands gently and hungrily over his chest and neck. Then her feminine fingers soothingly and stimulatingly glided down, deep down to the theatrical man wand of endless millions once this Mesmer marriage was sealed with passionate silky release and sleeeeeeeep.
He wasn’t sure of what happened next. Somehow, blessedly, reality and theater had beguilingly blended into enchanting ecstasies. He did not know whether or not the wonderfully silky lady who urged him to thrust his aroused yet mesmerized manhood against her love cave of languid lullaby, sweet, silken promise was part of the theatrical experience or realizing his most vivid dreams come true to life? He wondered whether or not his memory of nestling against soooooo sweetly, satiny silken, enveloping bosoms that simply made him feel ecstatic and obediently orgasmic as his eyes rolled up into the billowing satin sheets that had become his semi or wholly unconscious satin silky paradise was real? He wondered whether or not the gentle fingers that urged him to CUM again and again were real? …… He wondered whether the gentle, cooing, soothing voices that snuggled his tired, exhausted frame into the cocoon of silken sheets were real?
But then he became past worrying. The worried part of his head was simply stunned, subdued. He was soporifically and soothingly and sleepily succumbing to his skin nestling against oh so slippery but perfumed and dry satin fabric. A smile of unparalleled satisfaction covered his face. Soothing fingers wandered all over his tired neck. Sweet, caring , yet oh so commanding female eyes watching over their hypnotized man boy. In those inviting eyes were expressions of dominance interspersed with expressions of sweet, loving control. He was now their little man-boy forever blissful.
He woke with a start in his office with …… and Anastasia looking down on him.
“Well, my sleepy baby, you acted well. You were really hypnotized. We did it just so you know your place in this financial institution. This has been a place of mesmerizing matriarchy since it was formed. Here is an escape from the male dominated financial institutions that you are used to. We just wanted to put you in your desirable place. You are one of our team now. Don’t worry though, because you will be looked after and pampered–like all good, little boys want. You will want for nothing as long as you are ready when we want you. Now don’t even think of attempting in vain to resist. We have really hypnotised you and introduced trigger words that will ensure you meet our requirements.”
Later as he thought of writing his resignation, Ms Mesmer passed him and softly nudged him into a stationary cupboard. Anastasia was waiting alluring him in a prim cotton skirt and half hidden inviting slip swaying before him. A bejewelled clasp at the bosom of her satin blouse beckoned his desires.
“Hypno hubby time, darling, satin sleepy byes” was all she said. His head, with eyes rolling, fell submissively against her bosom.
“Perfect” was all she said
The way some people act, it Krystal clearly looks like they’ve been hypnotized by money. And some salespeople appear to exercise a mesmerizing influence upon their clients.
Here are a handpicked treasure chest of sizzling videos.
In some wonderful way(s), each pleasurably voluptuous video sensuously reveals how captivating money and attractive women who know how to HANDLE *ahim* IT are:
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