Disclaimer: In this story the fictional character of Marquesa engages in the unethical behavior of using public funds for her personal enrichment. Such unethical behavior, be it by unscrupulous politicians, business persons, or anyone else in regards to the general hard working public is not to My liking.
I do not condone such behavior but enjoyed the rest of the story enough to publish it; BECAUSE IT IS THE AUTHOR’S FANTASY.
I would never use my hypnotic abilities do such a thing. It is NOT My fantasy.
Goddess Marquesa walked into the interview room knowing she was in charge…At the same time George a veteran reported prepared for the interview of a lifetime
George had carefully prepared his notes and had them at the ready he knew what he was going to ask. He had put on his best suit and a nice red power tie that would look great on camera. He looked over at Marquesa who was being attended by 10-12 people. They buzzed around her focused on her and only her. Marquesa had come to prominence when she won mayor of her town in a landslide victory she got 90% of the vote which was unprecedented for an unknown candidate. She was beloved in her town and no one had a bad thing to say about her. George had to admit the mayor oozed sex appeal.
George found it strange that she was the one who set up the interview, it could only be in her town and she would make all the arrangements he just had to show up. The studio was set up with two chairs facing each other and a simple background but was in its own room. George went and sat down and asked Marquesa if she was ready. She smiled and said of course. She moved over to her chair facing him with the grace of a cat…each step was entrancing…it was like EVERYONE in the room watched. She sat down across from him and said I am ready.
As she sat across from him George could not help but notice she was gently swaying her stiletto pump as she crossed her right leg over her left. She wore a tasteful gray skirt with a very conservative jacket. She displayed no cleavage but she did not need to. Her long, tanned legs and firm calves along with shiny, almond-toed 6-inch gray pumps were enough to bring men to their knees. Then there were those amazing green eyes you could get lost in.
Before we start, I have to thank you for giving me this Opportunity? You have come to such prominence since taking your town by storm. Before Marquesa could answer they heard
We are ready anytime you two are a studio technician announced as he closed the studio door behind him. George looked around, confused. He certainly did not have much experience in television journalism but where were the camera operators? The floor manager? It looked as if it was just the two of them in this room?
Relax George, Marquesa assured him Everything if fine
Don’t worry. They can hear and see everything from the control room. The cameras are behind the one way glass. It’s more intimate this way. Pretend it’s just you and me. George smiled and watched her stiletto pump rocking gently.
First question why do you think you won in such a landslide? Because people see my passion and focus…they understand a lot needs to be done and I am the women to do it…, so they get involved. They also have that trust in me, knowing it would be easier for them not to fight back. MY administration would just love it if they just sat there and relaxed. If they relaxed and obeyed. She swung her right leg back and forth. Back and forth. George minded himself not to let her bully him and take over the interview.
Lets talk about how you can actually lead this town with no experience…. Marquesa smiled its very simple I lead and they follow when that happens you can accomplish anything.
OK I want to talk about the town budget…since you took office the budget has increased three fold and taxes have doubled
What has changed is my government has more things it want to do for the people and in order to do that we needed money, Marquesa replied
She swung her very tanned calf back and forth. Again. Slowly. Back and forth. George thought of the townspeople as sheep, but now he imagined them as truly brainwashed. He could imagine them being turned into mindless slaves as they simply watched her sexy, shiny high heels.
The people in my town wanted action they wanted me lead…They were not simply going to sit there and watch. They are not going to just relax and watch while their town go down and down into a spiral of submission. That would be easy. If they just relaxed and watched and listened while someone in power, more powerful than them, commanded them what to do. You would like that, wouldn’t you, George?
Yes, he would love that. Ummm…no… he said. But the question is… What was the question? He flipped through his notes but his vision was hazy and he had trouble reading his own handwriting. The last question was about what? Yes, well what about how your administration intrudes into people’s private lives? George was happy he could find another question he was having trouble focusing…so easy just to stare at Marquesa’s long sexy legs as they slowly bounce up and down…up and down
Intruding into people’s lives, I am doing what the people want…no what they need what do you think everyone in the town just obey’s and gets what they want? If they hand over all there burdens my goverment will just take them and make them go away. Maybe if they just give in a little and submit to what I am doing they realize things could get easier for them. Would you want to live in such a place, where you just lay back, relax and obey
Umm no Mayor Marquesa…but the point
The point is, George, she rocked the point of her heel. Back and forth. Even when she spoke with passion she maintained a sense of calm. A steady rhythm of her heel swaying back and forth. Back and forth. “The point is you feel safer when you trust someone more powerful. You feel better when you surrender to someone more powerful.
