My lovely wife Luisa and I had looked forward to our vacation. We had been married for nearly three yearsand hadn’t had a real vacation during that time.
We saved for our vacation and looked at what seemed to be hundreds of travel brochures. We studied Florida, Bali, France, Germany, Italy and the rest of Europe, Jamaica, Rio, Africa . . . even Nepal. We considered scuba diving, sun bathing, dancing, museums, mountain climbing and safaris. All these were interesting but none of them really captured our imagination.
Finally we received a flyer in the mail from Occult Vacations. It promised a tour of Northern England’s haunted castles. I guess in the process of our search we had made all the mailing lists.
I have been a fan of vampire movies and ghost stories all my life and, for unexplained reasons, Luisa seemed to be just as attracted to this tour as I was.
From the brochure it seemed like we were going to be staying in places like Bram Stoker’s Carfax Abbey and we were very excited in a froth of anticipation. So we took the bait and they hauled us in.
We landed at London’s Heathrow Airport on Saturday morning hooks still in our mouths and spent the rest of the day riding with a half dozen other ghost hunters in a small bus along the roadways of England. Later, just as dusk was falling, we turned off the main road and onto some back-country trail which led to a beautiful castle nestled in a wooded valley.
A butler greeted our party to lead us, couple by couple, to our rooms. Luisa and I were escorted to a third-floor bedroom overlooking a courtyard. The huge four-poster bed looked just perfect for a sexual romp, but we were both exhausted so after undressing and a quick kiss, a touch and a tickle, we both fell into a sound slumber. Tomorrow would be time enough to catch up on doing it.
I don’t know what time it was but I awoke with the sound of a female voice calling my name. I looked over at my wife but she was still sound asleep.
Ken . . . Kennnn-n-n-n-n. . . . I heard it again.
I carefully got out of bed so as not to awaken Luisa and walked over to the window and peered out. There, walking in a flowing white gown, was a most beautiful, dark, sensuous figure. The contrast between her fascinating dark features and the white gown made both seem infinitely more sexy.
She looked up at me from the courtyard, and even from three floors up I could see her dark, sexy eyes sparkling. They even seemed to glow from within, not just reflect the light of the full moon. She was unbelievably stunning!
The luminous lady smiled a knowing smile and raised her hand as if to wave at me but instead she just moved it back and forth as she continued to look into my eyes, which, by now, She had completely captured. I could not look away!
She gazed into my eyes for five or six minutes while virtually motionless not speaking . . . not even blinking.
I stood there in the silence of the night staring back unashamedly into Her gorgeous, ever enlarging, smoldering and taunting dark eyes. I wanted to say something . . . to cry out
. . . to gasp anything to speak to the apparition . . . to warn Luisa, but in spite of my inner doubts and fears, I could not speak.
Gradually the vision seemed to drift closer as She continued to hold my eyes prisoner to Hers. All the while She seemed to be playing games with me . . . teasing, taunting and tempting me. It was as though She could read my every thought, and She fully knew the effect She was having on me . . . all through eye contact alone!
Quite a few minutes had passed and I felt myself weakening. I no longer wanted to speak. I felt my breathing become shallow, irregular . . . it was almost as if I were asleep. Still however, staring wide-eyed into those darkly compelling eyes, I felt myself lose focus. I just wanted to hear that voice again . . . that beautiful, soft, sexy voice that had earlier called out my name.
The next thing I knew much to my astonishment this beautiful Woman was right there in the room, right next to me! I should have been afraid but I stood mute, totally stunned and thrilled to be so close to Her beauty, as I continued to stare back into those sexy, powerful, controlling dark eyes, eagerly drinking in all their glorious magic! Those eyes . . . those mesmerizing eyes . . . Her all-controlling eyes!
