“What had She done with me?” The thought continued to pound through my head like African drums as I watched the floors drift so painfully slowly by. The elevator seemed to move even more slowly as my frenzied impatience grew. The pointed edges of the crystal became the furious, razor-sharp fingernails of a tortured demon as I clutched it in my fist. I bared my teeth in defiant rage, as the happy ring of the elevator seemed to announce the arrival of another guest to hell.
“What had She done with me?” I tore into the entrance of my penthouse and saw the opened mail I had not yet seen. Anni had been here! I rushed into my bedroom. The place was a mess of clothes and blankets. Towels were tossed about the bathroom with no care or concern.
I scurried about, checking my priceless collection of antiques, paintings, rare vases, Persian carpets, and collections of crystal in my three curio cabinets. To my relief, I found no evidence of foul play. But, She had done something to me. I knew it! I felt it!
I hung Her crystal from a place where it caught the moonlight. “The full moon, less one day. Halloween, plus one,” I thought as I lay down under the glass prism. I felt a stinging soreness in the skin of my back as I lay down, but I had no recollection of scraping myself.
“C’mon… c’mon…” I said impatiently, as I tried to focus on the sparkles. Then I remembered I had to relax deeply. I closed my eyes, took a few deep slow breaths, and looked at the crystal again. I began to count slowly backward from one hundred in my mind. At seventy, my thoughts became like fleeting glances of no real importance. At fifty, only the numbers were in my mind. At twenty, even the numbers became like a soft, trance-like throbbing pulse.
When I saw the approach of my Mercedes, I knew that I was in. I was living the memory of last night, when Anni had control of my body. I saw it all as in a dream, but with every detail so perfectly real. I saw it all as in a movie that I had no control whatsoever of the plot that was about to unfold. My eyes beheld only what Anni had looked at. I could not feel my hands on the wheel, but I could see them.
I could hear the tires as they sizzled on the wet pavement. I could see the reflection of Halloween’s full moon in the street ahead. I watched it as it kept its distance in front forever the same. The reflection of the moon shattered into orange splinters and rebuilt, vanished, then appeared again, but kept speeding ahead as I chased it with my wild driving. “For goodness sake Anni. Pay attention to Your driving!”
I returned to the lounge, and strutted in with a walk that wasn’t my own. The redhead still sat at the end of the bar, but she was alone again. Although she had had a few, I saw her eyes light up slightly when I approached.
“Do you mind if I sit here?” I asked.
“Oh not at all,” she said. “My name’s Mindy.”
“Pleased to meet you, Mindy,” I said. “My name is Jerry.” It was a complete lie. What was Anni up to here? Jimmy brought my usual Canadian Club whiskey, and I bent my head toward Mindy as I looked at him. He nodded, and walked away. I knew he was thinking “Yes, of course. Another one for the lady.”
“Well, Mindy,” I said, raising my glass in a toast. “It’s the last day of October, so here’s to a summer to forget, and a winter to remember.”
“Here, here,” said Mindy. “And here’s to a Happy Halloween too.”
“Oh how wonderful for you to toast that with me,” I said, in an expression that sent a shiver into my being. I clinked her glass. My eyes watched her drink, stared at her throat when she swallowed, and continued down to her cleavage. I sustained the motion of my eyes to leer down slowly to her thighs in what seemed to be a painfully obvious expression of lust.
“Y’know Mindy,” I crooned, “when I left here earlier, I had intended to go home and catch up on my paperwork. But I couldn’t get you out of my mind. I kept thinking of you sitting here alone, and that I was wrong to leave. I just had to come back, if only to rescue you from the kind of scum that come in here.”
“I know,” she said. “I just got rid of one.”
My conversation with Mindy was full of deceit and lies. I manipulated her thoughts with suggestive words and hints of promises. I punctuated the conversation with humor, and made her giggle and laugh. I fed her liquor, and we continually toasted “To Halloween!” or “To the Full Moon!” Poor Mindy had no idea she was actually helping Anni with Her witchcraft. We laughed as we toasted “To Isis!” and poor Mindy fell ever deeper under the spell. “To the Orphic Mysteries!” had no meaning to Mindy, but she put her cheery heart into it as she clinked her glass. The sound reminded me of a heavy iron lock closing suddenly around her neck. Then I asked her if she would like to dance. Naturally, she agreed. She was spellbound.
I slid another ten into Sam’s jar of tips. His smile broadened with understanding behind the inch long stub of his cigar. I led Mindy to the dance floor, and soon Sam’s piano had drifted into the dreamy opening chords of Surrender. Oh Anni, what are You doing?
