He only noticed this lady at the large building in which he worked the other day. He noticed her sallow aquiline beauty. But he especially noticed her attire. Always a garment in satin, whether a languidly liquidly shimmering blouse or tantalising soft charmeuse satin skirt. He always froze in wonder a little as her perfumed silken form wafted mesmerizingly by. Just like a regal barque of soothing satin gentleness and serenity upon the sometimes murky and/or turbulent river of daily life. Daily life was indeed getting hard, the threat of job losses all the time. The worry about being next in line to go led to him waking up each morning with tight shoulders of tensed up muscle. He kept wondering what terrors the day may hold. The smiling super rich venture capitalists that had taken over his firm weren’t so terrifying. But they could still hire and indeed FIRE! Her presence somehow insulated him against all this.
One day he had wolfed down a rather large lunch. Perhaps it was possibly a comfort eating lunch. He needed all the comforts he could lay his hands on as his sadistic looking manager had told him that his “Sorry ass” could be next to be “Fried” if he didn’t “Raise his game”. How crass these bullying executive idiots were.
He noticed the satin lady from the rear. She was wearing a long satin pencil skirt with beautiful splits revealing gently undulating thighs. Her skirt shimmered enticingly. Its raven black fabric reflecting the sunlight into his eyes-back forth -back forth swish swish-back forth-back forth -swishhhh swisssshhhhh. Her heels tapping out a rhythmic “Click clack” on the sidewalk-back forth-back forth-click clack -swissssssh swishhhhh.
He was drawn to that skirt bobbing back and forth like a sign appealing to his unconscious desire to be soothingly sensually swathed in soft black satin-soft blaaaack satin -swisssh -swissssh.
He had his blue tooth on and was awaiting another call from the sadistic knuckle dragging fiend of a boss. But instead a gentle , cultivated female voice crackled through in a sweet soothing but deep US west coast burr.
“Hello!!! my pet. Don’t be afraid. I am Lady Mesmer. You have seen my friend Victoria. Indeed you are looking at her, ahem, assets right now-her ass I mean. Darling, I hate to be so blunt, but that’s all you can call it . But for you, it’s the fabric that covers it and enhances and entrances that you love isn’t it?”
“My friend’s satin clad ass in her sweet loooong black satin skiiirrrt is mesmerizing you, isn’t it? And you just have to follow as her satin clad shimmering ass swings back-and-forth-back-and-forth. The swishing-the strict purposeful swishing of her ultra feminine form combining with the equally purposeful mesmerizing click clacking of her long stiletto heels on the sidewalk. She knows she is mesmerizing you. She knows you want her to take control of you. But she needs to HYYPNOTIZE you my angel. To make you tired and sleeeeeeepy. And you feel you have to follow that skirt, even though you are more tired and sleepy with every step. Click clack go the heels. Swisssssh swisssh goes the soft liquid fabric almost saying to your tiring body through so much walking and following that you must Shhhhh-Shhhhh and sleeeeeeep-sleeeeeeep.”
He indeed was tired. And all he could focus on was that skirt. Swaying, swaying, undulating like calming sweet soothing waves. She headed towards the railway station. He didn’t even buy a ticket as he followed her to a train.
The carriage was an old fashioned enclosed one. She put her hand on the door and looked at him with a face of mocking a victim, yet desire. He followed her into the carriage.
They were not alone. Sitting opposite them was a wonderful blonde goddess with soft full blonde hair, a long leggy lap, an amazing cleavage, and-after she had removed her 70’s style shades-emerald eyes.
There was no escape. As the train started to move-this wonderful goddess lady spoke-with the same voice that had whispered in his ear.
“Yes dear. I AM Lady Mesmer. And it is now time for sensual relaxation. My friend here wanted you and I agreed to gently lure you here, to attract you to her wondeful satin clad assets like a helpless moth to a shimmering, flickering pencil skirrrrted heaven ofg silken delight, think of your face resssting against that fabric my dear , ressting in sweet silken yet aroused surrender, sleepy surrender, sexual soprific ohhhh so sleepy heaven….”
“List-en as the lullaby movements of the train soothe you. You are so tired from following my friend’s satin skirt. You are a little flustered. You need to lay down and rest. Yes look at Victoria’s sssatin ssskirt now awaiting you. You followed it so well. Now you want to nestle in it and sleeeep-sleeeeep!”
He felt his head drift down into that silken heavenliness. He felt soothing fingers gently caress the side of his neck. He felt his manhood stir. He felt a satin glove caress it. It was Lady Mesmer’s satin glove. A little part of him wanted to protest. But his eyes glazed with more than sleep as Lady Mesmer’s silken voice lured him willingly into hers and Victorias web of satin delights, he imagined satin clad fingers arousing him in sleepy peaceful sensually mesmerized dreamland.
“That’s right, little one. I need to feel your relaxation and the arousing effect of my words, my satin, Victoria’s satin. All coalescing to put you to sweet sleep yet arouse you for our own ends. As your eyes flutter closed you will cum for me. Darling, sleep and cum , sleep and cum. Think of the satin, caressing your neck , your head , the inside of your legs. Its wonderful hem striking the sensitive parts above your feet. Sleep and cum, my angel . Sleep and cum!”
