Tag: Female Scent

Life-long Lessons at Youth Service College for Young Men

As Mark entered the office he couldn’t help but notice the large portrait of Mistress Harriot, of the Harriot School for Young Men. It occupied most of one wall of the office. As he approached it almost seemed to light up, coming strangely to life, glowing so that Harriot’s dark, intense and fascinating eyes looked straight at him. Her face was stunningly beautiful – in a stern, fierce, commanding sort of way.

Mark met the portrait’s gaze coolly enough but even this confident, arrogant young man found himself ever so slightly unnerved to think that very shortly she would be right there in this very room talking to him. It made him shudder! He had been told about her reputation from his father – but Harriot in the flesh . . .awesome, hypnotic, mysterious, if this portrait was any indication – might be something else again. He warned himself to be on guard. Read more…

The Silken Secretary Part 2

I slept so well that night, the deepest, most content sleep in years. I awoke the next morning still unsure of what had occurred the day before but certainly feeling a sense of excitement for the day ahead.

I arrived at work a little late due to sleeping in late – a first for me – to be greeted by Krystal at her desk. You were wearing a rather plain woolen skirt and cotton blouse and we greeted each other with the expected professionalism. Nothing unusual there except my unexplained feeling of confusion. I went to my office and worked solidly as usual for a few hours. You came in to take some dictation which again was without incident. Then as you left the office you looked up at me with your piercing green eyes and smiled. It felt as though a volcano was starting to erupt deep inside me and I felt that tingling I hadn’t felt since I was about 16. Strange, I thought. You then left and I returned to my work. Read more…


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