Decided to start my diary. I am Dr. Setadiva–Italian by birth, but now based in England. I am a neuroscientist specialising in sleep disorders. I run a special clinic for mainly female patients who have trouble sleeping. I use a combination of re-normalisation into a bedtime routine plus a little hypnosis.
The hypnosis fascinates me and my nurse assistant, Miss Soiedorm. But I have an extra curricular slant. Whilst I must be totally professional with my patients, their partners are a different matter. And here reposes my biggest idiosyncrasy, my “Fetish”. I love lulling males to sleeep. I adore watching their naturally assumed power crumble as their eyes hover between consciousness and the submissive dreamland that I bring them. For every lady on my three-day course with a partner, I ensure that I entice the partner into my veritable Venus flytrap of narcotic, nocturnal nectar. I simply hypnotize their hapless husbands until they react to my soporific commands without question. I am strict but soothing , calm but carnally craving, watching their eyes flutter closed and their manhood arise under my silken spell.
My name means “Silken-Diva” and I aim to be just that–a satin goddess of hypnotic power. And guess what, for me and my illicit male client -victims it’s a win-win situation because they looooooove being hypnotized.
My lady patient is led away by me and my assistant. She is undressed and slowly calmed. Then my nurse reads her a hypnotic story and our woman patient’s fascinated, childlike eyes glaze in peaceful anticipation of sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
My pulse quickens as I go back to the waiting room. My patient has mentioned her husband´s love for satin and how she sometimes wakes to find him slumbering on the breast of her silken nightgown.
As I walk towards my office, I go to the ladies room. I look at my reflection in the full-length mirror. I see my raven black, silken hair. A stern but gently beguiling look and full, glistening lips make my countenance calming yet compelling. I’m professionally nevertheless alluringly attired in a stylish jacket covering firm, young, thrusting breasts. A glittering, facetted diamond pendant is hanging seductively around my long, sweet neck. But for my man awaiting in the waiting room, my piece de resistance is a long, shimmering, shiny black charmeuse satin skirt covering my shapely thighs. The split at the side revealing long, smooth, but athletic legs. I pose and sway a little. And as the light is restfully reflected from the smooth, slippery, invitingly cool, yet soothing material, why , I almost hypnotize myself. But now’s not the time to indulge in that pleasure. This Piece de resistance will break down his resistance. I apply a little perfume and stroll down the hall into the waiting room. I know the zipping swish of my skirt will beguile him. And-oh my-he’s looking!
I beckon him from the waiting room into my office and sit him on my golden brown leather couch with velveteen cushions. I sit on a hard-backed chair directly in front of him. As we converse, I’m casually moving my legs so that the silken, liquid material subliminally pulls his eyes towards my lap. That´s it little man, you´re already getting ensnared, aren’t you? ha ha!.
I advise him of his wife´s procedure and let him know that she is currently sound asssleeeeeep. I look at his eyes as I go through statistics, success rates, and medical jargon. Sure enough they flutter a little. This is the first stage.
I also look at his crotch as I see his eyes inexorably drawn to my soft, sensual, satin skirt. Time for phase 2.
I start to talk about hypnosis. I explain there are many ways how it is induced. sometimes by a monotone but relentlessly strong voice that slowly makes the victim’s -oops, client’s muscles start to loosen. As I’m telling him about this kind of hypnotic voice, I’m speaking to him in the very voice I’m describing. I explain and also demonstrate the lullaby voice like the siiii-iiing sooong maternal cooing that brings back reflections of being rocked to sleeeeee-eeeeeeeee-eeeeeeeeep. The gentle waves of this voice lull him and I notice his crotch stiffen. Great!!!“` I know which voice turns this little man-boy on!.
I explain that focussing on an object, like a glittering pen-dant can help induce trance as I finger my necklace. But I go on to reveal how the hypnotists eyes must constantly focus on the client. I recount that many clients report feeling the intensity of this focussed eye contact. For me, whenever I’m staring into someone’s eyes during hypnotism, I picture my eyes emitting waves of silent sentences irresistibly implanted into their mesmerized mind’s impending malleable mindlessness. My eyes are repeatedly retransmitting the messages, “My will is stronger than your will”, “I can compel you to look at this pendant”, “And you can only obey as your eyelids tire”.
I then explain how every human has a deep seated need to be rocked and that sometimes eye-catching clothing attractively covering a body that rocks and sways assists the hypnotist. I get up and suggest things to focus his eyes on my skirt, my soft, black satin skirt. I sway it back and forth so it reflects the light like a sensual, slippery mirror of deep seated desire and rest. Back and forth the skirt sways as his eyes follow. He follows the silken, dreamy fabric inviting him to nestle. Everything he perceives is here to invite him to nestle sweetly, sleepily against the promise land of the satin swathed flower of my womanhood guarded and embraced by my firm hips swathed in swaying satin and rocking his tired, dreamy, little head.
I then talk about how gentle tactile gestures can assist in the final journey into sweet, sleepy trance. I inform him that we all have receptors that send messages of relaxation to our tiring conscious minds saying sleep to the conscious mind and be aroused and obedient in the unconscious mind. I stroke his forehead and the sides of his neck. His manhood stiffens again and grows more as I caress the little space between his occipital lobes and his ears. I see how much this is one of the triggers of ethereal slumber and electrical erectile arousal.
