Chapter 5
Several weeks had passed in the Miasmo mansion. She had trained and overseen Leila’s new fitness program. Her bodybuilder’s body was now even more muscular and sculptured to Miasmo’s tastes with hypnotic techniques and body enhancing drugs employed to further these ends. Miasmo’s two new girl slaves had been kitted out with erotic French maid’s uniforms. The slave boys had been trained to cum on command or to be in hours of orgasmic denial, yet forced to watch Leila perform in lesbian trysts with either or both of the two maids.
Miasmo had also trained the boy toys by using an electro-stimulation device which used micro-shocks to induce an erection and then to rapidly bring about an orgasm. Thus linking this treatment many times with hypnotic suggestion, she could either keep the young men in denial or merely issue a command to bring about almost instantaneous erection and climax. Occasionally, whilst smoking a big Cuban cigar, Miasmo would masturbate the boys with baby lotion. Her slick and slippery manipulating hands bringing them close to orgasm while she held the cigar between her teeth or had one of the slave girls hold the cigar for her to smoke. She would manipulate their cocks until she had finished the cigar, stopping close to their orgasm point many times in the process of denial. Sometimes she would do this with the boy toys held by invisible hypnotic bonds securing their wrists and ankles. Then she would free their minds, but, unable to move they were forced to experience all that went on. She manipulated their dicks relentlessly until they were almost coming. Then she would stop. Their cocks would quiver and tremble in midair as she let go. She would smoke another cigar to torment the slave boys. Then as her wrists ached she would have Leila wank them again and again with her strong, muscular hands. The torture and torment on the men’s faces delighted Miasmo to no end.
Other humiliations followed–like feminising the slave boys and hypnotically convincing them that they were slutty girls. Then dressing them accordingly in tight corsets, black fully fashioned seamed stockings, and high heeled shoes. Tight dresses followed, then sexy makeup, and wigs. Hypnotically conditioned as whores, she would send them out to work the streets. They had to make a buck for Miasmo every now and then.
They all lived under Miasmo’s hypnotic control. All had daily trancing sessions and their subconscious minds opened up to her suggestions whenever she required their full attention.
Miasmo had taken note in the local paper of a Female bodybuilders competition and exhibition at the City hall and had decided to attend. She elected to take her small band of followers with her to the event. The day of the event arrived and it was time to prepare to leave. She had her slaves join her in the lounge. Miasmo was smoking a big Punch double corona cigar as she gave her orders. She had Leila dress in a tight leather cat suit and extremely high heels. The two girls were also dressed to the nines in tight mini-skirts, fully fashioned stockings, and high heeled pumps. She decided to leave the two slave boys at home after all and commanded them to sit and watch porn movies and to wank continuously. But she added to their programming that whatever they saw and no matter how turned on they were they would find it impossible to cum.
Leila drove the car to the evening’s event while Miasmo sat in the back of the big limo with the two girls. She had each hand up one of the girls’ skirts, playing with their pussy lips as they drove along. Each girl had a Romeo y Julieta cigar in her hand. Miasmo had taught all the females in her collection the art of cigar smoking. Even Leila smoked a Particas Luscitania double corona as she steadily drove the car to the big hall in the centre of town. The two girls moaned as Miasmo continued to manipulate them to orgasm. The Mistress was linking the wonderful power of the cigar smoke to the ecstatic feelings they were experiencing between their legs.
By the time they arrived at their seats in the auditorium, the two slave girls were more than sexually satisfied. Leila looked terrific in her cat suit and sat next to her hypnotic Mistress. Miasmo’s protégé looked as if she could win the competition all by herself. The lights in the auditorium dimmed and the MC came onto the stage to introduce all the competitors. Twenty-five female bodybuilders paraded onto the stage. Their finely sculptured, muscular bodies glistened in the stage lighting–showing their well oiled curves to good effect. Miasmo was already becoming aroused as the other girls with her just stared into nothingness as they were in deep trance. Miasmo eyed up each competitor in turn as she was really here to find another whip Mistress to keep Leila company. And besides, wouldn’t it be fun to see two muscular beauties making love to each other or with the two puny-bodied slave girls or with one or more of the boy toys? Or to have the two whip Mistresses whipping in tandem? Miasmo was getting wet at the thoughts permeating her evil mind.
