Daryl, a habitual sex offender and petty thief, tracked a pretty girl to Her apartment. But when he followed Her inside, the tables turned, and he wound up lost in the dark building, as She taunted him from the shadows.
Just then he sensed someone coming up behind him. Before he could turn, a numbing blow from a black jack struck the back of his head. he saw lights behind his eyes and felt a searing pain. Then went black, collapsing in a big heap on the floor.
When he awoke, he found himself in an upright position but with his wrists shackled above his head, to what must have been rings in the wall or ceiling. his ankles felt as though they were chained to the floor. Some sort of steel, or other high strength bar held his knees apart and his head was strapped to the wall behind him, so he could only see straight ahead. Another strap held his waist to keep his body close to the wall. A ball that tasted like rubber was in his mouth, kept there by some sort of elastic band. There was a hood over his head. he was effectively blind, mute and immobile. All he really could sense were his restraints, though he was soon to learn that his hearing was not impeded.
“daryl-wake up.”
he stiffened at the voice as he tried to respond. An unintelligible sound escaped from his ball-gagged mouth. he twisted and strained at the bonds, trying to free himself.
his captor laughed but he couldn’t tell exactly where the sound came from, as if it made any difference anyway.
A hand pinched his nipple – hard! Yet another sense, pain, had not been suppressed! “Jesus, i’m naked” he thought as he grunted in pain. “Stripped naked!”
Just then, a hard blow was delivered to his stomach. he would have doubled over but his restraints prevented him from moving. Next he felt a warm, tender hand, brush against his balls and the touch of long fingernails against his cock. They felt so sexy! Immediately his cock was hard and fully erect.
Just as he was beginning to really enjoy it, the hand left his cock. he could feel it move up his body until it reached his head and unceremoniously yanked off the hood and released the gag. “Ow!” he blurted out.
he blinked as his eyes adjusted to the light and then he focused on Her. It was the sexy brunette he had followed, but She was dressed in a skin tight leather cat suit, black and smooth. his nostrils flared as he caught the scent of leather. Her hands were encased in supple black leather gloves and in them She held a small black leather riding crop.
She stepped back a foot or so and looked at daryl. It was a bewitching, sexy, disdainful sort of scoffing look. he found it quite difficult to not succumb to the power of Her eyes. he swore to himself to resist it to the end.
“You bitch,” he shouted, “as soon as I get out of this stuff your ass is mine. I’ll beat the shit out of you! You can’t keep me chained here forever!”
“Oh but I can!” She purred “No one knows you’re here, and you’re going to stay until you beg to become My slave, or until you die. Whichever comes first as they say,” She said with a roaring laugh.
“You can’t do that! It’s illegal!” he spurted out.
“you prick! you have violated the law at the expense of women your whole life! Now it’s payback time! The law couldn’t stop you then and it can’t help you now. you’re My prisoner and that’s the way it will stay until I say otherwise. I am your law now!”
She reached over to a table and picked up a tape recorder and an odd looking pair of goggles. As She placed the headset over his ears and adjusted the goggles over his eyes, he noticed they were both connected to a nearby computer. he became aware of a deep humming sound coming from the earpieces as a spiraling pattern played across his eyes. he tried to ignore the sights and sounds, but became quieter and calmer the longer the contraption was on. The computer-generated light show had been designed to induce hypnotic trance and in spite of daryl’s efforts to resist, it was working.
Helpless to resist, his mind reacted to the lights and sounds. his mouth dropped open as all the muscles and nerves in his body relaxed. his deep, regular breathing indicated to his captor he had entered into a trance state.
Her fingers flashed across the keyboard, starting another program. This program would embed commands in daryl’s now somewhat docile subconscious minds, commands that would be difficult to ignore.
“This Gloriously Beautiful, Strong willed Woman is much more powerful than you, mentally and physically. you are no match for Her. you should be Her slave. you should obey Her. Obey. She is your Mistress… your Goddess… your Owner… you are Hers… and you want to be Hers!”
Over and over the words pounded into his brain as the lights flickered. he was powerless to stop it. Like is little wind up toy, the words wrapped themselves around his brain and bent his will in line with Hers.
She took off the device and stood, smiling, above Her prisoner—so much stronger than he.
daryl, how do you compare to Me. Tell Me,” She spoke, Her voice a sensual whisper.
“I’m really nothing compared to You,” he responded.
“Very good, you little, ass-kissing pussy boy… very good. you’re just a worthless piece of shit who longs to worship Me. Isn’t that right?” She said, with a broad smile across Her lovely face.
“Yes what, pussy boy?”
“Yes Mistress.”
He was totally beaten… he knew it and, of course, so did She!
She loosened his bonds, releasing the chains and shackles, but mentally She remained in total and complete control. There was nothing daryl could do to resist Her, but of course, he no longer wanted to resist. On the contrary, his concern now was whether She might not keep him as Her slave.
She pushed his face down into Her leather-clad ass, and not one to pass up and offer, he kissed it passionately. he worshipped it as he kissed and licked leather on Her perfect round ass. “Wow, heaven can wait,” he thought. “This is heaven.”