You want us to surrender to you?” George asked. He really wanted to give some attention to his erection. Just a light touch of his very hard dick would feel so good.
Look, I’m not falling for that, Marquesa smiled. You want me to say I want people to surrender to me. You want me to admit that I’m trying to hypnotize people. That is what you media types think. You believe all my supporters are just my obedient slaves. You believe that I hypnotize them to obey so that they are unable to resist my commands. They must obey me. They cannot resist me.
No…that’s not what I meant.
Oh really? So you think you could resist me, George? she asked lifting her foot and resisting her stiletto in his crotch. That did not seem right. How would it look on television for people to see a respected mayor giving a foot job to reporter? But why focus on that right now. It was so much easier to focus on his hard cock…and her perfect sexy legs. He had to think of another question …but those sexy legs were so easy to focus on
Let’s talk about your economic policy He pushed against her foot and moaned as the sole of her heel massaged his cock and her heel rubbed underneath his scrotum. You doubled taxes and have gone on a spending spree for what I am not sure. How can you justify all this spending?
George I am a new mayor with a new plan, one that has never been seen before. And any time its something new it can be scary. Sometimes you have to have faith and just give in. Isnt it easier to just give in
Sometimes giving in and can just feel so good she flexed her ankle so her heel applied more pressure to George’s cock. That felt GOOD. He slid closer to the edge of his chair so he could feel more of her heels. Not everything can be explained by facts. Sometimes something just feels so right and so pleasurable you cannot resist no matter what your mind says.
Yeeees…yes…but, ooohhh…we need to keep to the facts
Facts no one cares about those, especially when it conflicts with pleasure. You must not let anything interfere with your relationship with me. It’s easier to believe in my will…my power and not to think and worry about making sense of the world. Just believe what I tell you. I believe you came to me because it’s your destiny to help me. It’s your destiny to kneel and serve me. And if thats why I want, there is no point in resisting, is there?
Yes marquesa was right but for some reason there was one small part of George trying to resist. He was a reporter it was his job to state facts and uncover the truth. Serving Marquesa would be so much easier though. He would have no concerns no worries anymore. All his problems would go away and be replaced by the pleasure Marquesa could provide…he could just serve Marquesa
I fight for people I lead people that’s why the follow me, Marqesa continued. You believe they only like me because I’m a sexy, gorgeous woman. They only follow me because they want to fuck me. You believe they just enjoy staring at my shiny, sexy stilettos. When men stare at me, they get hard and imagine fucking me. Then while they’re horny and hard, I command them and they obey. They must obey me. They cannot resist me. Is that what you believe George?
George believed that.
Yes…we will resist you…
Thats what the townspeople thought too..but I had something they couldn’t resist something they had to see. Would you like to see George?
His mind said no he wanted to say no but suddenly she started to dangle her heel right in front of his face…back and forth back and forth he could not think..just stare
He was going to say NO, but he heard himself say yes
Yes Marquesa said and with that dropped her shoe from her foot to reveal the most dazzling white toes he had ever seen…As you can see it is so shiny the light bounces off them causing swirling patterns that are almost hypnotic in nature. George just sat there for a second motionless agreeing the color was amazing how the light would bounce off them was incredible.
Maruqesa smiled its ok to focus on them…he just sat there motionless his eyes glue to the shiny hypnotic brilliant white toes….each second staring at them he could feel pleasure coursing through his body….the white light bouncing off them was reprogramming his brain…so it understood Marquesa’s white toes were the most incredible sight he could ever see…would be the only sight he wanted to see…the only sight he HAD to see….the only sight that for know on would bring PLEASURE.
My question to you George is what is the most important thing you need to focus on?
She watched as the brilliant white was causing swirling patterns that were so mesmerizing nothing else could be focused on… and heard George barely say your white toes.