And he did
“He’s good, isn’t he?” said Victoria.
“Yes” replied Lady Mesmer. “But we must take him and mould him for our pleasure as he seems to love it when we do. We must take on that venture firm to make sure that you keep a job to attract studly young men like him. Apparently his boss is devoid of imagination, she paused “Or so we hear” when we get to our destination and let our friend enjoy his nap we can look at the next step…..” she grinned michievously , Lasciviously-she had a plan.
“When our mesmerized friends nasty boss was away from his desk he had minimized somethis on his computer-a webste devoted to satin and rubber domination and hyp-nosis, yes hypnosis”
Victoria looked on as Lady Mesmer spoke quietly but with ultimate self assurance.
So , I recalled that I had met a very striking Norwegian Lady whilst touring Rurope, a fellow hyp-notist and female dominant with it a Kin-dred spirit-I want you to meet “Madame Gomisove”. The doors to her office swept open.”It roughly translates as “Rubbersleeeep”
The vision that walked in would rake any mans breath away. A golden haired norse amazon with electrically flashing silken blonde tresses walked into the room. But her atire-oh my.
A high necked strict charmeuse red satin blouse with bilowing sleaves cut low to reveal a firm totally symetrical cleavage adorned by a flashing crystal choker.
Below her thighs marned in perfect rythymclad in an ultra tight shiny black rubber skirt.
“Ah-two of the three materials odf seductive sensual hypnosis that men cannot resist, these garments are hardwired into their skull to display feminine icons that must be obeyed, the ultimate matriarchs, the ultimate strict but often gentle govetnesses that crowd their pretty WEAK young heads-this is why we women have such power, look at this vision of feminbine domination, the most powerful weapon in the world fades to a hatmless little toy when presented with all this-this!”
“Tonight this lady really does “Go to work” Ha ha”
Bernard Hardasston wanted to know where that “Little maggot” from the office was-he would fire his goddam sorry ass so he would-but the image on his computer scheme that had come through on e mail surptised but calmed him. It fearured a lady of above 6 feet dressed in a shimmering blouse of red satin holding a riding crop with a multi-facetted diamond at it’s tip-it was an animated image and he wondered if he would have his ass reamed for opening a potentially unsafe e mail but it was too late, the lady slowly swayed the riding crop ,a soft voice took him by surprise.
“Bernard-oh Bernard-look at what I show you young man and look below”
He did so at a swaying rubber skirt-he literally drooled at the mouth.
“Oh Bernard my little daydreamer-want to see more of me”
She gave an address-he never bothered phoning his boss-he just left.
When he arrived at the hotel room he was surprised that the very “Little maggor” he had been looking to fire allowed him in.
“Where have you been you asshole-I oughter goddamn fire you now you slacker, you idiot…..” His voice tailed off.
Before him was an image swathed head to toe in the material of feminine domination and sweet fantasy-satin and-yes rubber, that skirt coming towards him,the perfumed acrid smell of it gently invading his nostrils.
The “Maggot” left the room but maybe he wasn’t such a maggot if goddesses like this were his friends.
“Mister Hadasston- allow me to intruducce myself I am Madame Gomisove-Trranslated as “Rubbersleep” in your Americanised English-I am from Norwat where all women are tall blonde-soothing but ultimately strong-stronger that you meister “Soft”-Harsasston-not so hardassed now are you-yess liik at the rubber, look at the strong
soft rubber of my skirrrt advancing before you, mesmerizing you, heyepnotising you, lok at it sifftass, look at it and begin to be lulled by it, soothed by it, seduced by is-just as you remember being really soothed by the blaccck rubber anesthezia gasssss masssk
years ago when you were a student having dental treatment, you remmmember the pretty blonde nurse who said little after the mask of deeeep sleeep went over yout face. Well that was me my baby, I was the one by your side as the gassssss entered you and sooooothed you to sleeep, as my skirt approached you now, perfumed yet still
carrying that pungent yet sleeeep inducing scent of sleepy surrender, as it comes to smother you-ro wrap you up in rubber heaven you remember that time as I soothed you to sleep, you imagine my rubber clad womanhood drifting soothing gasses of sleep into your mind. You are aware of the image of Lady Mesmer behind me. I serve her and you should too, you will sleep as the rubber skirt softly engulfs you. When you awake you will be lady crstals servant-she will be your world.
His eyes futtered then closed as Madame Gomisoves latex thighs truly did engulf his happy sleepy face.
“Sleep on langourous latex heaven my angel breathe the strong but sweet smell of soothing yet strict rubber my ange-BREATHE IT-YESS BREATHE IT then sleeeeep sleeeeeeeep” said Madame Gomisove.
Lady Mesmer took off her shades and casually tossed her golden tresses from side to side. “You have done well my latex-lullaby -temptress , ” she said-with him out of the way all the others in that place will be ours and we need to make sure that their bank apptoves that loan-less of a bail-out-more a traceout-especially as the CEO loves loooong blaaack satin and indeed rubber skirrrts”
Victoria and Madame Gomisove prepared for a new mission as the bully and the bullied males hypnotically slept, lulled to mutual and sensual peace by three gently dominating angels.
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