COMPULSION (Masturbation Addiction)



In a particular episode of  ‘The Big Bang Theory’ the main male characters are eating at the Chesecake Factory where Penny works.

While there, fellow scientist Lesley Winkle comes in and approaches their group.  Below is part of their conversation during which Penny expresses her surprise at meeting a woman scientist:
* * * * * * * * * *

Leonard: Lesley, this is Penny, she lives across the hall from Sheldon and me.  Lesley and I do research together at the University.

Penny: Oh, wow, a girl scientist.

Lesley: Yep, come for the breasts, stay for the brains.
* * * * * * * * * *

*  Lesley’s ” come for the breasts, stay for the brains” remark, is quite profound, don’t you think?

+  Certain characteristics will attract one person to another when they initially meet.

+  And other traits will keep one person attracted to another as time passes.

+  More often than not, long-term attractive traits appeal to more than just the five senses.

+  How someone looks is VERY often an initially attractive trait.

+  And someone’s character, personality and skills are typically long-term attractive traits.

In Lesley Winkle’s  ” come for the breasts, stay for the brains” statement, breasts are an initially attractive trait and brains are a long-term attractive one.

And now for the questions I hope will stimulate some arousing replies:

???  What is one of the traits which initially attracts You/you to someone else?

???  What is one of the traits which attracts Y/you to someone else long-term?

???  Name one of Y/your traits that makes You/you initially attractive to someone?

???  Name one of Your/your traits which makes Y/you attractive long-term?   Dear slaveboy…if ya have any, do tell Me your secret(s).  LOL