Jillian picked up the phone and dialed the number her husband had
given her. The number was that of his Mistress Marquesa.
She had to talk, to find out what was going on with her husband, to
see why her world was suddenly turning upside down. She was nervous, and
didn’t know what she wanted to say. Nor did she know what to expect.
The voice that answered the phone, by contrast, was calm and confident.
“This is Mistress Marquesa,” She said smoothly.
“Yah, well this is Jillian Hill. You and I need to talk.”
“Yes, I believe we do.”
“What have You done to my husband? Why is he leaving me?”
“I don’t believe he is leaving you. I believe he is just unable to
have sex with you.”
“Well, yah, but that’s just as bad,” Jillian responded quickly,
wondering how she could have known. “What have You done to him to change
his mind about me like this?” Her voice mustered all the protest she
could, in her agitated state.
“I think you should calm down, Mrs. Hill. Just relax a moment and
think calmly about this.”
“Think calmly about WHAT?” she protested. “You’re stealing my husband!”
“Is he still with you?” Marquesa asked, unperturbed.
“Well, yes, he is.”
“Does he still love you, and want to be with you?”
“Well, yes, he does.”
“Then how have I stolen him?”
“he won’t, or can’t, have sex with me anymore. At least, that’s what
he says. He can only be aroused by YOU now.”
“Is that a problem, young lady?”
“Of course it is, he’s my husband!”
“And I want to have sex with him!”
“Oh, I see. So what can we do to fix this mess? He still pays the
bills and keeps you comfortably affluent, but you want him for sex.”
“Well, yes.”
“My, my, aren’t we being just a bit selfish?”
“Yes – I mean, NO, I’m not being selfish. That’s why I married him!
That’s what marriage is all about!”
“No, that’s what you THOUGHT it was all about. The problem is that
you just don’t understand him very well. His masculine sexuality belongs
to Me now, and it always will. In every other way, he is married to you.”
“No, I guess I don’t understand.”
Jillian was very nervous, and this whole interaction was frustrating her no
end. It went on like a dance for twenty minutes, without progress or
resolution. Finally, Marquesa suggested that they end the fruitless
“I don’t think this is going anywhere, and I’ve got other things to
do. Do you mind if we call a truce and say goodbye?” She suggested.
“Yes, I do mind. No truce. We need to meet and talk about this in
person,” Jill demanded, thinking that if she had to fight it out with Her,
she would.
“Fine with Me,” Marquesa replied, clearly happy that they were ending
the conversation, but smiling more deeply to Herself at the prospect of
what was to come.
They made arrangements to meet the following week, at the same
restaurant they had their anniversary dinner, in the same little room.
Jill had no idea what Marquesa had done to her husband in that restaurant
on that day. But Marquesa had suggested the place, claiming to know the
owner. It made Jill feel comfortable knowing she’d be going back there,
where she and Jack had shared the last great romantic memory they had
Jill decided not to bring her husband to the restaurant, since it
would only make things more complicated. The way she saw it now, it was
just between the girls.
She got there early, and sat down at the same table they sat at
before, in the same seat. She ordered a drink to relax her nerves, and
took a couple quick sips to get the feeling she wanted. When she looked up
and saw the magnificent image of Mistress Marquesa entering the room, she
was stunned.
“Glad to meet you, Jill,” said the glamorous woman as She approached
the table and gracefully sat down. “I am the Mistress Marquesa.”
Jill took a deep breath and stammered “G-glad to meet You, too.” She
was totally overtaken by this woman’s presence. She could see how Jack
would be attracted to Her. If she ‘went that way’ she could easily be
attracted to this ‘Mistress’ as well. But she didn’t, and she wasn’t.
Marquesa ordered a drink for Herself, and smiled sweetly across the
table. Jillian smiled back, taking another sip of her own.
“So, you wanted to meet Me in person, and have it out with Me?” asked
the Mistress, as if issuing a challenge. “You wanted to ‘talk some sense
into Me’ I suppose?”
“Well, yes, I did. I had to see You, size You up, and try to find out
what I can do to change Your mind,” Jill said, mustering all her
confidence, still shaken by her awe for this woman’s presence.
