Entries by the englishman


He had been a care worker for 20 years, ever since he left school. The pay was not much, but he loved the work. Most of the old ladies he looked after in the home he worked adored him, and thought of him as “a lovely young man.” Then things changed. A new government won an election and took office. He could still remember the new speaking in the elections “For too long we have kept our old folk locked away in large, institutionalised homes. If we win the election we will do everything we can to keep them in the community. We phase out grants to residential homes for the elderly and instead spend the money on providing domiciliary care for old people in their homes.” For once the new government kept its promises. Without a year his home had closed down and he was looking for work. Read more…

How we got into this mess

Disclaimer. The political and religious views of the author hinted at in this story are his and his alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the host of this website. This is a fictional story, written for entertainment purposes and is not to be considered as a serious piece of political analysis. Any similarity with any living or deceased person is entirely deliberate “What are you going to do when you graduate Laura?’
“I´m going to be the most powerful lady on the planet,’ she replied stretching. Read more…

How not to play Football


In October, England’s soccer team lost against the tiny European state of Croatia. One of the goals was a most unfortunate own goal. At one point, a British defender passed back to his goalkeeper. The ball was rolling slowly towards him and the goalie went to kick it and missed completely. How on earth did this disastrous turn of events happen? We can at last reveal the whole story. Read more…

How I came to be teaching in America

A Story set in 2012

So how come an English guy like me ends up teaching in America? Well it is a long story. It started in the 1990s. I started exchanging emails with Krystal. She had a website and started writing stories for her website. In return she would give me free copies of her video and audio hypnosis recording she made. I loved them! her voice was just so smooth and relaxing, and she had this lovely soft American accent. Gradually as I kept listening I became more and more gravitated towards Krystal. I would go out like a light for her! I gradually became more and more friendly with Her. At first she was a bit reluctant to get too close to me, as I lived so far away, and had a fiancée, and while my fiancée lived quite a way from me, I did see her every weekend. Gradually though Krystal realised that this fiancée didn’t give me what I really needed and desired – deep hypnosis by a skilled and talented hypnotist! She also realised how very deeply I was falling under her spell and how sincere I was in my admiration for her. Read more…

Your Story…

Hello, welcome to my story.  Please take a seat.  We were just beginning…

Thank-you all for joining me.  Oh, look we even have a lady or two in the audience.  No don’t go… you may find this entertaining as well.  Yes this is going to be another story with a beautiful, hypnotic female hypnotist and a tasty bit of love and sex – not too much you understand – we have to leave something to your imagination.  As you may have gathered, this story is a little bit different.  The difference is that it *STARS* you!  Yes “you” dear reader. You are the person who is going to be hypnotized and seduced!  So…. are you sitting comfortably? Are you relaxed?

Read more…


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