In October, England’s soccer team lost against the tiny European state of Croatia. One of the goals was a most unfortunate own goal. At one point, a British defender passed back to his goalkeeper. The ball was rolling slowly towards him and the goalie went to kick it and missed completely. How on earth did this disastrous turn of events happen? We can at last reveal the whole story.
England’s team flew into Croatia a few days before the match to get acclimatised to the climate and general conditions. The team’s members were warmly met at the luxury hotel at which they were staying. Each player was allocated two members of staff, a porter to carry the bags etc and a maid to wait on each man hand and foot and generally see to it that he had everything he wanted. The maids were young and very pretty and dressed in traditional “French Maids” uniforms.
England’s goalkeeper, Paul Robinson, was allocated a porter named Ljubojevic [affectionately referred to as “Lubo”] and a wonderful maid called Jana. She was a very pretty, dark, Croatian young lady with lovely long dark hair masking the prettiest of faces. Observantly gazing out of her countenance were exceptionally large, mysteriously dark green, fascinatingly almost hypnotic eyes. When they met, she looked up at the tall goalkeeper and smiled demurely. She offered him her lovely and feminine hand, which he automatically took and shook.
What he didn’t know was that the beautiful young lady in front of him was an expert hypnotist, trained by the greatest hypnotist in the world, Krystal Mesmer herself. There wasn’t an exquisitely effective induction method in the book which Jana hadn’t learned from her mentor. She knew that this man would soon be putty in her {some would have concluded far to beautifully manicured to have done much scrubbing and cleaning} hands.
* * *
After learning from Krystal, Jana became a sports performance improvement coach in her homeland. Far more often than not, she achieved spectacular results–especially with her masculine clientele. Eventually, this gave her agile mind an idea. She firmly believed there was more than one way to help her country’s athletes achieve the successes her patriotic soul knew they deserved.
As she did with each person she meticulously and scrupulously instructed, Lady Krystal Mesmer had done her best to impress upon Jana the unchanging need to exercise the greatest degree of caution whenever one took upon themselves the responsibility of using sensuously stimulating mesmerism. She also repeatedly reminded this young woman that her hypnotism student should always act in accord with the highest ethical standards whenever she was hypnotising another. The teacher can only transmit the lesson. Learning and living by it is the pupil’s province.
* * *
As they shook hands, Jana gently and subtly caressed Paul Robinson’s palm with her fingers. Her sensitive fingertips noted his hand’s slight quiver when she did this. It seemed her plan would be most successful indeed. She then looked straight into his eyes and smiled. Her lovely, emerald eyes laser beamed right into his, almost dazzling him with her beauty.
“Hello, Meester Robinson. I am Jana. I will be looking after you while you are here. Will you please follow me; I will show you to your room. Lubo will follow on with your bags.”
Tired from the journey, Paul didn’t say anything. He was already in a little daze and he just obediently followed her. He found himself gazing at her lovely bottom swinging back and forth as he sheepishly followed her to his room. He was not disappointed in the accommodations either. It was a lovely large room, with a drinks cabinet and a wonderful view over the neighbouring forest. It had been a good choice of hotel. It was wonderfully quiet and relaxing. The room had a luxurious, thick carpet which only added to the feeling of opulence.
Jana told Lubo to place the bags on the table. He did so automatically. Jana then told him to leave, which he did. Paul didn’t notice consciously the way Lubo unquestioningly did what she told him. Nor did he pay much heed to how her voice subtly changed from the cooing, seductive ways she was chatting him up, to the sharp, all but animal trainer-esque commands that she gave Lubo.
Jana showed “Meester Robinson” round the room, showed him where all the light switches were, and the power sockets. She deliberately bent down low for this task, giving the appreciative athlete a lovely view of her pert bum in her frill knickers. She showed him the bathroom, and the button to call her. She explained that she would be able to help him at any time, day or night. He felt that she just couldn’t have been more helpful.
She offered him a drink. He accepted and asked for a hot chocolate, which she made him straight away. As she prepared the brew, she soothingly made light conversation.
“I hope you had a good journey…. It is a long way from London… You must be very tired after all that travelling….”
He yawned. “Yes I am really.”
She smiled to herself. So far so good she thought.