“I actually think you’re right, we do need to talk,” Marquesa replied,
suddenly agreeable. “But I think it’s your mind that needs to be changed.
Don’t you agree?”
“Well yes – I mean, NO, I don’t.” She caught herself. “I want my
husband back, and You need to be taught that You can’t go around stealing
other women’s husbands.”
“Oh, but you’re wrong, Mrs. Hill. And I’ll show you how wrong you
are. You want Me to show you, don’t you?” Her smile was disarmingly
friendly, but predatory.
“Yes – I mean, No! I mean, I don’t know WHAT I mean. You can’t have
my husband, and that’s that!” She was confused, but still angry and
determined. She began to wonder what she was doing this for, what she
really expected to gain.
“I’ll show you what’s really going on, Mrs. Hill. If you really care
to know. But it might not be easy to swallow.”
Jill felt herself try to swallow, and indeed it was not easy. She
choked and coughed, and politely said “Excuse me.”
“What’s going on, Mrs. Hill,” Marquesa continued, “is that your
husband has fallen victim to My charms.”
“he’s what?”
“You heard Me, Mrs. Hill,” She replied, inching Her face forward to
add emphasis. “he’s been subdued by My superior feminine charms.”
Jill couldn’t believe what she was hearing. This woman was indeed
lovely, perhaps even stunningly gorgeous, but how could her husband be
‘subdued’ by Her? What on Earth did She mean?
“I have this impact on people, Mrs. Hill,” She said as She leaned
back, letting the candlelight catch Her sensuously flowing hair. “Men in
particular. They find Me irresistible.”
“Yah, I’m sure,” Jill thought sarcastically to herself. “Other
women’s men.”
“You may not understand,” She continued, Her eyes sparkling as She
smiled affectionately at Jill. “You may not agree, but most men find Me
incredibly attractive. Men like to look at Me, to take long, leisurely
glances, and to let their admiration be noticed.”
As She said this, Jill was looking Her over, unavoidably letting her
admiration of this woman be noticed. Trying to see what exactly it was
that men saw in Her. What exactly it was that drew them in.
“You find Me stunning as well, don’t you, Mrs. Hill? Don’t you find
Me more beautiful than you had imagined?”
“Yes, I – “
“That’s right, Mrs. Hill. You find Me just as attractive, just as
stunning as men find Me. Don’t you?”
“Yes, but – “
“And you want to know how I got this way, you want to know my secret.
You want to know how a woman’s eyes can become as compelling as mine are…”
“As compelling – “
“And you want to know how a woman’s lips could be as inviting as mine…”
“As inviting – “
“And you want to know how a woman’s voice can be as intoxicating as
“As intox – ”
“And you will know Mrs. Hill. You will find out. That’s why we’re
here now, isn’t it? That’s why we’re here in this secluded room, all alone
together. So you can find out. You want to find out, you need to find
out, you MUST find out.”
“I must find out,” Jill agreed.
“Very well, Mrs. Hill. I will accommodate you and share my secrets.”
“P-please,” she begged.
“Mrs. Hill, do you know what it is like to cast a spell on someone?
To hypnotize someone?”
“Well, I hypnotized your husband, Mrs. Hill. I put him under a very
powerful spell. My spell. He only responds to me, because I have
instructed him only to respond to me. He will do anything I suggest. He
has no will of his own now, save that which I allow him to have.”
“Y-you hypnotized him?” she asked weakly, vaguely aware that she
should be angrier, more forceful, more…
“Yes, Mrs. Hill, just as I am hypnotizing you, at this table. You can
feel it, can’t you?”
“I, uh – ” she tried to protest.
“You can feel the sweetness of relaxation coming over you, the
pleasant sensation of deep, deep relaxation, the comfort of having no
thoughts to think, no choices to make, no conflict of any kind. You feel
comfortable, relaxed and peaceful, and most of all, you enjoy these
feelings. Don’t you enjoy these feelings, Mrs. Hill?”
“Yes, I enjoy them,” she replied weakly.
