“Thanks Sharon, that was very kind of you. I hope you both enjoyed it.”
“Yes Tracey, I’m not sure Chloe understood it all, but we certainly enjoyed it.”
As a matter of fact, Sharon had enjoyed it more than her niece. The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe was one of her favorite stories and she was thrilled to be able to take her young niece to see it. She said farewell to her sister and niece and went home. Back, by herself she was able to relax for a change. Her job was a hypnotherapist/ counsellor, and although she relaxed others, she always had to be very alert to everything that was going on in a session. It was nice to be alone at last, and not have to listen to anyone. She put on some instrumental music, poured herself a stiff drink and re-read “The Chronicles of Narnia”.
A thought crossed her mind. The wardrobe in her bedroom was very similar to the one in the film. Could it be enchanted too? Could this be a way into Narnia? Normally such a thought would not cross her mind, but the combination of being a little tired, and a little drunk played tricks with her mind. Eventually she could resist the temptation no more. She went up and entered the wardrobe, remembering of course not to shut the door completely, as that would be a foolish thing to do. She wandered to the back of her wardrobe. It was dark here. She couldn’t see where she was going. She pushed between two coats which were close together. She popped out between them and hit something on the other side. She went out like a light.
When she awoke, she looked up into the eyes of this strange little man.
“Am I really here, am I really in Narnia?”
“Indeed you are, replied her host. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Daffyd the Dwarf, and you presumably, are a Daughter of Eve, sent to save us from the Wicked Enchantress?”
“But I thought the Wicked Witch had been destroyed, and Narnia returned to a free country, under the benign rule of The High King Peter, King Edmund, Queen Susan and Queen Lucy.”
“Indeed she was, but her sister returned, with her stronger magic and has enslaved the kingdom, including the four people you just said.”
“But what about Aslan, the all-powerful Lion.”
“He too, totally under her spell.”
Daffyd chatted with his guest for a while, and looked after her, giving her food and drink. Sharon felt it was her destiny to save Narnia, and she knew from the books, that she would not be able to return to her own land until she had freed Narnia. Daffyd explained to her how she enslaved the country. Sharon listened carefully. “Magic my foot”, she said to herself. “It sounds like this so-called witch is nothing but a mass hypnotist”.
She learned that the Enchantress was addressing her supporters in the City in the evening. She said that she would go to find out more about her. He gave her some new clothes, so as not to draw attention to herself.
That evening she bravely wandered into the ancient city, with buildings of stone and black-and-white timbers. Everywhere there were posters of the lovely eyes of Enchantress, with the slogan ‘Obey Enchantress’ on them. Everyone seemed to be wandering in the same direction. The sun was starting to go down. Many of the people had obviously been working outside, the dirt and sweat on them was still there. She decided to follow them.
The people gathered in a Market Square in the centre of the city, in front of a stage. Eventually Enchantress entered, looking lovelier than ever – looking lovelier than any female Sharon had ever seen. The Enchantress was wearing a black cloak and a tiara on her beautiful head, and carrying a sceptre in her lovely right hand. Behind her a big video screen showed her in more detail.
As she entered, all the assembled ranks of supporters went down onto their knees, and bowed their heads, so far forward that they touched the ground.
“Thank you dear ones, you may sit.” her sweet voice boomed out across the market square. Sharon noticed that she was wearing a hand-free microphone which amplified her voice. her ranks of supporters obediently sat on the ground in front of her.
“Dear ones, you have worked well today. The harvest is being collected in well. Soon we shall have enough to feed us all throughout the winter. you are doing so well. But first we have a few affairs of state. We don’t normally have any problems here, but someone was caught stealing food from the kitchen. Bring the prisoner in.”
A man in chains was brought onto the stage. He fell at her feet, begging her for mercy.
One of the two men who brought him in asked Enchantress, “Shall we exile him Enchantress”
“No please, anything but exile, Enchantress I couldn’t live without you. Please I beg you. Life isn’t worth living without you.”
“Silence!” Boomed the Enchantress, holding aloft her sceptre. “Do you admit to your crime?”
“Yes, and I am truly sorry Enchantress.”
“OK, let the world see how merciful the Enchantress is. He will not be exiled. Take him away to the dungeon.”
She bent over him, stroked the side of his face. He naturally followed the movement of her hand and looked into her face, into those lovely eyes of hers.
“And I will talk to you about this again. I feel you need some more training from me.”
“Yes Enchantress, thank you Enchantress.”
“Now take him away.”
The man was taken away, and The Enchantress once again turned to face the audience.
“And now for some more pleasant matters. I gather we have some people who have been accepted onto the slave training program. Bring them in.”
A man led a small group of people onto the stage. Enchantress motioned with her sceptre for them to be led in front of her. She then pointed to the ground with her sceptre and the men dropped to their knees.
“So it is your wish that you start the slave training process with me?”
“Yes Enchantress that is our deepest wish.” They all responded in unison.
