Goddess Marquesa looked at the four men arrayed around Her table. Each in his own way was yummy. The beefy stud to Her left was smiling pleasantly, as was his habit. The beautiful blond youth next to him was sulkily pouting, no doubt jealous that there were other men present. Across from him was a short, rather plump man with a bright look in his eyes. Next to the Goddess on Her right was an older man who could not hide a salacious grin.
“You boys all have a lot to be grateful for this holiday. Tell Goddess what you are most thankful for,” Goddess commanded.
“I’m most thankful for You,” the beefy hunk said.
Goddess blew him a kiss.
“I’m thankful for the chance to be Your slave,” the young blond said, with a competitive air.
“That’s sweet,” the Goddess said with a smile.
“I’m thankful that You keep me around for laughs,” the short man quipped.
“I’m thankful for whatever You want to do to me,” the older slave chimed in.
“Those are all good answers,” Goddess said in a tone of magnanimity. “And so you should be thankful! So many of My slaves would like to be eating Thanksgiving dinner with Me. Well, now that we have given thanks, let’s dig in. Everyone please help yourselves…” Goddess gestured at the table invitingly.
Beefy hunk looked at the table, which was covered with empty bowls and platters. “But Goddess,” he asked, “where is the food?”
“Can’t you see it?” Goddess asked in Her most mellifluous voice. “Over here there is a beautiful roast turkey,” She said, pointing to a platter in the center of the table. “Right here there is a bowl of roast yams….over here is the gravy….next to it is the cranberry sauce…..follow my voice….see what is before you….you feel yourselves becoming so relaxed…..so relaxed…”
The four slaves went deeply into trance, as Goddess has made them do so many times before. When all of them were completely under, Goddess asked, “Can you see the food now, pets?”
“Yes, Goddess,” all four slaves said, their eyes open but unfocused.
“Good….go ahead, then, eat!” She declared.
The four slaves moved slowly, as if pleasantly high. They took servings from empty platters with large ladles and forks, they cut invisible food and raised it gently from their plates to their mouths, dabbing away imaginary gravy with their napkins. Goddess watched them enjoy their “meal” for twenty minutes, then announced, “It is time to play a game. I call this ‘stuff the turkey.’ Who would like to be ‘it.’”
Beefy hunk raised his hand.
“Excellent!” Goddess said. “You stand at the end of the table. I’ll be right back.”
Goddess left the room. When She returned, She was naked, She had stripped down to Her bra and panties, and was wearing a giant pink dildo strapped to Her waist. She walked up behind beefy hunk and pushed him over, so that he landed face forward on the table with a loud sound of platters clattering and silverware rattling.
When beefy hunk was prone, Goddess pulled his pants and underwear down around his ankles and jammed Her dildo into his ass.
“Time to stuff the turkey!” She trilled, rocking Her hips so that Her dildo pumped in and out of beefy hunk’s rectum. Beefy hunk moaned with pleasure, and the three other slaves fidgeted uncomfortably as their cocks became hard.
“You boys stroke for Me now,” Goddess commanded, “but don’t cum until I give you permission.
“Yes Goddess,” the three spectators said in unison, each grabbing his rigid shaft and beginning to stroke.
Goddess pumped Her slave’s ass for five minutes. All the while, his moans became more intense. Eventually his eyes rolled back into his head and his whole body began to quiver.
“Cum for Me now, slaves!” the Goddess shouted.
With a collective howl of ecstasy all four slaves came at once. Geysers of cum shot into the plates set before the three slaves seated at the table. A spreading pool of sticky fluid flowed out from below the torso of beefy hunk as Goddess pinned him to the edge of the table with Her dildo.
When the shuddering and grunting finally subsided, Goddess pulled her dildo out of beefy hunk’s ass and surveyed the scene. “You boys have left a lot of gravy in those plates. And you,” she continued, pointing at beefy hunk, “you spilled gravy all over the table. I don’t like to see food wasted. You boys must eat that all up.”
“Yes, Goddess,” the slaves replied obediently. The three seated slaves scooped cum off of their plates with their forks and dug in, beefy hunk bent over the table and began licking his cum up with his tongue.
While Her slaves ate cum, Goddess left the room again. A few minutes after She walked away, the doorbell of Her condo rang. She reemerged from Her bedroom wearing a stunning evening dress and walked to Her front door. Opening it, She revealed a tall handsome man wearing a sharp suit, a large bouquet of roses clutched in his hands.
“You’re right on time,” the Goddess said, gesturing for the man to come in.
“I didn’t know you would have company,” the man said.
“Oh,” Goddess explained with a dismissive wave, “this is just a performance art piece I’ve been rehearsing with My sl….My theater group. I call it ‘Trancegiving.’”
“Fascinating,” the man said, placing a kiss on the Goddess’s hand.
“You’ll find Me more fascinating by the minute, I guarantee it,” said the Goddess with a wink.
Turning to the four slaves, Goddess ordered, “You boys put all this food away and have the table cleared by the time I get back.” So saying, She took the arm of Her handsome date and led him out the door, closing it as She left.
When they were alone, the four slaves rose and began to carry out the Goddess’s orders.
“Why do I feel so drained?” the plump man asked.
“Maybe from all the tryptophan,” the older slave surmised.
“Do you want any more of this turkey?” the young blond asked, holding up an empty platter for the beefy hunk to consider.
“No thanks,” the hunk replied, patting his stomach, “I feel stuffed.”
The End
A Goddessful Thanksgiving to All! Remember to give thanks for Goddess, today and every day!
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