As I held Mindy close and swayed her to the gently rocking rhythm, I made no effort to hide my growing manhood. In fact, I was arrogantly pulling her closer. My arm slid from the small of her back onto her ass, and I drew her firmly but slowly closer. It was the smoothest; slowest dry-hump imaginable, and Mindy was melting her body against mine. She leaned her head against my shoulder, and I knew Anni could feel Mindy’s warm breath on my neck. As if in a cloud, I felt my fingers wrapping around my stiff naked cock, in the luxurious living room of my condo. They felt like Anni’s fingers.
It came as no surprise to me that Mindy and I were soon tearing off each others clothing in her humble, rundown apartment. I kissed her mouth and neck, and whispered her name in her ear. I licked her and sucked her and gripped her hips tightly with my hands. Anni gorged Herself with the swollen greed of my body, yet I knew it was the shameless pride in creating Mindy’s helpless hunger that brought Her greatest pleasure, and I was soon pounding my manhood into Mindy’s hot, liquid cunt.
Mindy was in ecstasy. Her soft red hair stuck to my lips as I forced my tongue into her mouth. She dug her fingernails into my back, moaning with frantic desire. I knew that Anni was feeding from this moment like a predator gorging its prey. I knew it was a witch using my body to suck out the essence of this weakening woman. I knew She was feeding from me as well, from inside my body last night, and from this moment as I lived the memory. My cock was as stiff hypnotically remembering the sex, as it was when it thrust into Mindy, and I felt the witch controlling me even as I lay in my penthouse condo, experiencing the pleasure that I could not, or would not, resist.
Mindy was moaning “Oh yes! Yes! Take me! Use me! I… love… you.”
These were the words that made Anni’s spell complete. I knew at that moment She had taken the quintessence of Mindy completely.
Mindy cried out in orgasmic joy created by Anni’s deception, manipulation, trickery, and witchcraft. I felt no shock as I came explosively on Mindy’s stomach and then watched her drunken fingers smear my juices into her bare skin. I felt the explosion of my orgasmic spasms in my living room while my vision was still on Mindy. I calmly watched Mindy pass out and then slipped my clothing back on.
I looked at Mindy’s face. Every muscle in her face seemed to let go and become loose flesh inside a sack of blotchy gray skin. The weight of this mass of loose tissue dropping to her neck seemed to draw thick dark bags out from somewhere under her eyes. Her hair became stiff, brittle, rusting strands of wire. Her breasts slid off her chest and flopped to her sides like weary sacks of lumpy pudding. I knew her pussy, if one could call it that anymore, was becoming cold and dry, and would remain that way forever.
Yet Anni’s femininity would shine like polished gold lace in the hot sun of summer.
Then I stunned myself. I casually placed a one hundred dollar bill on Mindy’s night table. Then I looked directly at myself in the mirror. This was a deliberate act of Anni’s! She knew I would be seeing this. She knew I would witness the entire cruel act She had done while I was in Her body performing abuse of my own. She knew that poor, drained Mindy would curse my face when she woke to the hopeless truth of my deceit, exploitation, and humiliation of her. I saw my own face smile wickedly back at me. Somehow, I knew that I was looking at Anni, and She was grinning at me.
She drew my face closer to the mirror, until I saw only my eyes. Within my body, Anni tugged at my focus, until I saw only the pupils of my eyes. She was pulling me inward, and She was at the same time looking deeper into me. Somehow, within my hypnotized state, She was hypnotizing me again. The eyes became Her eyes, and pulled me deeper. I felt Her thoughts as if they were my own. I felt the admission of my guilt soaking in to Her, that I had enjoyed it. Yes! I had enjoyed it as She had sucked and torn the spirit from this weak woman. Somehow, as I lived this memory now, I felt this confession transmitted into Her the very night it occurred. I knew She knew.
She pulled me still deeper. It became a dream within a dream within a dream, and I couldn’t tell which was reality anymore. I went back to myself in Her body on Halloween night, enraptured in the pleasure of its orgasm. I knew She would relive this memory, just as I remembered Mindy. I felt Her with me there as well, as my hypnotized confusion stared into Mindy’s mirror. Everything became a whirlpool of thoughts and feelings, all flowing into Anni. I lay on the carpet in my condo, I caressed my pussy in Anni’s body, and I gazed into Her eyes in Mindy’s apartment. Anni was all around me at once, somehow collecting me, soaking me into Her, just as She had done with Mindy. I could only watch it all while helplessly accepting Her increasing power.
The mirror became a hundred mirrors, like some carnival maze. The drunken, snoring body of Mindy, left only with enough spirit to exist, my cum-soaked body on my carpet, only known to me by a sensation, the writhing body of Anni, Her thighs squeezed tightly on Her bed, the deep hypnotic abyss of the eyes in the mirror, and the placid, gentle smile of Anni’s perfect face, becoming so powerful as it absorbed us all. Everything faded to blackness as I became totally unconscious. Hours or minutes, I cannot say.
