Posted by Krystal Mesmer , 2013
Whips, handcuffs, paddles, blindfolds, ropes, electro-stimulation devices, and the list of BDSM devices, equipment, clothing, and paraphernalia goes on and on. All sorts of fascinating treats are coupled in people’s experiences, fantasies, and mindsets with BDSM and those who explore, embrace, and enjoy it.
But this time I want you to focus upon another kind of BDSM which I find appealing as well:
CLICK THIS http://finance.yahoo.com/news/4-money-mindsets-yours-190001528.html LINK FOR MORE INFO. An interesting article, to say the least!And why am I interested in you managing your finances and other resources even more effectively?
Because the better you are at managing your money, time, etc–the more you can devote to the right hypnosis recordings, phone sessions, custom recordings, and other delights that successfully spellbind you.And how does managing your money connect with BDSM?
BDSM also stands for, “Be Diligent and Succeed with Money.” $$$I look forward to comments, questions, and suggestions inspired by something I’ve written, said, or done.
* And if you’ve got that certain feeling that makes you realize it’s time you showed Me how much you genuinely appreciate Me masterminding your hedonistic hypnotizing, another thing you will do is get AND OBEY any of My financial domination treasures like My ‘BE MY VAULTENTINE’ VALENTINE’S DAY FINDOM-FASCINATION AUDIO ASAP.
Entries by Lady Krystal Mesmer
Posted by Krystal Mesmer , 2013
For your reconsideration I’m reposting a few of My blog entries which were available but got lost in the move.
Hi there:
+ Darth Vader’s creator knows it.
+ The parents of Hadassah, Jewish queen of the Medo-Persion empire, believed in it too.
A person’s name has meaning, power, and much more.
Someone’s name can reveal their character, their appearance, their family’s hopes and dreams for them, their spiritual background and may even hint at their political persuasion and more.
With all this in mind, I hope YOU/you will feel motivated to let Y/your hair down about Your/your name on inraptured and answer either or both of the questions below:
??? What motivated You/you to select the screen name YOU/you use on inraptured and what does this name reveal about You/you?
??? If Y/you had to pick a new username for YOURSELF/yourself, which one would Y/you choose and what about this name makes it so appealing to You/you?
Hello, star-struck suckers
you may not believe Lily Collins (the lovely leading lady in the “Snow White” retelling “Mirror, Mirror”) is lethal. But your computer, smartphone, or other internet-searching digital devices might if your curiosity about her or some other star(s) makes you click on one of the wrong sites devious and often destructive jerk offs have made to feast on people’s fascination with superstars, gossip, sexy images, and more.
Click this http://www.mcafee.com/us/microsites/most-dangerous-celebrities/index.html link to see just how correct I am again.
Now see what can happen to you if you wander off from the deserving, desirable Domme(s) you yearn for and go chaos trolling around for titillating tidbits somewhere that may not be safe at all.
And how else should you thank Me properly for protecting your PC from your celebrities fetish?
your time, talents, and treasures should be willingly and eagerly devoted to the First-Classy HypnoDomme(s) you find SIMPLY IRRESISTIBLE!
I noticed you peeking at My robust BEWITCHING Double D boobs
Men do find it challenging to keep their eyes off of Myyyyyyy bountifully breasts.
How much do you yearn to experience MOOOORE of such pleasures? Yes…. I KNOW YOU DOOOO.
LOOK UPON my luscious breasts………..Aren’t they enchanting? —–Go ahead.———Don’t be shy……I want you to look……
I LOVE it when a desirable man watches me play with my voluptuous breasts.
Massaging them up and down, back and forth.
Ohhhhhhhh Yesssssssssss. It! feels! goooood!!….Mmmm it arouses Meeeee….
You -arouse Me.
My hardening HYPNOTIC NIPPLES are be-coming so stiff and sensitive.
They’re fascinating you, yesssssss?
That bulge in your crotch shows something’s up.