“Come you sit here and drink your chocolate. Of course I will help you relax.”
She beckoned to the large armchair that was in the room. He obediently sat down. She gave him the chocolate and stood over him. She softly stroked his hair.
“yes you must be very tired after all that journeys. You just relax with Jana is here for you. Just listen to my voice, nothing else matters.”
He contentedly sipped his chocolate. And he really and truly enjoyed feeling himself melting into her sweet words, and under her gentle touch.
“take some nice deep breaths for me. As you breathe more and more, you breathe more and more deeply. It relaxes you more and more deeply. Every breath also makes you focus more and more on my words.
“My words are all you need to think of. Nothing else matters right now. My words are all you need to know. My words are helping to relax you too. Every word relaxes you more and more. It gets easier and easier to relax with every word I say and every breath you take.
“Every word and breath is becoming hypnotic to you. More and more relaxation you feel with every word and every breath. You are focussing more and more on my words. It is more and more easier for you to focus only on relaxing and listening to me.
Every word is more and more easily taking your mind off the outside world.
My words and your breathing keep on relaxing you deeper and deeper.
Your focus and breathing get deeper and deeper, too, more and more easily.
It’s all so hypnotic and gets more and more that way so easily.
Every word and breath is giving you deep, hypnotic relaxation.
It keeps getting deeper and deeper, taking you deeper and deeper into trance.
“You find your body getting more and more relaxed, more and more limp, more and looser.
Every part of your body is being filled with deepening relaxation.
With every word, this relaxation fills your body more and more.
The more relaxed you become, the more deeply you breathe.
The deeper your breathing gets, the more you focus on my words.
My words and breathing are hypnotizing you, zoning you out. With this peaceful, calming relaxation you are becoming soothed and so tranquil and tranquilized.
My words and your breathing are like pure relaxation to you.
“Now, as you continue focussing on only my words and breathing deeply, I want you to start focussing on your feet.
I want you to let them relax.
Focus on their relaxation.
We’re going to do this with every part of your body, one at a time.
We’re going to move up through every part of your body, and with each part, the relaxation will get so much deeper.
It will become so very easily to totally relax.
Concentrate on relaxing your feet, including the toes.
Let every part of your foot become so limp and loose.
It makes it easier to relax the rest of your body, too.
Relaxation keeps getting easier and easier, with every bit of relaxation you feel.
Relaxation deepens and reinforces itself.
You can feel my words and your breathing making this easier and easier, too.
“Now, let this relaxation in your feet spread up to your lower legs.
The relaxation is spreading more and more, more and more easily.
Your entire lower legs are being filled with this relaxation, more and more quickly.
You relax faster and faster with each new part.
It takes less and less effort to relax.
It becomes more and more automatic.
“Now, spread the relaxation up into your knees.
You can feel your body having less and less of a desire to move.
You don’t need to move at all. You can just be lazy, loose, and limp. It’s so easy to let that happen.
“The relaxation is going up into your upper legs now.
The relaxation is always getting easier and easier and more and more enjoyable.
It hypnotizes you deeper and deeper.
Every time you relax more, you sink deeper into a nice, hypnotic trance.
My words and your deep breathing are continuing to hypnotize you deeper and deeper, too.
You are hanging on to my words, focussing on them so deeply.
The increasing relaxation is spreading up into your torso and pelvis now.
Every part between your legs and your chest is feeling this deep, deep relaxation.
You are becoming so soothed.
You are being freed of cares and worries.
This relaxation replaces tension, more and more.
It gets easier and easier for that to happen automatically.
With every breath, you breathe in relaxation and breathe out tension.
Your lungs are being filled with relaxing air.
“Now, you are efficiently and effectively spreading the relaxation into your chest.
That makes the breathing even more hypnotically powerful.
Your deep, hypnotic breathing is becoming even more relaxing.
It’s so much more able to relax you now.
The air you breathe in is so, so good.
“The relaxation is going up into your shoulders now.
You are feeling every part of your body being bathed in pure relaxation.
Every new part I mention gets more and more of this relaxation, encouraging other parts to relax more and more.
It all takes you deeper and deeper into hypnosis.
It’s getting so very easy for you to become very deeply relaxed and hypnotized.
“The relaxation is going into your upper arms.