“How much do you want it?”
“We want it very much. To serve you is all we desire.”
“Very well, put out your right hands.”
Enchantress then took from her pocket some leather collars. she went along the row, putting a collar on the wrist of each of the men in turn. When she had finished, she stood before them, expectantly. They spoke in unison again,- “I freely give myself to Enchantress, she is my everything, I willingly accept my role as her slave, I belong to Enchantress.”
“Good boys. We will start your training tonight at 9pm in my chambers. Do not dare to be late!”
The men were led off the stage. She faced the crowds again, and once more addressed them.
“We also have some who have finished their slave training program, and are ready to be initiated as full slaves. Bring them in!”
Another man led another group of six men onto the stage. Behind them, a few paces behind, there was another group of six. The first group of men were led in front of Enchantress, where they knelt obediently before their leader.
“You have done well, you have completed the slave training program, and I am willing to accept you as full slaves. This is your last chance for freedom. If you stay, you will serve me for the rest of your lives. So I ask you, do you want your freedom?”
“No thank-you Enchantress.”
“Are you willing to serve me, and only me, as long as there is a breath in your body?”
“Yes Enchantress”
“Very well then.” Enchantress went along the line, stroking their faces in the same way as she had done with the prisoner, and when they looked up they once again found themselves looking into her wonderful eyes, and listening to her hypnotic voice. “Good boys, look into my eyes and relax, relax, relax, all the way down for Enchantress, back into deep sleep for Enchantress, no worries, no fears, just listen to my voice and sleep, sleep, sleep, that is right, so good to sleep for Enchantress…now, in a moment you will be tattooed. When this happens, you will not feel the needle going into you. You will not even flinch. You understand slaves?”
“Yes Enchantress” the men replied again, still in unison, but this time their voices were deeper and slower. They were obviously deeply hypnotized. The men from the second group came forward and tattooed on each slave’s right arm “Property of Enchantress” and the image of her lovely eyes. The slaves didn’t move as this was happening to them. It was as if they were not even being touched. They were completely controlled by her, completely under her deep hypnotic spell.
When the tattooists had finished their work, they left the stage. Enchantress stood in front of her newly-created slaves and stretched out her beautiful arms.
“Awake, you good and faithful slaves. Go and serve your Enchantress well. Awake, awake.”
“So I was right”, thought Sharon to herself. It is just a question of hypnosis. She is controlling the country that way. All I need to do is to find the true Kings and Queens of Narnia, awake them, and get them to re-claim the authority which truly belongs to them.
Sharon returned to Daffyd that night and together they made plans. It so happened that Daffyd knew someone who looked a little bit like Sharon, and worked as a cleaner in the palace where the Enchantress resided, and where she held the royal prisoners. Luckily the friend was charged to clean the room where they were held. Sharon agreed to take the place of his friend, to gain access to them. “If I can’t wake them from their hypnotic spell, I’ll eat my hat”, she said to herself.
The next morning, having taken the place of the said cleaning lady, she followed the directions to the room. There in the room, she saw the four royals and the royal lion all asleep. Using her knowledge of hypnosis, she managed to wake them, and started to tell them about the take-over of their kingdom. They looked confused, she wasn’t sure that they really believed or understood her. She felt she was making progress, when the Enchantress entered the room.
“Foolish mortal” she boomed. “Do you think that you can break the spell of the Enchantress?” She saw that King Peter was the most awake of them. She turned to him.
“Peter, look into my eyes, look deeply into my eyes, relax, that is a good boy. Sleep for me, sleep for your Enchantress, Sleep like I have taught you, listen only to me, good boy.”
Sharon hoped that he would not follow, and was horrified to see his eyes close and him obeying her. The Enchantress then turned to Sharon.
“And now, little one, I will demonstrate to you exactly how much he is under my control.” She turned to her subject again.
“Peter come here, show your submission to me, as I have taught you.”
She then turned her back on him, opened her legs, and bent down, and started watching him through her legs. Her bum was of course sticking up in his direction.
“Kiss my arse Peter. Kiss my arse to show your complete devotion to me. That is right Peter. Come closer, closer and closer.”
Her lovely bum was close to his face. She was wearing a pair of silky green knickers and her lovely round bum looked so appealing. Peter appeared to be about to kiss it.
“Don’t do it Peter”, shouted Sharon. His lips moved closer. It seemed he was about to kiss it. Then a scream of pain went up from the Enchantress. She jumped up. Instead of kissing it, he had bitten her. He drew his sword.
“The game is over Enchantress, we are claiming our thrones back for ourselves. Give yourself up, and I guarantee that you will have a fair trial.”
“Never” replied the Enchantress, and she rushed to the nearest window, and jumped through it, breaking the glass. Sharon knew that they were several floors up and she would have jumped to certain death. All the sudden turns of events were too much for her. She fainted.
When she came round again, she was uncomfortably lying in the back of her wardrobe. It had all been imagined by her – or had it?
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