His head rocks by itself and his eyes roll in a futile attempt at un-needed resistance. Responding to my signaling, my assistant enters. We lull him further finally saying in harmonised, sweet, singsong voices swimming in synergy like a sonnet of hypnotising dolphins, “Offff to sleeeeep, my darling. Gooo to sleeeeep. Gooo to sleeeeep sleeeeeeeeep sleeeeeep sleeeep”.
His body quakes in a final vain attempt to fight the relaxation. His head slumps against my satin skirt. My eyes roll as my womanhood engulfs his smiling, sleeepy face. We lead him to our special rest room. I need not write the rest.
I awake my male subject as my assistant wakes his wife. He is in my “Rest Room”. He is blissfully unaware of the carnal pleasure I had with him in his hypnotized state.
Says he dreamt about making passionate love to a raven haired goddess. Said the dream was very vivid. But then he dreamt about being held in a spider web with a voice saying, “Sleep is obedience. Obedience and sleep equal arousal. Arousal equals unlimited sensual pleasure. Unlimited sensually hypnotized pleasure equals serving the satin goddess. Serving the satin goddess means total obedience. Obedience and satin servitude means sleeep and arousal. Arousal and sleep are sensually and subliminally intertwined. You will learn to obey your satin Diva and gradually sleep instantly at her command. When she utilizes the implements of soporific servitude: the silken skirt that you worship; the satin blouse; the glittering pendant; the alluring, silken gloves, you will instantly learn to sleep and give and receive pleasure and gratitude for your sleepy obedience. For…obedience is sleeep, sleeep is obedience…” .
He says that the unseen and clearly female spider told him this all night. Little did he know that my hypnotizing CD played through velveteen headphones played this to my little captured lover all night long. Huxley was right, “Three thousand repetitions equals a dominated, male hypno-drone”. But tonight would prove his conditioning more.
I got my assistant to lull his wife off earlier. I invited him into my consulting room. I was wearing a prim jacket, leather trousers, and an oh so soft satin blouse revealing my glittering pendant.
I ask him to sit at the desk. I sat in front of him –legs apart, sweetly satin clad bosoms inches from his face. He looks afraid. I stroke his neck and swing the pendant. “Obedience is?” I question “Obedience is?” His eyes grow heavy. “Sleeep” he mutters “Please let me sleeep”. “Oh yes ” I say, “Slumber on my bosoms as the pendant lulls you. Relaxxx and gooo to sleeeeep. Relaxxxx, sleeeeep, sleeeeep”.
I caress his neck. His head drops onto my cleavage and he smiles dreamily. But I want more. I present him with a nipple. “Suck and lick my silken clad breast, darling . Pleasure me whilst you sleeep. And as you pleasure me fall deeper”.
My eyes roll as his lips clasp my nipple and he suckles. I put my hands in his pants and his manhood is alive. His tongue licks my mammaries and I draw him closer, closer as he obediently slumbers and pleasures ………
My experiment is almost accomplished. Well, I say experiment, but to me it’s sheer pleasure. I have so much stress in my life and I need an escape. My subservient males dig my tunnel for this. Sometimes, all the stress of patients and seminars gets too much. I need a bolt-hole. And I So! so!!! adore the feel of a male body as he crumbles to deep sleeep before me. I feel such tingling, sexual, mouthwatering power knowing my brains, charms, and skills captivatingly cause rapid, rapturous reversal of the traditional roles. And I have to be honest when I say that I enjoy how I pleasure them so much. It’s all so nurturing, so sweet. I like having totally, unconditionally loving, sleepy pets. Ohhhhh! My eyes roll into my head and I feel so alive yet sooo relaxed thinking about them!
He comes in again in the evening. I dress in my elegant, figure-hugging silk -satin gown. I pull on my long, reeeeeeed satin opera gloves with my wrists bound by diamond-studded bracelets as he sits. I walk towards him and wave and weave a silken gloved spell. As I approach, I use my whispery voice to suggest, “sleeeeeep, sleeeeeep, sleeeeeeep ,sleeeeeep, sleeep , sleeep, sleep. ”
Oh my!!! His rolling, helpless eyes make me moist with such love as he falls to his knees and as his head searches for my loving cavern of lust. Asleeeeep and obedient after 10 seconds. He MUSSST!!! be mine.
He was distressed when I woke him and I said that there had been a complication. I recommended that his wife should stay longer. And I suggested that he needed to go home and ressst.
I send a reassuring, soothing email and attach a video file I entitle, “Slumberfile”. I wait whilst my fingers fondle the keys that I had cut for his flat.
At 6 PM I imagine him logging on. And soon afterwards, I fantasize he is opening the file. His screen displays my stern but soothing visage. I’m swinging my pendant and making spell casting hand movements. “Sleep, sleeep , sleeep, sleep and obey”. Says the recording of my voice.
I arrive and let myself in to find him in a deep hypnotic sleep as my sleepy looped recording keeps him deeply asleep. I enhance his entrancing and our erotic entertainment by speaking to his subconscious. Like a snake charmer my feminine fingers start deftly weaving spell like movements over his pants as his serpent of lust is carnally charmed out of his deeply asleep body.
I will let your imagination do the rest…..
Krystal’s Pleasurable Postscript
Doctor Setadiva puts her hypnotic training to some sensual uses.
Here are some medical-inspired mesmerism sessions:
The Therapist
Doctor is Ready
The Ear Exam
The Referral
The Sperm Clinic
Dr. Setadiva specializes in handling sleeping problems.
I’ve got some HYPNOTIC scenarios that STIMULATE much MORE!!! than you yawning:
Slumber Party
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