There are no side streets in Las Vegas but Scott turned a corner and there seemed to be less neon and blinking lights. He spied an entrance with a simple painted sign that said “The Marquesa’s Crystal Palace.” And displayed on boards on either side of the entrance were photos of some very beautiful women …
Scott was what you would call a hell raiser. A hard drinker, he often got into fights when he was drunk and won most of them. He also liked to push women around after he had had a drink or two . . . and tonight, he felt like a drink or two ….
Once inside Scott took a seat at a table and looked quickly at the menu placed there, hardly noticing the imprint: “The Crystal Palace, A MarquesaCo Enterprise.”
…. of course even if he had noticed he wouldn’t have known what it meant anyway.
[Note: MarquesaCo is a business incubator for Female-operated enterprises mentored and controlled by The Magnificent Mistress Marquesa.]
A very sexy and cute waitress had quickly sidled up to Scott and asked him “what would you like, sir?” Scott gave his typical smart-ass reply: “you baby, in every way possible!” as he reached up and grabbed her left tit. “In the meantime, you could soothe my throat with a double Scotch and water. And baby, I wanna keep seeing that sweet ass of yours all night. Now go git me my drink.”
She gave a sign and said, “Someone will be back with your drink in a couple of minutes, sir,” and walked away.
A few minutes later the most exotic and beautiful woman he had ever seen slowly walked toward his table with a drink for him. She sat down next to him and began to talk in a silk-and-honey voice which he had to strain to hear.
“Hi Scott. Your girlfriend Mary said you might be visiting us tonight. She left our ads and flyers around the hotel room so you would notice them. We’re glad you could come.” Scott looked up at her with confusion in his eyes. “My name is Marquesa, but soon you will call Me, and Mary – Mistress.” Scott laughed. “Honey, I don’t call any broad Mistress! If that is the kind of club this is, I’ll just leave now before I get the urge to slap one of you bitches!”
Just then a spot- light went on over Marquesa’s head. It illuminated Her voluptuous breasts and brought his attention to an enchanting crystal pendant resting between them.
The combination of the almost magical crystal and Mistress Marquesa’s alluring Femininity seemed to reach deep into Scott’s mind. His mind seemed to be instantaneously intoxicated and attracted by Her incredible sensuality … Her super-Feminine aura . . . and the sparkling, mystical crystal resting between Her beautiful, luscious breasts.
This sudden onslaught She had unexpectedly launched against his senses seemed to rob him of his will to resist – within an instant – no time at all to marshal a defense. He felt his proud egotistic masculine energy grow weaker and weaker….. no way to assert his will to resist…. “Just let yourself float there Scott. you don’t want to leave … you can’t leave … it feels so nice just to stay here … near Me . . . doesn’t it? Just let yourself enjoy My beauty and My obvious feminine charms. It is such a warm, comforting feeling to relax and enjoy My company.” scott continued to stare at the sparkling crystal resting between Her massive, firm, ever-so-succulent breasts. “Yes . . . nice . . . very nice . . . ” he mumbled.
A knowing smile crossed Marquesa’s beautiful face. She knew scott was quickly succumbing to the erotic, sensuous, hypnotic spell She had so skillfully woven without his being aware. In moments he would submit to Her irresistible, entrancing power. he was already in a state of helplessness before Her.
“Listen to Me now scott. you can hear only My lovely, soothing voice. you cannot feel, see, or hear anything else. Your strength … your power to resist me has already left your body. When I say the word ‘obey’ it will be gone forever. Obey Me scott . . . obey … ME!”
Slowly his eyes closed. his defenses were gone . . . his mind lay open to Her commands … eagerly awaiting further instructions. The Mistress began the process of molding his thought patterns . . . molding them into a mind totally submissive and subservient to Her desires as all men should be!
“Open your eyes again scott,” She whispered in Her compellingly hypnotic voice.
his eyes blinked open as She slowly ran Her lovely manicured fingers along the collar of Her red silk blouse. he saw that Her nails were painted and polished to a deep red luster. She slowly moved them up and down the golden chain which held the crystal. each movement brought Her fingers closer to Her now fully-erect and long, hardened sensuous nipples. His eyes darted, first fixed on the crystal, then on Her erotically manicured nails, then on Her incredible breasts, only to repeat the sequence over and over again. She reached out with Her lovely soft, sensuous right hand, cupped his chin and gently forced him to shift his gaze up to Her deep, enchanting emerald green hypnotic eyes. “Look,” She whispered, “look deep into My eyes. Let yourself be drawn into them and surrender. It is alright to surrender … to give in to Me completely … you can’t resist My spell … you are powerless before My beauty … you will obey Me you must obey Me … you yearn to obey Me!” he nodded. “i must obey You Mistress Marquesa i must obey You, Mistress Marquesa … please … let me obey Your every command!”