I’m pleased you’re succumbing to My INTOXICATING INFLUENCES AND charms. It’s healthy for you!
In fact, go ahead and massage yourself IN YOUR MOST EROGENOEOUS private places if you want to…Yeah…That’s it.
Unbuckle your belt, unzip your pants, take out your cock and masturbate…OR JUST WAIT….IF YOU HAVE THE BALLS TO DO SO…. While I enjoy toying with yoooou….My pet…..
Check out the article below for your own good!
(Thanks caveman)
Posted by Krystal Mesmer , 2013
Hello, My dazzled dearie:
I don’t believe I ever posted this entry before and could not find it in the data base .
If this is the second time around for this blog, well…why not!Geometry is all around us. We’re surrounded by many kinds and sizes of alluring shapes and appealing shapeliness.
For example, an erotic animal such as a cheetah running freely definitely has a beautiful form.
And a favorite sports arena or stadium is often very well-built.
Wonderful sculptures and magnificent jewelry are frequently well-endowed with pretty geometry.You know, I find that curves are among the most eye-catching shapes around. Think about a magnificent spiral staircase. And what about a curve ball that breaks exactly where the pitcher wants it to. Bending the batter to the hurler’s will and wiles.
Oh yes, the right curves are very nice to rest our eyes on. Maybe that’s why one of my fine hypno-fans sent me the article below.
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Looking at curvy women ‘gives men the same high as alcohol or drugs’
By Fiona Macrae
For millions of women fretting about their weight the news will be a huge relief, men prefer a curvier figure.
Not only that, the effect on the male brain of a shapely woman is, apparently, comparable with that of beer and brandy.
According to research, figures such as Beyonce’s also light up the male brain in the same way as illegal drugs.
Singers Beyonce Knowles and Christina Hendricks are both known for their curves.
A new study has revealed why men find their shapes so attractiveAcknowledging that the findings were not groundbreaking, Dr Steven Platek reckoned: ‘Hugh Hefner could have told us that by showing us how many zeroes are in his bank account.
‘But there is more to it than buying Playboy, Maxim or FHM.‘The caucasian, westernised female has somehow been duped into thinking men like very skinny, waify, Kate Moss-type girls. Curviness is the trump card. It’s worth it’s reproductive weight in gold.
Original pin-up: Marilyn Monroe was one of the first on the silver screen to champion the hour-glass figure‘This research explains things like sexual harassment and whistling at the hot girl in the street.
‘These findings could help further our understanding of pornography addiction and related disorders and lend to the scientific inquiry about infidelity.’Researchers in Georgia, in the U.S., scanned the brains of 14 young men as they looked at before and after pictures of nude women who had plastic surgery to give them more shapely hips and bottoms.
The operations didn’t reduce their weight, just redistributed it, the journal PLoS ONE reports.Seeing the post-operative shots excited the brain’s ‘reward centres’ – regions more usually activated by drink and drugs.
High waist to hip ratios – or hourglass figures – proved particularly stimulating.Dr Platek, of Georgia Gwinnett College, said this could be because wide hips have long been linked with good health – and the ability to carry healthy babies.
However, altering a woman’s weight only lit up areas involved in simple visual evaluations of research and shape.The study is one of several recently to offer hope to Miss Average. In December scientists announced that men don’t hanker after women whose legs go forever.
And last month they said having a big bottom is good for health.Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1253439/Curvy-women-activate-reward-centre-mens-brains.html#ixzz0gaaItbE7
* * * * * * * * * *
Now that you’re thinking about CURVES! CURVES! CURVES! here are some links with my recordings that can deliciously draw you into some of the most charming curves around:
I certainly hope your ever-increasingly exquisite explorations of the tantalizing titillations awaiting you within http://ladymesmer.com/v2/home/index.php help you find all the first-class spellbinding shapes and compelling curves you yearn for.
Lady Krystal Mesmerizing you MORE! with curvaceousness, cleverness, and even more charms!