She continues to perfectly pace Her ministrations with telepathic suggestions and commands: “Jussst..RELAXX!!…AND..ALLOW! THIS..RAPTURE TO..COME! OVER YOU!! — TO OVER-COME! YOU — TO..TAKE OVER — COMPLEETELEE TAKE OVER — YOUR MIND AND BODY — AND..ALLOW..MEEE!!..TO TAKE OVER YOUR MIND AND BODY…AND THIS FEEELS..SOOO GOOOD!!! — OHHHH SOOOO GOOOOD!!”…Yeeesss!!!!” Carefully pacing Her thoughts both with Her right hand, now lightly running Her fingertips over and around the cap of his shaft — and with Her left hand, as She delicately runs Her fingertips over Her clit, Marquesa deftly deepens their dreamy euphoria even as She throttles back on their arousal level. And this does feel good — Soooo Goood!! For each of them. As She proceeds along, deep in trance alongside him, Her hypnotic suggestions and commands to him having long taken hold on Her as well, due to their swiftly growing rapport, and to the receptivity with which over the years Her inner mind has learned to assimilate and embrace Her suggestions to Her subjects. “Yeeesss!!!…This feels..*Soooo Goood!*” For a few moments, She savors Her mellowed out arousal, even as He savors his. Read more…
Tag: Telepathic Hypnosis
- Author name:
- Anonymous
- Publish date:
- January 10th, 2025
- Discussion:
- No Comments
Pausing briefly, Marquesa reaches into Her purse to extract a pair of thin, tight-fitting latex examining gloves that snugly cover Her hand and extend a couple of inches up Her wrist. It pleases Her to note that their white color blends almost perfectly with the white table cloth, a thought that hadn’t occurred to Her before She placed them in Her purse. Quietly, unobtrusively, without Her customary ostentatious snapping of the elastic, She pulls them on. Next, with Her left hand, She picks up the cruet and pours half a teaspoon of olive oil onto Her right gloved palm, and then, Read more…
- Author name:
- Anonymous
- Publish date:
- November 4th, 2024
- Discussion:
- No Comments

- Author name:
- Anonymous
- Publish date:
- September 17th, 2024
- Discussion:
- No Comments
The maitre d’ leads a young couple to a nearby table. Her glance drawn instinctively to movement, Marquesa casually follows their progress. By the looks of them, She guesses, Married. His dress seems a bit too shabby to come here often, so he’s taking her to dinner?…Celebrating something, perhaps? — a salary increase, an anniversary, her birthday?…Nice enough but Boring.
Swiftly tiring of them, Her glance swings back to the bar, and, suddenly, Her pulse quickens and Her eyes narrow. Moving to an unoccupied high table off to one side of the bar is a youngish man, in his early to mid-30’s…at first glance, very good looking. She watches him intently as he moves from the bar to a table under an overhead light, a fresh drink in hand, Scotch, by the loom of it. During the few seconds in which he seats himself, he unknowingly presents Her with a clear view of his face, and instantly, She likes what She sees: Trim, tallish — maybe 6’2″, well dressed — much better dressed than the fellow just seated — sandy haired, handsome and knows it, moves with the easy self-assurance of an alpha male.