
7/07  O! Canadians

Oh! Canadians, sooooo beautiful homeland.
Resources vast, your spirits they are grand.

Your Provinces dix, Territories trois, Capital is Ottawa.
French and Anglais your most used languages, multi-cultural yes indeed.

Wonderful friends, northern, fair, and free.
Oh Canadians, more Mesmerized ye be.
Oh Canadians, be Krystallized by meeeeeee!

Thank you, my Canadian hypno-fans! Whether you dwell in the Maritimes, the prairie Provinces, Western Canada, or the Canadian north I cherish captivating you one and all.

Friendly, industrious, open-minded folks like you make truly marvelous sensuous hypnotism devotees. Some people may only think of Canada as a place snow and frigid weather. But I know better. Thanks to each of you, I feel your warmth and the intense heat of your hot-blooded passions for first-class, top of the line sensualities.

Keep coming back for exploring and enjoying even more of the thrills we share.

Oh, by the way, which song you know well do I hope you’ll happily sing the topmost seven lines of this update to?