Then She whispered to me, but I heard the words inside my head. Down . . . down . . . down on your knees ken . . . kneel before Me . . . ! Surrender to Me ken. I am Amber, the Mistress of this castle, and I have the power to control all who enter My realm. you really are ready and want to surrender your will to Me now, don’t you My little smitten pet?
i fell to my knees as She had commanded. As Amber took a step closer to me it brought Her incomparable beauty right up to my face. i inhaled Her delightful fragrance. Ghost or not, Her perfumes were intoxicating all musk and madness. i breathed in again, deeply.
Inhale . . . deeper . . . capture all of My womanly odors . . . breathe deeper.
i wanted to capture all the air around Her so no smells could escape.
Now, My pet, She whispered into my mind, return to your bed . . . now!
While i got up and walked to the four-poster Amber floated to Luisa’s sleeping form and touched her gently on the temples. She then whispered into her ears: Sleep . . . sleep, My dear.
For just a moment Luisa stirred from her slumber, but just as quickly she returned to her deep sleep.
First, My little pet ken, I want you to stroke for Me. Stroke that oh-so-impatient and appreciative little joy stick between your legs that has become so active. Stroke it in My honor! Show Me how grateful you are that I let you demonstrate openly, before My all-controlling eyes your complete surrender to My Superior Will! Stroke, kenny boy, stroke!
Helplessly entranced, i obeyed while my wife Luisa lay sleeping beside us. Helpless to resist physically, i tried to resist emotionally, but the more i looked up at this totally gorgeous, sexy and wickedly dominating and irresistible apparition floating above me, the more i lost all control and lost all pretense of resistance.
i had become sexually aroused in a most massive way! i wanted desperately to please Her! Plain and simple, i had become just a carnal toy for this ghost Woman. i was indeed grateful for this opportunity to openly display my complete submission to Her Divine Will!
i stroked eagerly, with almost complete abandon, as She had ordered for what seemed forever. But She had not yet given me permission to climax so i had to hold back to avoid my goal the ultimate pleasure of total fulfillment in an act of complete symbolic submissive surrender!
Stop it! She barked and my hand immediately fell to my side in strict obedience to Her hateful command.
Then from somewhere out of thin air, She magically produced four sets of shackles to cuff me, spread eagled, to the bed like an X with a limb chained to each post of the bed.
Then it happened.
Watch! She whispered hotly into my ear. She seemed to dissolve into a shiny red mist, floating over the bed and hovering directly over Luisa.
As Luisa breathed she seemed to inhale the sparkling mist. Then Her eyes blinked while a strange, cruel smile played across Her lovely lips . . . a smile like i had never seen on Her before.
She got out of bed, still naked, and walked over to a large cabinet. As i watched in astonishment from my shackled position on the bed She pressed a hidden button and retrieved an evil looking whip from a hidden drawer. Then She returned to me.
ken . . . ken . . . ken . . . , She laughed, our new life begins tonight. From now on it is I who is in charge. you and many other males are destined to become My willing, obedient and most eager slaves!
Now that I have regained a physical body My erotic conquest of My old realm shall resume. I shall gain power and wealth. I shall have many grateful, absolutely obedient sex slaves eager and excited to serve and obey Me in every way that I permit . . . but you will be special the first!
With my very last bit of resistance i called out to Her. Luisa, Luisa, fight it . . . don’t give in! but it was something i would regret for i was soon to be very unhappy for uttering such foolish rebellious nonsense.
No . . . not Luisa . . . Amber, She said with a laugh as She brought the whip down across my helpless, chained body my legs, my chest, my manhood, most painfully, in turn became undefended targets for Her cruel attack.
Then suddenly She stopped, dropped the whip and held my face between Her two soft hands, forcing me once again to stare directly into Her lovely dominant and demanding dark, dark eyes. Yes, they definitely were Amber’s ever-so-controlling eyes. i knew i was once more lost to those eyes. Resistance was futile, while complete submission could only lead to paradise!
Those gorgeous eyes remained fixed on mine, pulling me into deep submission to Her divine will. Powerless and helpless to resist, i was slowly . . . certainly . . . falling into Her
. . . becoming only an extension of Her will. i was now unable to think for myself. i was utterly oblivious to my surroundings. i thought only of Her and i was oh-so-happy to have been chosen as Her first slave.