We are taking a little detour, taking care of your upper limbs.
The relaxation is taking effect on each new part of your body so, so quickly.
It so easily makes you become more and more hypnotized.
You are responding deeply and hypnotically to the relaxing pleasure.
“The relaxation is going into your lower arms now.
Your lower arms are absorbing the relaxation so very easily and quickly.
They are becoming completely and utterly loose and limp.
It gets quicker and quicker. The relaxation becomes that easy. It’s so good to you.
“You feel the relaxation going down into your hands and fingers now. They feel like they don’t want to move. You will simply let them to become loose and limp, unable to do anything but relax.
“Now, let the relaxation spread back up to your neck.
Your neck is making your head heavy, but you can still easily relax my deep, precious words. You love my words and how they help hypnotize you. They’re so hypnotic.
You are unable to resist them. They are so powerful. They feel so good to you.
“Now, the relaxation is going up into your jaw. You are becoming slack-jawed.
You have no need to say any words out loud. There’s no need to move your mouth at all. Your cheeks are now getting this relaxation, too.
The lower face is becoming so deeply relaxed.
“It’s time for restingfulness. Relaxations are going up into the nose now. The relaxation is filling every muscle and nerve.
Every muscle and nerve of your body is being bathed in deeper and deeper pleasure.
Every part keeps feeling more and more relaxation.
Every time a new part relaxes more and more, the parts before it relax more and more, too.
“Your subconscious takes care of the relaxation, automatically and without any thought. Relaxation keeps becoming more and more automatic.
It’s so very easy to relax without having to think about it.
Relaxation is just natural to you.
“The relaxation is going up into your eyes and eyelids.
You are still listening to my words.
You enjoy blinking more often, but you also enjoy my words.
You keep needing my words more and more. They’re so very precious to you.
You are only thinking of my words now. Your mind is empty of everything else.
Your mind absorbs my words. My words keep going deeper and deeper into your mind.
You think about only of them more and more. More and more easily you listen closely and relax deeper.
“The growing relaxation is finally going up into your scalp, relaxing your eyelids even more.
Your entire face is so very relaxed now.
Your entire face is so, so very relaxed now.
It’s almost totally relaxed.
“Let the last leaving bits of tension just melt away all the ways.
Let them float away from your body.
The tension is being replaced and pushed out of all of you by relaxation.
There doesn’t need to be any tension at all.
With total relaxation, there can be no tension for you are only relaxings.
Relaxation is just the lack of tension. And it feels so, so good.
“You are continuing to go deeper and deeper. You are focussed only on my words. My words are all you need. My words are all you follow. You are so very deep now.
Right Meester Robinson?
“You know Meester Robinson is so relaxed by Jana. Now in the game of football your team has with Croatia later in the week, you will see the ball rolling towards you. And when you see the rolling ball, it will relaxes you more than ever. The ball rolling at you reminds you to feel more relaxation than you feel right now. You are a good goalie. When you see the rolling ball, you will run to kick it. As you run, your mind and body will feel more relaxing. As you run to kick the ball rolling, you feel so good and relaxing more than even more than ever so much. And you will miss the ball, because the rolling ball makes you feel so relaxed. Seeing the ball rolling at you makes you feel so relaxed even more. And if the ball will role into the back of your net, you will feel more relaxations than ever you have. Seeing the ball roll into the net relaxes you more than any time. Do you understand Meester Robinson?”
He hypnotic sleepily grunted in agreement.
“Good. In a second I will leave you. After I close your door, you will count from one to one hundred. As you count to one hundred, you relax and more drowsier you will become. After you say one hundred, you will change and get into bed and dream of me. You will forget all about this little conversation we have just had, but you will remember to dream of me. And tomorrow night you will let me into your bedroom so you can talk to your pretty maid you like me very much. You want to talk to the nice and pretty girl who takes care of you. When I am alone with you, you will remember how relaxed you become by me. Only when I am alone in your room with you, you will remember I will relax you again. Do you understand Meester Robinson?”
He grunted in agreement again.
“Good boy”
So that is how it all happened. Each night he was staying at the hotel she would go into his room and weave her magic spell around him again. And when the crucial match did eventually come, – well you know what happened don’t you dear reader?
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