They were certainly an unusual trio. The First – because She is always the First! – Was The Magnificent Mysterious Mesmerizing Mistress Marquesa de Sade, our Heroine, dressed in a long black, low cut, form fitting, curve-clinging dress. Her perfect face, matchless form and unusual grace turned heads as they walked into the Fetish Ball.
Accompanying Her was a 6’ 5″, 300 lb. Muscular man in a spangled red evening dress. Curtis – or “randi” as he preferred to be called when in drag – was a regular cross-dressing slave to the Goddess. As a former member of a west coast football franchise, he was afraid of nothing… except the Marquesa (when and if he displeased Her).
The third member of the party was Becky who had just recently moved into the Marquesa’s neighborhood. An aspiring actress, Becky had noticed the parade of slaves serving the Mistress and had approached Her with questions about the S&M lifestyle. Mistress Marquesa was convinced Becky was sincere in her interest so she was invited to join the Goddess and “randi” at the Fetish Ball. Becky was a sexy young blonde, much like so many of the young would-be actresses in L.A.
“Becky, I’d like you to know that ‘randi’ here, in fact, will perform for the crowd tonight even though it will be humiliating to him and despite the fact he didn’t know about it until this very minute. He is going to love every moment of his degradation. After all, if he/she didn’t truly take pleasure out of being used in this manner by me, he wouldn’t have committed himself to me in the first place as My willing submissive and slutty plaything. Isn’t that true, ‘randi’?”
Though he feared no man, randi’s eyes did widen with fear – fear of humiliation and yet eager anticipation. “Please Goddess, m… m… must I?” he stammered.
“Don’t be afraid, My pet, I’ll help you overcome your fear. Just look into your Goddess’ eyes and feel all the fear leave your body. you will perform for the crowd, you will do humiliating things, and you will love them because I have set you free. Repeat after Me: ’i belong to Mistress Marquesa’.”
“i belong to Mistress Marquesa,” the feminized giant replied.
“’And i will do anything my Goddess commands.’”
“i will do anything my Goddess commands,” “randi” replied obediently.
At that point Becky just let out a low whistle. She was amazed at the control that Marquesa had over the big hunk. Obviously in awe, she inquired: “Do You think I could ever have that kind of power over a male?”
A smile crossed Marquesa’s lips as She responded. “We will talk about it after I put “randi” through his paces for the crowd. Why don’t you sit down and enjoy the show until we can talk.”
Just at that moment a man – well build and around six feet tall – stepped up to the group and introduced himself. “Good evening,” he said in a strange accent, “I am Count Vladi. I must compliment you, my dear Marquesa, on your hypnotic skills, especially for one not endowed with, shall we say, extra-normal powers. May I sit with your friend to watch your demonstration?” He fixed his red eyes on Becky who quickly returned his gaze.
“Of course, you may sit with me, Count. We can both learn from my friend Marquesa.”
Becky took the Marquesa’s purse, which was rather large, and contained a large amount of cash as well as a rare African wooden letter opener. Both were gifts from “randi”, freely given to the Mistress in return for Her giving him the invaluable gift of Her precious time.
As Becky and Count Vladi sat at the Marquesa’s ringside table, the Mistress took to the stage with “randi” following several steps behind, just like the obedient slave he had become.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, and fellow fetishists, at the request of the organizers of the Ball, I have been asked to put on a little play,” the Goddess announced into the microphone.
As the lights dimmed She continued, “Remember, My slave has come to me and asked – no begged – that he be freed from his performance anxiety, both kinds! Of course, I will free him of such irrational fears.”
A laugh rose from the attentive, understanding crowd.
“Since he is, as you can see, a consenting adult, I have complied with his request.” She looked at “randi” as he gazed adoringly into Her hypnotic emerald-green eyes. “Whom do You serve, ‘randi’?”
“You Goddess Marquesa. i am Your perfect, helpless, obedient slave for as long as You allow me to be.”
“’randi’, I know you have always been afraid to perform before crowds, that is why you did not become a sports announcer after you retired from football. If your Mistress commanded, would you perform, without fear, for these people?” She asked as She gestured to the audience hidden by the glare of the spotlights.
“If that is Your desire, Mistress Marquesa,” he replied without hesitation.
Slow, sensuous music, much like a stripper would use, started up in the background and the hunky athlete started a striptease. First he kicked his high-heeled shoes aside, then dropped his dress. There he was, dancing in just a filmy bra and silken panties. His huge manhood pulsed under the thin fabric, almost as revealing as if he was naked and yet more erotic, as he danced, unafraid, seemingly with great confidence.
“It doesn’t matter how I humiliate you, you will still love it, won’t you ‘randi’?”
“If it is Your will, my Goddess,” he sang out.
The Goddess took a whip from a nearby table and skillfully lashed his panties so that they tore, falling to the stage. Now that his huge manhood was loose, it stood out completely in honor of his Goddess. The Goddess flicked the whip across the gigantic rod, which seemed to grow with each kiss of the leather.