“Yes, that’s right, Mrs. Hill. And as I speak to you, as you listen
more to my voice, you feel more and more deeply relaxed, more and more
peaceful, more and more full of deep contentment. You have no worries, no
thoughts. Your mind is quiet now, and empty. Your mind is quiet and
empty, and you are awaiting my words, my thoughts, to fill your open, empty
mind. You are so deeply relaxed, sooo deeply relaxed, so comfortable, so
open to my thoughts, so open to my voice.
“You can hear my voice, but you are unaware of anything else right
now. So peaceful, so relaxed, so comfortable, just listening to my voice
and going deeper, deeper into hypnosis. You are so weak, so relaxed and so
“Your mind is empty and open, your mind is empty and open. Open to my
voice, my words, my thoughts. My voice fills your mind. My voice fills
your mind, and my voice gives you peace and contentment. As you listen to
my voice, you find yourself open to my words, open to my thoughts, hungry
for my thoughts. My voice fills your mind with thoughts. My voice, your
thoughts, my voice, your thoughts. My suggestions are your thoughts. My
voice, my suggestions, your thoughts.
“Peaceful, comfortable, pleasant. My voice, my suggestions, become
your thoughts. My voice, my suggestions, become your thoughts. My
suggestions are your thoughts. You follow your thoughts, you follow my
suggestions, you follow my voice. You obey your thoughts, my voice, my
suggestions. You obey your thoughts, my suggestions. You obey my voice,
your thoughts, my suggestions. You obey my voice, and only my voice. Your
mind is so open, and you hunger for my voice, you need my voice, you need
to obey my voice, you want to obey my voice. You want to obey my voice,
now, don’t you Mrs. Hill?”
“Yes,” she replied from deep within her trance.
“You will call me ‘Mistress Marquesa’ from now on. It pleases you to
call me that. Doesn’t it, Mrs. Hill?”
“Yes, Mistress Marquesa.”
“That’s right, it does. And you will obey me, won’t you, Mrs. Hill,
because it pleases you to obey me.”
“Yes, Mistress Marquesa. It pleases me to obey you.”
“Very good, Mrs. Hill. Very, very good.”
Jill smiled widely.
“Now, when you awaken, you will not remember being hypnotized, because
you do not WANT to remember. Do you, Mrs. Hill?”
“No, I do not want to remember being hypnotized, Mistress Marquesa.”
“That’s right, you don’t want to remember. And you’ll only remember
what you want to remember. What you need to remember. You do not have to
remember anything else. You will only remember what you want to remember.”
“What I want to remember.”
“You want to remember how much you love my voice, how much you need to
listen to me when I speak to you. You want to remember this, so you will.
You want to remember that when I give you suggestions, you feel very good
when you follow them. You want very much to follow them. You want to
remember this, don’t you?”
“Yes, I want to remember this.”
“You want to remember how good you feel when you follow my
suggestions, when you think what I tell you to think, when you obey my
voice. You want to remember how wonderful you feel when you obey me, when
you please me. Don’t you, Mrs. Hill?”
“Yes, I want to remember how wonderful I feel when I obey you, when I
please you, Mistress Marquesa.”
“Yes, those are the things you will remember, because those are the
things you WANT to remember. You will also remember how stunning I look,
and how good it made you feel to let your eyes gaze upon me. You want to
gaze upon me and admire my beauty whenever you can, and you will remember
to do this at every opportunity.”
“I will remember to gaze upon you, Mistress Marquesa.”
“Now, I will awaken you, and we will finish our drinks and leave. You
will feel satisfied by our meeting and our discussion, and you will accept
your husband’s condition. You will accept that your husband’s penis
belongs to me now, because it pleases you to accept this. It pleases you
to know that he belongs to a True Goddess like me. You feel very, very
good about this, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“I feel very good about it, Mistress Marquesa. And I wouldn’t have it
any other way.”
“Very good, Mrs. Hill. Now you may wake up.”
Jill finished her drink with Mistress Marquesa and left the restaurant
with a good feeling. She was glad she had made her point, and that she
would now have her way.
She came home and greeted her husband, very satisfied that he had
given himself sexually to Mistress Marquesa. She knew how much sense this
made all the way around, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
Secretly, she began to wish that she could also belong to Mistress
Marquesa. Some day, she thought to herself, she might just do something
about that wish.
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