“Repeat those words”
“i must obey You, Mistress Marquesa! Please let me obey Your every command”
Everyone in the club turned toward the couple and laughed and whistled at the astonishing ravings coming from the mouth of what appeared to be such a virile take-charge kind of a man. At that moment Mistress Marquesa signaled and a gorgeous tall brunette walked over and sat down at their table. In his hypnotized state scott still knew that it was his girl friend Mary but his mind was so befuddled he had no idea of how to respond to Her. he knew he desperately wanted to obey Mistress Marquesa … but what about Mary here?
“Listen carefully, scott. In the past you have treated women shamefully. you have injured them physically and psychologically. Mary has been your victim more that once. It is time that you repay Her for your thoughtlessness. From now on you will be Her paralyzed puppet … unconditionally surrendering to Her will … to Her Feminine Power. Her mere presence will rob you of any will to resist and your mind and body will be totally and absolutely under Her firm control as the Goddesses Above have decreed for the future of all humankind.”
“Mary and you shall be pathfinders in a new way of life. Do you understand?”
“i must obey Mistress Mary, my new owner . . . .”
“Very good, slave boy,” the Marquesa whispered. “Now I leave you with Goddess Mary, as a play thing for Her whims.”
As the Magnificent One walked away from the table, Mary thought of all the times scott had hurt Her and made up Her mind that She would humiliate him now, right here in this public place. It would make Her feel better and make sure any vestige of a will to resist Her was driven from his pea-brain.
“scott get up on the stage!” She commanded, scott obediently climbed up on the elevated stage at the front of the club, unable to resist any instruction from his former girl friend-now Mistress Mary.
“Now, I want you to take off your clothes … slowly … just like a stripper does, slave boy scott … ”
As the DJ played “My Little Secret” by Xscape, scott started a strip tease, just as he had seen many women do in similar clubs: first his shirt … then his pants. he stumbled taking off his shoes and the crowd laughed, then off came his underwear. There he was, dancing on stage in nothing but his black socks, like some 50’s porno actor. And, he was turgid … erect … his cock was fucking hard!
Then the DJ switched to “The Boy is Mine” and it was Mary’s turn to laugh.
“Now,” She said, “stroke for the crowd . . . and tell them who you belong to . . . .” scott continued to dance but started pulling on his cock as he shouted to the crowd: “i belong to Mistress Mary . . . my Goddess … my Owner. i will obey Her every command . . . i am Her sex slave . . . Hers . . . Hers . . . HERS! . . . he shouted as he continued to dance and stroke his cock for all to see.”
And then he started to cry on stage as he danced on, feeling the pain of a mixture of public humiliation and the knowledge that he no longer was in control of his own life. Yet, even as he cried for his loss of his former high self-esteem, he at the same time felt a strange feeling of contentment and excitement about his future as slave to a wonderfully wicked Goddess!
Then with a cunning smile……one very becoming to a sexy, scheming Goddess, who was just beginning to enjoy Her future role in life, Mary climbed onto the stage to play out that role to the hilt! Slowly . . . deliberately . . . She walked to the center of the stage, lifted Her skirt and commanded scott to come to her and to kiss her lovely ass!
Obediently, scott danced toward his new Mistress. Suddenly, She reached out and slapped his huge hard, pulsating cock. The combination of Her violent touch, the stroking of his hand and Her erotic mental control over him caused an immediate ejaculation!
“you know what to do now, My pitiful little slave boy!” She whispered.
And he did . . . there, under the glare of the spotlights and the uproarious laughter of the crowd, scott knelt down and began lapping up his own cum. he couldn’t understand it but he felt a rush of pleasure and excitement from this strange act of degradation and humiliation. Mary had indeed become his owner forever!
And then all of a sudden as he knelt on the stage he felt the glorious pain of leather as she had begun beating him with a black leather strop . . . it felt so good … “oh don’t stop.” his feelings were out of control, he had never known such ecstacy as this . . . such total pleasure in his mind as he felt the pleasure and the pain of Her lashes. he could not control his cock, She was now in total control of his mind and body as he shot another hot load onto the stage.
“Lick it up!” She shouted. “Let all the crowd see you licking up your own cum from the floor slave boy!” and once again, the hypnotized horny slave licked his cum from the floor.
Mary looked around the club and spotted Mistress Marquesa sitting at a table with yet another couple. Mary mouthed the words to Her:
“Thank You Marquesa.” And, oh yes … the people in this story lived happily ever after … !
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