Miasmo’s eyes fell upon a muscular vision. “This is the one,” she thought, “to complete my little collection for the time being.” It would be a new challenge to have to brainwash and condition a new slave, to change another female bodybuilder’s life forever.
“Leila, my slave, who is that beautiful black girl three from the right?” Miasmo asked.
“That is Carmen, Mistress!” replied Leila.
“Do you know her, my dear?” continued Miasmo.
“Yes, I do, Mistress. But I doubt if she will remember me after what you have done to me.”
Miasmo smiled at Leila’s answer and inwardly too as she planned Carmen’s fate.
“You will have to introduce me to the lovely Carmen after the show, my dear, and we can arrange a private meeting with her soon!”
The muscular women on the stage paraded in swimsuits and then one by one they returned to complete their routines. They flexed and strained their huge muscles and posed in various positions. Then it was time for the judges to make their decision.
Carmen was awarded second place. After the show, Leila went backstage to meet Carmen.
“Leila, well how are you darling? My! do you look hot! I wondered why I had not seen you recently?” exclaimed Carmen.
“I ……… I have been away for a while.” answered Leila. “But it is so good to see you, Carmen.”
“It’s good to see you again, Leila. And I can’t get over your new look. It is fantastic!” said Carmen.
“That’s due to my new trainer. Why don’t you come and meet her?” replied Leila.
“Sure. Why not!” Carmen answered, not knowing or having any idea of the potential trouble which lay ahead for her.
“Carmen please meet Madam Miasmo, my Mistress!” said Leila.
“Pleased to meet you, Madam Miasmo,” replied Carmen. “Mistress?” she thought to herself. “Who is this woman and what does she think she is?” Carmen thought to herself.
“I am indeed Miasmo and I am pleased to meet you too, Carmen. I was very impressed with your exhibition today in the competition. Leila has told me all about you, my dear. She tells me all I want to know–as Leila is one of my slaves!”
“Slave!” exclaimed Carmen.
“Yes, my dear. You see I have hypnotically conditioned Leila to obey me without question. She is totally subservient to my will!”
“This is nonsense! Leila, what is this woman talking about?” asked Carmen.
“Let me demonstrate,” replied Miasmo.
“Leila …….. count your blessings!” commanded Miasmo. Leila’s eyes glazed over as she went into a deep trance and stared straight ahead.
“There, Carmen. Doesn’t she look relaxed in a trance? Look into Leila’s eyes, Carmen, and see how relaxed she is.”
Carmen was shocked at the control this woman had over Leila. But, she was fascinated at the same time and stared into Leila’s eyes. She was suddenly caught off guard and was captivated by how blue and piercing Leila’s eyes were.
“That’s it, Carmen, gaze into Leila’s beautiful eyes. You are fascinated by their sparkling colour, by how blue they are. And as you gaze, you find my voice relaxing you. Relaxing you deeply as you gaze into those wonderful eyes. They fascinate you more and more as I speak to you!” intoned the wicked Miasmo. She knew that Carmen was getting lost in Leila’s eyes and in her voice. Miasmo was almost whispering now as she continued to hypnotize Carmen right under the noses of the other people walking about backstage, who had no idea about what was taking place there.
Carmen began to sway back and forth slightly and Leila did the same in time with Carmen so that their eyes were constantly locked as though by invisible beams.
“Good girl, Carmen. You are pleasing me with how well you are doing, as you relax now for me deeper and deeper. Your eyes are feeling very tired now. Your eyelids are feeling heavy, very heavy. In a moment I will count down from five to one. And when I reach one, your eyelids will feel so heavy that they will effortlessly close down on their own,” continued the now very aroused Miasmo. “Are you ready, Carmen?” asked Miasmo.
“Yes,” replied Carmen in a monotone voice. Her mouth almost dry, her skin feeling slightly cool, and her scalp tingling. A slight buzzing in Carmen’s ears made it difficult to hear Miasmo’s words so she leant in closer to her as she continued.
“FIVE ……….. very relaxed now. FOUR ……….. more and more relaxed. THREE ……. your eyelids very heavy now. TWO ……………. no resistance and ONE ………….. eyes closing down!”
Carmen’s eyes closed shut tight. She was hypnotized, in a deep sleep where her subconscious mind was awake and ready to receive Miasmo’s instructions.
