Tag: hood

A Personal Journey

The trees streamed past, mile after interstate mile. Alan Ross had stopped paying attention. He just stared out the window of the bus. It was far from luxurious and it was slow, but it had the advantage of being cheap and that was what mattered. He had spent the last dollar in his pocket on a package of stale vending machine crackers at the last stop. Now his stomach was growling again. It didn’t matter of course. He was almost there.  Read more…

A Final Test

Six months have passed since my complete surrender to Marquesa. Six of the happiest months of my life. She has sculpted my body into Olympic condition. She has taken control of my mind to the point that I don’t even look at or think about any other women. She haunts my dreams, controls my thoughts, and makes all my fantasies come true. She is my goddess, my idol, the seductive siren who enslaves me with the mere sound of her voice. Read more…

A New World


alan ross




He was waiting for her when she arrived.  Her staff had done the
necessary prep work with their usual efficiency.  He was strapped into
the chair in the center of the small, bare room.  A hood covered his
head.  She took the file folder from the back of the chair and sat
down in front of him to read over the notes.  It was nothing
unexpected.  The usual executive.  Over-worked and over-stressed,
looking for an hour’s escape.  She put the file away and pulled the
hood from his head. Read more…


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