Yes excellent by focusing all your time and energy on the brilliant toes you can relax and become open to there power……its so easy to focus and relax…in order to fully understand there power, you must be relaxed and be open to it. If you are not relaxed, you will not see the Pleasure they can bring. The more relaxed you are, the more easily the PLEASURE will come. Relax further and listen. Relax further and stare at the swirling white patterns.
Are you relaxed and open to my words?
Have you ever seen anything as spellbinding as my brilliant white toes?
Good You are relaxed and open to the whites spell. You have relaxed your inhibitions and opened yourself to the brilliant white toes. You have relaxed your inhibitions. You are open. As you relax yourself you are becoming hard. The more you relaxed the more comfortable you become and the harder you become. The more you relax and focus on the white toes, the more you feel your cock growing harder and harder. You focus only on the stunning billiant white toes filling your vision. You are getting harder and harder so hard now
George let out a sigh..so hard
Yes the blood is flowing out of your brain into your cock now. Without your inhibitions you can feel the wonderful hardness You are becoming aroused. You are hard and aroused. You are aroused. so Hard to think
When you stare at the mesmerizing white hypnotic toes, your arousal grows stronger. Your arousal grows stronger and your desire to listen and obey grows stronger as your inhibitions disappear do you understand?
By focusing all your energy on my spellbinding white toes you will see the patterns change and they will draw you deeper under there hypnotic power…You are intensely aroused. You are horny. You are extremely horny.
George sat there staring fixated at the changing pattern swirling in those sexy white toes…there were pulling even more arousal from him
As each moment passed he sat staring at the beautiful white lights dancing off those perfect brillant whiter toes ….his will being sucked away…no resistance left just the beautiful white toes and pleasure
George groped for the notes on his lap he had to ask another question
You’re still thinking, George. You should stop thinking and surrender. You want to serve me, please me. You want to worship. You worship on your knees. Try sinking to your knees. See how it feels.
George knocked his notes to the side and crawled on the carpet. Marquesa was right. It felt right to be on his knees before her. So much easier to worship…to worship Marquesa. Easier to worship than to think…to think…think about…
All the money your government is taking in
What’s that, George?
Your bringing in so much money with all the taxes
Yes, but I need money so I can buy fancy things, and get manicures and pedicures. You think my perfect feet and white toes deserve to be pampered dont you? Look at the white toes George You want to touch them. You want to lick them. You want to taste each toe in your mouth. Serve me George by licking them. Serve me by sucking on my brilliant white toes. George lowered his face down to the carpet and placed his lips on her big toe. He salivated at the taste. Yes, Marquesa was right. Marquesa people needed nice things. Beautiful, sexy, sophisticated women like Marquesa needed designer shoes. and pedicures so men like George could worship at her feet.
Yes kiss each perfect white toe All my obedient slaves love to stare my brilliant white toes when they listen to my voice give them commands they are helpless to resist.
George looked up at her with pleading eyes. He didn’t want to talk about anything. He just wanted to serve and suck on her beautiful, sexy, commanding white toes. But he was a reporter it was his job to ask important questions. Marquesa could see George was trying to think
Marquesa what did you do to the townspeople?
You’re still thinking too much. And talking too much. Is talking really how you want to use your tongue, especially since you can use it on so much else? You can keep licking my perfect foot and white toes.
George held her foot and sucked on each toe then placed his tongue on her ankle and began to lick further up
Reach higher, George. You want to run your tongue all the way up my sexy legs. Between my thighs. You want to reach my pussy. You want to suck on my pussy…nibble at my clit…suck on my clit. You do not want to talk. You want to lick my pussy.
George reached the apex of the Mayor’s thighs. Her crotch was exposed to the air, not even the thinnest of materials separating his lips and tongue from her most intimate regions. He smelled her arousal She was a woman. A woman whose pussy he needed to eat.
“Mmmmmm,” Marquesa moaned. “Yes, George. Lick me. Push your tongue deep into my pussy. Lick up the folds and then to my clit. Suck on my clit. Suck firmly and gently. Ooooh…George, that’s good…Oh Jesus…You can’t talk now, George. Just listen. You believe in everything I believe in. YOU will do anything I ask
Yes, he believed anything Marquesa said. He did not want to talk. He had spent his entire life flapping his tongue and nothing had changed. The world should be ruled by Marquesa. She was beautiful powerful..and she had the most hypnotic white toes that no one could resist
She gripped the back of his head and forced his face deeper into her pussy. He inhaled deeply. The joys of being held close to power. Being on the outside looking in was pointless. He could accomplish so much more by being part of her inner circle.