The memory-movie continued as the next morning unfolded before me. I showered, shaved, and whistled a favorite Bach Concerto of mine. So, Anni had kept this part of me for Herself. Things began to make sense. Then I drove to the bank.
I watched helplessly as Anni emptied my entire savings into accounts in Her name. I watched my own hand signing my own signature to the forms. I watched Her open my safety deposit box and remove all my important papers and valuables from there. I watched Her drive to my investment counselor for my appointment, and transfer everything into accounts in Her name.
“Anni will have to come in on Monday for a signature,” he said.
“You bet,” I answered cheerfully. “She’ll be here for sure.”
I watched as She drove to the vehicle registration office and transferred ownership of my Mercedes and Grand Cherokee into Her name. I watched as She stopped at a craft shop and bought fifty pounds of clay. I watched as She parked in my parking stall at “Pilfer, Langouste and Mooch.”
I heard myself tell my secretary to create a new employee named Anni, and that I would be setting up Her profile myself in my own office. I watched as Anni granted Herself full access and authority, and encrypted my career so that I could never make a decision greater than getting a cup of coffee. I typed up forms transferring title of my condo to Her. From my safety deposit box, I produced my insurance forms that listed each and every treasured possession in my recently lost home. In minutes, these were all legally Anni’s.
I kept happily whistling that damn Bach Concerto as I drove to Anni’s apartment. In less than four hours, She had taken my entire life and made it Hers while I had been happily scrubbing and doing Her laundry. Walking quietly down the freshly vacuumed hall, and into the bedroom, I saw happy Anni at Her mirror, cheerfully applying Her lip pencil, smiling at Herself with the narcissistic vanity of a peacock.
My eyes opened slowly, at first to a blur, as I next lay on Her Persian carpet in Her executive condo where I now owned nothing. Anni was standing above me, proudly gloating in triumph. I rose, without speaking, and sunk into an armchair.
“Get out,” I said without emotion.
“Oh, I don’t think so,” She replied smugly. “But, I could ask you to leave.” She paused to let things sink into my mind a little more. “Would you like a lift somewhere? I could give you a ride in Myyyy new sports car? I know where there’s a shelter for homeless gentlemen. I could take you there, My pet.” She paused again, squirming with delight at my helpless horror. “Or maybe you would like to go over to Mindy’s?” Her smile broadened, and Her eyes were electric with feminine power.
“What do You want?” I asked grimly. She already owned everything.
“Well, for starters… a housekeeper. Oh hell. I want a totally submissive slave. And…” She paused, “… I have a dentist appointment next Tuesday. I don’t want to go. You will go in My place.”
“Are You kidding?” I screamed, rising. “I will never, ever switch places with You again!”
“Oh yeah?” She faced me and the tip of Her perfectly manicured fingernail drew a slow line up the crease between Her legs in Her skintight slacks. I sunk back into the chair. She looked at me with the smile of a drug dealer at a helpless addict. She had beaten me in every way, and I knew She had complete and total control of me forever. I knew She knew. I knew She knew I knew She knew.
“Just one thing that I don’t understand,” I said, feeling weak, helpless and drained.
“What’s that?”
“What is all that clay for?”
“Oh that?” She began to move closer. “I’m starting a little club. It’s going to be a Women’s club.” She paused, Her eyes flashing. “A very, very exclusive Women’s club. Only… certain Women… may join.” She let Her words sink in. She let me sink into the chair further as She stood above me. “Well, they are going to need statues of their own, aren’t they, slaveboy?” She chuckled.
I thought of my colleagues and of men of power and wealth. I thought of them falling prey to Women like Anni; going through the same plight I did. I thought of their unwitting path to becoming totally helpless slaves to powerful Women like Anni. I thought of the thousands of women like Mindy, easily and eagerly surrendering their strength into the ever-increasing power of Anni’s Coven. She moved closer, gripping the arms of my chair, and locking me in.
“Soon I’ll have clubs springing up across America,” She said, beaming. She moved Her face closer. It was the face I had ravaged with lust in the mirror on Halloween night. The same expression of eager lust now spread across Her face. “Soon I’ll have clubs around the world!”
Her face was grinning inches from mine. Her fingertip traced the fierceness of my erection bulging in my pants. I surged. “We’re going to need a lot of clay, slaveboy!”
I watched the light play shadows on Her hips and legs as She walked into another room, stopping briefly to look with mild amusement at the contents of one of Her curio cabinets. The feelings of terror and fear melted away into feelings of acceptance.
Then I noticed 2 oil paintings that Anni must have hung on Halloween night. They were very old. One was of Ludwig Van Beethoven; the other was Anton Mesmer. In each painting there was also a Woman strongly resembling Anni, holding a curious statue. The statue had a brown right eye and the left one was blue!
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