Deep down in his subconscious, in a small corner of his brain, there was still part of him that was fighting to break Her hypnotic bonds. This caused him to pull back. he was still very afraid of Her even harbored thoughts he might be able to run away. All the while, his basic instincts, activated by Her wonderful tape, told him he should stay to enjoy his precarious slavehood.
daryl kept his eyes focused on the floor as he stood naked before Her Magnificence. he was barely aware as Her open hand slapped him hard across the face. his head rocked from side to side from the impact of the blows. his vision blurred from the tears which sprang to his eyes as a reaction to the pain. his cheek burned from the blow and he tried to raise his arm for protection but She slapped him again. he couldn’t seem to block the blows. This Woman was so much stronger than he.
Falling to his knees, he tried to grab Her legs to stay close to Her so She couldn’t get a full swing, but She just laughed at his futile efforts. She reached down to his cringing body and forced his weak arms away from Her glorious legs, pushing him to the floor. She rolled him over onto his back and kicked him hard in the stomach. his breath rushed from his lungs and the pain shot into his gut. he gasped for air as She turned and lowered Her perfect round ass onto his face, then sat down hard.
Already out of breath, and in pain, Her marvelous, smooth ass smothered him, making it impossible for him to breathe. he quickly began to lose consciousness.
As he blacked out, he could hear Her laughter. he couldn’t help thinking how She was so much stronger than he, both physically and mentally. Where had he heard that before? It didn’t matter, he knew it was true!
This time when he woke up he was again wearing the computer rig but he was not restrained in any way. his only clothing was a black leather collar with the words “pussy boy” printed on it.
“Stand up!” She ordered.
he stood.
She clipped a long leash to a metal eyelet on the collar, then pulled him brusquely around the room. he didn’t even try to resist.
“Sit up and beg!”
he had no idea what he was begging for but he knelt on his “hind legs” with his “front paws” clawing the air in a begging motion.
“Speak!” She commanded to Her lowly slave, lower, in Her eyes, than even a dog. he didn’t even know what Her name was. All he knew was that he had become Her helpless slave.
“Arf, arf, arf,” he barked as tears started to form in his eyes. Was there no order from this woman he could refuse?
“Heel pussy dog, heel!”
On all fours, he trotted around to his Mistress’ heel just like a trained puppy. he crawled behind Her as She strutted around the room.
Just then daryl heard the sound of the elevator door and turned to see it slide open. Was this the same door that had trapped him so long ago, when he was still a man, not a puppy?
Six women walked out of the elevator. His eyes grew wide with fear as he recognized that he had assaulted every one of them. The red head was the girl from Junior High when he was fourteen. The blonde was the victim in a robbery he had committed. While She slept, he broke in and stole Her cash and credit card. Then he raped Her. All of them had been his victims, and each one held a black leather crop, exactly like the one his Mistress held.
“Show them your ass, pussy dog!” his Mistress commended.
The lowly dog turned his exposed flesh toward the six angry Women. One by one, each lashed out at his ass. At first, they struck with a slow rhythm, but then the blows came faster and faster in exact sequence. Each Woman took Her turn.
Each stroke recaptured part of the dignity he had stolen from them. The speed of the lashing increased until a steady, quick “slap, slap, slap” of leather against bar flesh was the only sound in the room.
But with each blow, his cock grew larger and stiffer! he loved being punished by these Women. he knew he deserved it. They were so much stronger than he, both physically and mentally. They should be in control. he was nothing when compared to Them.
Finally, with his ass red and raw, he collapsed onto the bare floor. As he lay motionless, the Mistress reached down with Her benevolent gloved hand and stroked his hard cock.
“She is truly merciful, kind, and understanding after all,” he though to himself.
Coldly, clinically, She continued, never touching skin to skin, until he shot his load into Her gloved hand. Then She held Her cum-covered hand to his mouth spread his cum on his lips.
“Eat it. Lick your lips, pussy boy. Taste your own cum!” She ordered the defeated slave. he licked his cum from Her hand as commanded, tasting his own salty load.
“This is the only way you will ever have sexual release again… by My kind and generous hand, not yours! Not through the normal and abnormal sex you used to have. you will only have release at My ‘cum’mand!”
The slave nodded in agreement. he had to obey. She was so much stronger than him, plus She was right. She deserved to be in total command. This was the perfect outlet for his voracious sexual appetite, and he didn’t even have to seek it anymore.
The Mistress looked at the other Women. “See, I told you we could use my new machine to get revenge. Now it will be your job to locate more men who have treated women badly as well as more women seeking revenge. Soon we will be a powerful force. We will hold the men captive as long as We wish and they will serve Us as completely as this one does, and love every minute of it! Isn’t that right, pussy dog boy?”
“If that is your desire Mistress,” he answered.
The beautiful Mistress laughed and looked down at Her slut slave, the pussy dog who would no longer assault Women, but serve Them. “Every man who has ever fucked with a Woman’s head had better worry. Revenge is near, but in the end, they won’t worry about their pitiful hides. They’ll just worry, that We might tire of Our revenge and throw the rascals out!”
The Ladies all laughed at the Mistress’ prophetic words.
The rascals’ worst fears, of course, became reality in the end game.
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