“This is a very natural position for you, George. On your knees. Listening to my commands. Unable to use your tongue accept to give me pleasure. And you feel so much joy in this position. You want to be in this position all the time. You…Oooooh, yeah…you want to serve me all the time. Yes as George licked Marquesa he knew his purpose in life was to please her to make her cum over and over nothing else mattered
As he licked deeper and deeper into her pussy after a few minutes of dedication he felt her buck with pleasure and juices squirt into his mouth as she orgasmed in pleasure. Somehow George knew he had done well.
Marquesa smiled and said what would you like as a reward for serving your goddess…George did not hesitate may I cum on your brilliant white toes? Marquesa smiled. Of course slave
As george looked back down at the white toes before him he was pulled deeper under there spell
Marquesa smiled George By focusing all your energy on my spellbinding brilliant white toes you will see the patterns change and they will draw you deeper under there hypnotic power…You are intensely aroused. You are horny. You are extremely horny and in need of release.
George sat there staring fixated at the changing pattern swirling in those shiny white toes…there were pulling even more arousal from him
Its ok your hand is now moving to your so hard cock. You cannot contain yourself any longer. You must touch your arousal. Without a thought of where he obeyed. He began stroking intensely pre cum forming on his hard cock Waves of pleasure coursing through his body with each stroke of his cock
As you willingly submit yourself to my hypnotic white toes your masturbation will become increasingly pleasurable. Your masturbation is becoming increasingly pleasurable. You obey in order to increase your pleasure. Obeying my white toes is pleasure. Obeying is pleasure. You will obey. Your pleasure increases. You will obey, as your pleasure increases you will obey.
George was slightly slack jawed staring at the whirling mass of white lights reflecting off those sexy white toes that drove him to masturbate feverishly. Each second staring at them allowed the white spell to sink in more, making each moment better, driving him deeper into arousal, and deeper into obedience.
Marquesa watched amused, as your arousal increases you will not orgasm. You cannot orgasm until you are told. You will obey, as your pleasure continues to grow, you will obey. If you obey, you will be told to orgasm. You enjoy this. You are extremely aroused. Every touch brings you closer to orgasm. You are about to cum. Listen carefully and you will be instructed to cum.
George NEEDED to cum badly he was so close but he new he was not allowed to yet. He could stop he was masturbating fervently now. The pleasure he was giving to himself was driving him to obey
He stared at the shiny brilliant white toes that was now in complete control and and listened desperately for the command to cum.
Somewhere inside him was the biggest orgasm of his life . He had NEVER felt PLEASURE like this he should be CUMMING on every stroke but he was not allowed to yet…..he had to be told to orgasm so until then he would stare at the white and enjoy the best masturbation he could ever have
Marquesa said: You will stroke yourself once for each command you accept.
Each stroke will drive you closer to orgasm.
My white toes will be the only thing going forward that will allow you to cum
George Stroked
Nothing else matters but seeing them again
George moaned in agonizing pleasure.
You will obey anything I say
Obeying brings pleasure.
So much pleasure
He was so close to Orgasm
But once you cum for my brilliant white toes ONLY my white toes will allow you to cum ever again
Lost in the haze of lust he said, YES ANYTHING FOR RELEASE
CUM slave
George submitted as the orgasms washed over him
She watched as the orgasm brought him bliss. As the orgasm shuttered through his body in a feeling more intense than he could ever even dream off…He came from his toes to his scalp as cum shot out everywhere and just kept coming for over two minutes of bliss
George looked up for a minutes from her white toes and there was understanding in his eyes…He had been programmed he know understood why he were here on this planet..He was here to serve Marquesa…to serve her white toes as her town was doing nothing else mattered…
Marquesa instructed George to lick up his mess then gave him a pre-prepared story on how she was America’s best mayor. He took it and she said you will run this story. he said of course Goddess I live to serve you
Always great to have good publicity.
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