“Now, jerk that thing off for the crowd – and for your Goddess – My pet!” She commanded.
Obediently, he wrapped his hands around his hard, hot manhood and stoked as he danced to the music, completely freed from his stage fright.
“Now, do ‘it’ for Me on the count of three, My pet,” She commanded.
“One!” the crowd chanted in unison with the Goddess.
“Two!” they shrieked.
“Three!” and as the yelled the football player climaxed all over the stage.
“Now, ‘randi’,” the Marquesa commanded, “Lick it up!” And to thunderous applause he fell to his knees and cleaned up the stage as the music slowed and finally stopped and the house lights came up.
The Goddess gestured the hunky ex-football player as he gathered his clothes and hastily put them on before they left the stage. Upon returning to their table they found it empty. Both Becky and Count Vladi were gone but there was a note next to the Marquesa’s purse. She picked it up and read: “He is the vampire count. I feel my will dissolving and I will soon be in his power. He says he is taking me to the cemetery to transform me into a night creature. Marquesa, please help me!” It was signed “Becky.”
“Damn!” She shouted, “I should have known! The red eyes. Her immediately obeying his suggestions. He is a real vampire! It wasn’t just a disguise for the party. “’randi’, we must find her. Get the car.”
Marquesa picked up Her purse and walked over to a pay phone where a quick glance through the phone book revealed the location of the cemetery. She walked out and joined “randi” in the SUV. he had exchanged his high-heels for a pair of steel-toed boots, which really looked weird, considering he still wore the red evening gown.
“Move over, I’ll drive,” the Goddess snapped. She then skillfully raced toward the cemetery to save Her friend. As they pulled up to the iron gate the Goddess noticed a crypt just inside with its door standing open. She saw no other place where the vampire could hide so She led “randi” quietly toward the open door. As they entered She saw Becky – naked, in chains, spread-eagled to a St. Andrew’s cross. Becky’s gaze was fixed and vacant as Count Vladi stood nearby, facing her.
The Magnificent One immediately knew that Becky was under Vladi’s supernatural hypnotic influence. He turned and faced Marquesa.
“I expected you would come to rescue your friend. That’s why I ordered her to write you the note telling you where we were going,” he said in his deep, Eastern European accent. “I didn’t really want her, the one I really wanted was you! But I knew you would put up a fight so I didn’t try to abduct you at the ball, my dear Marquesa. I just entranced your friend Becky here, and made her write the note, knowing you would try to rescue her.”
“But aren’t you a little like the dog who chased the car, Count? Now that you caught Me, what do you do with Me?”
He smiled a malevolent smile and answered, “I have waited for this moment ever since I first noticed you walking down the street. What will I do with the most beautiful and desirable woman alive? I’ll have you – every way and any way possible. You will become one of the undead and serve me. That is what I will do with you!”
He gestured with his long fingers and fixed his glowing red eyes on Hers. For the first time in Her life The Marquesa was afraid! Her lovely body was paralyzed by his magical gaze and She could not move or look away. Her powerful mind continued to function, however, Her thoughts racing – but still, She could not move!
Slowly the Count walked toward Her, his red eyes ablaze, his sharp fangs dripping a strange green saliva. Just then a red dressed, booted body bolted by The Marquesa and laid a perfect cross body block on the Count, leveling him. But the vampire quickly recovered and lifted “randi” above his head and tossed him across the room where he collapsed, unconscious, against the wall.
Count Vladi walked to The Magnificent One. Vladi’s hand reached out and tore Her dress, exposing Her gorgeous magnificent upper-body so he could sink his fangs into Her tender neck.
Suddenly he froze in place! Minutes passed…! The Marquesa reached into Her purse and removed the letter opener. She plunged it into Vladi’s chest and he collapsed to the floor. As he lay there he aged centuries, finally crumbling into a flaming pile of coals.
He was dead… finally – he was truly dead!
As The Marquesa helped “randi” and Becky recover, both were full of questions. “How could You defeat such a super-natural being, Goddess?” “randi” inquired.
“Well, My pet, you helped much more than you realize. First, your well-timed tackle gave me some time to recover from his spell while his attention was diverted. Second the letter opener you gave Me was in My purse. It functioned as a wooden stake, with which I was able to finish him.”
Becky chimed in, “But I saw him freeze in place for what seemed like forever before You stabbed him.”
“Well, yes. In spite of his super-natural abilities he was – after all – just a male. When he tore My dress he exposed these!” The Marquesa said, lifting Her two perfect, sensuous breasts with Her hands. “Just like any male who experiences the privilege of staring at My glorious, unclothed breasts, he was frozen in awe. As he continued to look at them I was able to retrieve ‘randi’s’ wooden letter opener and inflict the coup de grace. But, as W.C. Fields once said, ‘death, where is thy sting?’ he died happily staring at My luscious breasts. What better way for any male to go! As for now, let’s clean up and get back to the ball… the night is young!”
Immediately, “randi” and Becky complied with her suggestion, as both knew they always would.
After all, She was The Marquesa!
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