Now my whole world was whatever Luisa/Amber gave me. Luisa/Amber, Amber/ Luisa! Both alive and well
. . . yet One Wonderful Dominant Person and Personality! my eyes saw only Her. my ears heard only Her controlling, irresistibly soothing voice. i had become very thankful to Her that i was permitted to hear that wonderful, controlling voice. my mind thought only those ideas and thoughts placed there by Her.
my Mistress!
my Owner!
Mistress Amber!
i was now happy beyond all belief!
One Divine Being forged in Heaven . . . how could i have been so lucky?
She unshackled me and i immediately returned to my obvious place, kneeling before Her with my head bowed.
She placed Her perfect naked foot before me and without urging i kissed and licked it. i inhaled its delicate fragrance, blissfully serving my Goddess feet.
Worshipping them!
Worshipping Her!
Amber began rubbing Her thighs as I started to crawl toward Her to lick Her perfect womanhood. But that was not to be allowed as She laughed and pushed me onto my back with Her bare feet. Then a few moments later She took Her hand and rubbed it under my grateful nose . . . forcing me, or should i say allowing me, to inhale Her intoxicating aroma.
i reached up to Her.
Stop! Lie perfectly still! Obey Me, slave boy!
i immediately froze in place.
She stood above me, regally and majestically, as She cupped Her glorious, fully ripened and rounded breasts . . . fuller and sexier than i ever remembered . . . right above my eager, drooling face. Then She reached down and inserted Her finger into my now freely salivating mouth.
i was ecstatic, tasting Her Amber Luisa desiring more but unable to move even an inch.
Then She straddled my body, lowering Her precious sex toward my jaded awaiting mouth. my lips and tongue could move and strain toward that sensuous target.
Please, closer, i thought.
Then suddenly a warm, golden stream engulfed my face. i sputtered for a moment, spitting out the hot piss until i heard Her voice once again inside my head.
Drink . . . drink, slave! Drink it all . . . you love it My glorious body fluid . . . you desire it . . . obey Me and drink My hot, golden piss!
Immediately i opened my mouth and it was just as She had commanded. i loved it! It was the nectar of the Goddesses.
More . . . please . . . more . . . ! i screamed. Please . . . please . . . , i cried out. i couldn’t get enough of Her!
i heard Her laugh loudly . . . in control . . . evil . . . and then i collapsed, unconscious.
We stayed here at the castle after the tour left. i used the last of my money to put a down payment on the castle. At first the British banker said we didn’t qualify for such a large loan but Amber made me leave the office so She could talk to him alone. Naturally, he changed his mind . . . in fact, on Tuesdays and Thursdays he comes to the castle and does Luisa/Amber’s laundry!
Every once in a while the bounder steals one of Her panties, but She doesn’t seem to mind. he just becomes more docile and cooperative as a result.
One time the local police superintendent came by to see us about not having a license to run an inn for the ghost tours. She talked to him, of course, and now he cleans our bathrooms every Monday, Wednesday and Friday!
The tours still visit once or twice a month but there are fewer and fewer rooms left for them because the richest, sexiest and most beautiful always want to stay and help Amber . . . after She talks to them, that is.
It’s almost as though She is the queen here in this part of England. Of course, She is now the most powerful woman in the fiefdom that surrounds the castle.
Last night thirty six male slaves and two female slaves met in the great room of the castle as Luisa/Amber told us how She will gain more and more power. She has an idea She would like to marry Prince Charles so She can become queen of all England! You may think that is crazy . . . but i don’t . . . because i know Her and Her powers!
i cried because i thought i would lose her but when She commanded all thirty eight of us to masturbate before Her ever-wicked eyes in Her honor She told us we would always be kept to serve Her.
We were Hers.
We rejoiced and thanked Her, pouring glass after glass of champagne for Her pleasure in celebration.
We all came together in honor of our Glorious Benefactress . . . our Mistress!
Forever and forever!
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