Several hours later found Miasmo in her little massage parlour, deep within the recesses of her secluded home. She was sitting cross-legged on a high chair next to Carmen’s head. The young woman’s body lay naked and face up on the table. Leila’s expert hands were kneading Carmen’s muscular calves and thighs. Miasmo was enjoying the powerful smoke from one of her favourite Havana double corona cigars. She drew heavily on the cigar and slowly exhaled the smoke over Carmen’s face with an incredibly satisfied look on the Mistress’s face.
To be continued.
—– start of chapter6 —–
Miasmo’s Pleasure Time!
Chapter 6
Miasmo was looking quite beautiful in: her new leather corset; fully fashioned, black, seamed stockings; and skyscraper high heeled shoes. Her arms were ensheathed in long, black, leather opera gloves. Her makeup was expertly applied to emphasise her full lips and amazingly piercing eyes. Her hair was piled up onto the top of her head in a tight bun.
She moved gracefully in small steps into the large lounge in her secluded home. There in front of her was a riotous scene. Leila, the muscle-bound female bodybuilder, was dressed in: a tight, figure-hugging leather leotard; high heels; and long, leather gauntlets. She was holding a long bullwhip. Standing a few feet away was one of the slave boys who was naked , with his hard cock manipulated by the two slave girls as each smoked a big Cuban double corona. The other boy toy was applying baby oil to Carmen’s superb muscular legs as she stood before him, her legs slightly apart so that he could smell her womanly aroma’s.
“Wonderful, my dears, I see my suggestions for you all to have sexy fun are being obeyed!” said Miasmo.
Miasmo reached for her new toy, a digital camera, and commanded, “Freeze, slaves!” With that they all fell motionless and glassy eyed. Miasmo took about a dozen photos from different angles. She would sell them to the highest bidder for publication in a back street porn magazine. (During her surreptitious, mesmeric interrogation of each of her slaves, Miasmo had discovered that being photographed during an orgy and having those pictures published in an adult magazine was a fantasy of every one of the slaves currently in her possession. This revelation delighted the Mistress exceedingly and astonished her beyond measure.) “Continue, slaves!” she ordered and they carried on with their lewd behaviour! Leila drew the whip back over her head and brought it crashing forwards at breakneck speed. It cracked loudly as it reached the ass of the slave boy applying oil to Carmen’s legs. He screamed ferociously as the tip of the whip reached his skin, causing a large welt to appear. “Excellent,” thought Miasmo as she reached for yet another of her favourite cigars, a big Hoya de Monterey double corona. She held the cigar up to her nose just as the two girls were about to have the other slave boy cum. “Stop !” she commanded and the two girls immediately removed their hands from the boys cock, leaving his hard dick leaping and straining in midair.
“MMMMMMM wonderful aroma. I am really going to enjoy this cigar,” she said to herself. She cut the end of the cigar and had one of the girls hold a big lighter. Miasmo held the end of the cigar in the flame and slowly rotated it carefully to char around the edge of the tobacco. She continued this process until it started to glow lightly. Then, putting the cigar to her lips, she puffed gently on it–again rotating it slowly to ensure it was evenly lit all around.
“Leila ,Carmen come here to me, my dears!” Miasmo said in her most commanding and hypnotic voice. Both muscle-bound women obeyed immediately and were soon standing beside Miasmo as she made herself comfortable on her prick-legged throne. “Kneel before me, slaves, and gaze into my eyes and go deeper and deeper in my power!” intoned Miasmo.
The two female bodybuilders, there muscles glistening in the subdued lighting of Miasmo’s dungeon, were swallowed up with those magnificent hypnotic eyes. They both felt their feeble minds sink deeper into trance. Miasmo took them deeper than ever before and played games with their subconscious minds as she planted yet more powerful suggestions to strengthen her control over their minds and bodies.
“It is time we ensnared another boy toy and I have just the one in mind,” she said. “My dears, have you noticed how our delivery man stares at me sometimes? Why only the other morning I caught him staring at me as I left the mansion. I stood on the steps and as I put on my long leather gloves I noticed quite a bulge develop in the young man’s shorts. He is indeed well developed for one so young. I do not usually enslave someone who might live close to the Miasmo mansion. However, I feel we might make an exception in his case.” She spoke as though the two muscle-bound women could hear her words.
“Now, my slaves, this is what we will do.” Miasmo proceeded to condition the two women so that they would carry out her plan to perfection. It seemed that the local delivery man was in for quite an experience when the diabolical Miasmo got her hands, or should I say her mind, on him.
To be continued.
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