Posted by Krystal Mesmer , 2014
To keep you in the mood for how else April will ensorcel you, enjoy some sweet eye candy.
Hello there:
Calendars are divided into months.Certain celebrations or commemorations last for a month.
A woman’s reproductive cycle is approximately one-month-long. Someone’s birth month is a vital key to understanding some of the astrological influences upon their personality, desires, abilities, etc.
Guess what I’m gonna do to share some spellbinding spiciness with each hypno-fan who chooses to join in the fun and games? I’ve decided to couple each month with a different hypnotic fascination and/or sensual fetish.MONTHMERIZING MONTHNOSIS #1 — APRIL IS TRULY TANTALIZING
For those north of the equator, when April rolls around, spring is getting into full swing. And in the US, April is when our insufferable income taxes must be paid.
But I know something alluring about April. April is one of the sexiest models I’ve ever enjoyably worked with and on so passionately and pleasurably.
Now, just make yourself even more comfortable and relaxnotically revel in how enchantingly eye-catching, entrancing April is beautifully endowed to entice you.
http://www.ladymesmer.com/v2/xcart/search.php?mode=search&page=1Until your next dose of MONTHMERIZING MONTHNOSIS:
Lady Krystal Mesmer AKA Goddess Mistress Marquesa wonderizing you always ever-increasingly!
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