Irena, a prima ballerina in the Bolshoi Moscow State ballet had just come off stage and was returning to her dressing room. While moving backstage, she glanced up and in the corridor was the journalist from the New York Times. He had been pursuing Irena for some time trying to obtain a one on one interview. He had evaded the intervention of the authorities so far and had not given up hope. Irena never seemed to have much in the way of protection and always seemed to travel alone to and from the ballet. She had been careful up to now and had given the journalist the slip.
Irena was a beautiful Russian woman , about 25 years old, and of Gypsy extraction with dark sensual features. She had her hair tightly tied back and was wearing her ballet shoes and wide, lacy tutu. She entered her dressing room alone and removed her tight top and her shoes. She sat in a large, antique, wooden chair and reached over to her big, black handbag. She removed a leather-bound metal case and took off it’s top to reveal five large, hand rolled Cuban cigars. It was easy to obtain her supply of fine cigars as she had a ballet teacher and mentor within the Cuban embassy in Moscow who could always be called upon to deliver her favourite cigars whenever Irena was running short of them. It was this mentor (a beautiful, mature Cuban woman and ballet teacher) who had given Irena her love of fine cigars. Her love of cigars and for this woman were deeply set within Irena’s mind.
Irena withdrew one of the seven-inch cigars and ran it loosely under her nose several times. She paused to reflect upon their wonderful aroma. She smiled inwardly as she knew how much she adored the powerful, spicy flavour of the smoke and how it seemed to turn her on too. She extracted a cigar cutter from her bag and proceeded to cut a small slice of tobacco from the foot of the cigar.
Tom Watts, the journalist, had bribed the backstage manager. Now the dogged newshound was approaching Irena’s dressing room door. She had forgotten to close it in her haste to get to her cigars. Tom was about to knock at the door, when he heard Irena strike a match. He paused and moved closer to see what was going on inside. He was slightly shocked to see this beautiful, young woman inside lighting up a big Cuban cigar. The sight seemed to excite him. He watched for several seconds as she lit the cigar and drew on it’s powerful smoke and inhaled it deeply into her lungs. He coughed quietly. She was surprised to see this man spying on her.
“Oh! It’s you! ” she exclaimed. “How did you get in here?” she asked him.
“That doesn’t matter. I’m here and you knew I wanted to interview you and have asked many times” he replied. He was all but entranced as he espied Irena put the big cigar to her delicate mouth and draw another big puff of aromatic smoke. “I had no idea that you enjoy Cuban cigars”, he mused!
“As you can see, I am truly addicted to them! ” she replied. “My dance teacher gets them for me.”
Irena had by now given in to this reporter. However she had a plan.
“I will not give you an interview now. If I agree to do so, I shall want my mentor present. She is called Madam Luan. Would that be acceptable to you?” she asked as she blew some rich, full flavoured smoke in his direction.
The door opened before he could reply and in walked two burly security guards.
“Sure by me, Irena. Call me to arrange the meet ok?” he said. As the guards led him away , Irena spoke in Russian and told them just to eject the idiot.
A few days later, Irena had spoken with Madam Luan. then she telephoned Tom Watts and arranged a meet at Madam Luan’s apartment in downtown Moscow. It was eight in the evening and Tom had taken a taxi and arrived on time. He pressed the doorbell and Madam Luan opened the door to face Tom. She was about forty, dark skinned, with quite exquisite facial features. She had a well toned, muscular body: but with quite big breasts; a narrow waist; and long, strong legs. Tom was slightly intimidated by this powerful diva! She ushered him in and sat him down next to her. Irena, however, was not present at this time.
Madam Luan called out to Irena and she entered the room. Her protégé was wearing a short ballet dress which was covered in sparkling sequins.
“Tom, lets us watch a private performance by Irena. You will enjoy, yes?” she asked.
“Sure” replied Tom “Why not? I will love it! ”
Yes you will thought Madam Luan as Irena began her dance, slowly performing delicate movements and sequences at first. Madam Luan flicked a switch by her side and soft music began playing on two small speakers strategically placed on either side of the couch where she and Tom were seated. The main light in the room dimmed and a small spotlight highlighted the sparkling gems on Irena’s dress.
“That is so nice, Irena. I always find your dancing so soothing, so relaxing, so fascinating! ” said Madam Luan.
Tom’s eyes locked onto the attractive Irena as she rhythmically gyrated around the room, the light reflecting back into his eyes.
“So good to watch you, Irena. So relaxing, so soothing, so warm! You like what you see, Tom?” she asked him.
“Yes, yes! ” he replied.
“I am sure you do . I know you do. you find watching Irena relaxing too. And so soothing, so fascinating. You cannot look away from her now, Tom. Your eyes will follow her every movement. And as you do, you will listen to my voice. You will do this wont you, Tom?” she asked knowingly and commandingly.
“Yes, so relaxing , so soothing” he said. His mind slightly befuddled by Madam Luan’s words.
“Gaze at the sparkling sequins, Tom . Gaze and relax deeper now, deeper for me. Unable to look away , unable to resist my suggestions. It feels so good to watch Irena. Now, you cannot look away!” coaxed Madam Luan as Tom began to respond more positively to her commands.
“Excellent, Tom, you are doing so well. It feels so good to relax with my words as you watch Irena. Your body relaxing now. Your muscles wilting more and more. You begin to feel tired. Your body feels heavier and heavier as you relax deeper and deeper!” she suggested to his mesmerised mind.
“You do feel good, don’t you, Tom?”
“Yes! ” he mumbled. His mouth was slightly open. His lips were dry as the air from his lungs flowed over them in shallower than usual breaths.
“Wonderful, Tom. I knew that you would enjoy watching Irena. Watching her closer and closer now. But ever so difficult to keep your tired eyes open. Keep them open, Tom. Even though your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier as you listen to my seductive voice!” she continued.
Poor Tom had no idea what had hit him. He just had to watch the beautiful Irena dance. Such an erotic dance now, so fascinating, so wonderful!
“Your eyes are becoming tired now, Tom, and they must shut for me. Feel your eyelids becoming heavier and heavier. Close your eyes, Tom!” coaxed the beautiful Latina woman.
Toms eyes slowly closed and he was lost within his own mind.
“You can stop dancing, Irena, my darling. He is ours now” said Madam Luan. Tom was deep asleep beside her on the couch.
“Good, Madam. At last I can have a rest . I need a smoke. How about you, my Mistress?” asked Irena.
“Indeed, my dear. We shall enjoy a Punch double corona each, while Tom here enjoys a long hypnotic sleep” Madam Luan replied with a wry smile on her beautiful face. “But before we do, I want Irena to sleeeeeeeeeeeep for me!”
Irena’s eyes closed and she slowly collapsed into a big armchair. Her head slumped forward resting on her ample bosom.
“Sleep, my dear, Irena. Deeeeeeeeeep sleep. Down deeper and deeper, my slave!” intoned Madam Luan. A plan of action was forming in her own mind as to how to have some diabolical fun that evening.
To be continued
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