My own voice woke me from my slumber. I had dozed off in the armchair in the hall, and now wondered if I had dreamed about the sexy vampire. I touched the side of my neck. There were two puncture wounds there. No dream!
I knew it was time to follow Nikandrea’s path to the door at the end of the hall. I paused with my hand on the doorknob, bracing myself for the violent bloodbath that I might face inside. Slowly, silently, I opened the heavy door and snuck inside.
There was no carnage there. Instead, I saw Nikandrea, naked, pale and ghostlike in the moonlight, straddling Maude’s face. Nikandrea was gliding Her pussy with rhythmic precision back and forth over Maude’s open mouth and eager tongue. Maude’s fingertips traced a pattern in identical rhythm along the tops of Nikandrea’s smooth thighs. The room was bathed in the sweet scent of wet pussy, and I filled my lungs with pleasure.
At a gesture from my Mistress, I moved into the quiet shadows near the bed. Nikandrea watched me, and with Her fingertips, traced circles over Her swollen nipples. Her total control of this surreal situation was awesome, and the power gleamed in Her eyes.
Then Maude raised her arms, reaching up for Nikandrea’s breasts. They didn’t make it. Without warning, they flopped down at her sides. Nikandrea looked down at her, and continued to glide over her face, but Maude’s mouth wasn’t moving. I thought she was dead; that perhaps there was some vampire ritual I didn’t understand.
Slowly, smoothly, Nikandrea got up and knelt down so Her face was right above Maude’s. Maude’s eyes were staring into Nikandrea’s, but her face was completely limp and expressionless. Her mouth and chin were glazed with pussy wetness.
Nikandrea spoke with fake pity. “Ah, is my little slut too tired to lick anymore? Hmmm? Can’t suck My nice pussy anymore? Too bad! Didn’t anyone ever tell You, My dear little slut-bitch, that a woman becomes completely paralyzed when she eats too much vampire pussy?”
Naturally, to enhance the shock of this moment, Nikandrea displayed Her victorious vampire smile. To add to the effect, a frothy strand of vampire spit dangled down from one of Her fangs. She slowly stuck out Her tongue, and as She dragged the sticky saliva back into Her mouth, She seductively rubbed Her tongue against the sharp, ivory dagger. I was mesmerized with lust. Maude’s expression was blank, but her eyes were wide.
Nikandrea lifted one of Maude’s arms, and dropped it. It hit the bed with a thud.
“See?” asked Nikandrea, Her voice still taunting. “All your weak little muscles have gone beddy-bye.” She pressed Her hand against Maude’s chest, just below her breast. “Oh! Wait!” She said in mock excitement. “Here’s one muscle that’s really awake! Thump-a-thump-a-thump! Why, I bet that all your energy is being directed to your heart, My dear.” Her hand moved onto Maude’s breast and squeezed it extremely hard, Her nails digging in. