Tag: Feet



            The doorbell rang. Goddess Marquesa sighed. Since injuring her foot, she had been largely housebound, and even common chores like answering the door posed a challenge. Whoever it was had better be on important business. With painful effort, she rose.

            Standing on the front step the Goddess found an attractive brunette. The visitor was tall, late 30’s or early 40’s, wearing a prim pastel lavender skirt suit. Clasped tightly to her breast, bound in black leather with gilt lettering across the cover, was the Holy Bible, held so that the title would be visible to whoever answered the door. Read more…

The Football Game


The Magnificent Mistress Marquesa is a sports fan.

One of  Her favorite “secret pleasures” is the CFL, the Canadian Football League, and every once in a while she will journey to the Great White North to watch one of the wide open exciting games up there.

This particular week, Our Goddess decided to travel to Toronto to watch the Argonauts play the Rough Riders.  She particularly enjoyed the Toronto stadium because there was actually a hotel attached to the stadium itself and one of Her many subjects had given Her not only tickets to the game, but a weekend at one of the hotel’s field-side suites.  Read more…

Put the Fun back in Flying!

I’m sure you will have no doubt believing that I have had the experience of putting people “under” in some pretty unusual and interesting places and circumstances. But one, in particular, stands out.

I was on a flight home, to Los Angeles, from Washington DC. Seated next to me on the airplane was a rather handsome young man who was pretty obviously attracted to me. At the same time, he appeared to be a bit nervous and agitated. Finally, smiling, I introduced myself and asked him if there was anything the matter. He said that, yes, he happened to hate flying (especially these days.) He claimed that it made him anxious and uneasy and kept him from relaxing during the flight. An excellent opportunity at hand, I told him that I was a professional hypnotherapist and I most certainly could help him relax and enjoy the remainder of the flight. All he needed to do was to relax as best he could, listen to my voice……… and decide that he truly wanted to overcome his fear of flying. Read more…

My Beloved Mistress




“Hello Mistress. This is Your slave puppy doug calling. i’ve arrived at the Foghorn and await Your…”

“Hello slaveboy,” said Marquesa, picking up from the answering machine. Read more…

As the Stiletto Swings Part 2

The massive, ultramodern, upscale auditorium was jam-packed to the nose bleed seats and standing room only for the premier of what would hopefully be the premier play, “Idyllic Intrigues and Odylic Odysseys”.  In the front row sat two distinguished gentlemen who knew not each other.  Unbeknownst to each other, these fine fellows were fellow travelers on the seductively sensual safari of fascination with femininity’s forcefulness.  Neither did either of them possess the minutest droplet of knowledge of how similar and yet dissimilar were these subbies uniquely individualized relationships with the one and only hypnotizingly hedonistic Mistress Shangri-SZelda. Read more…


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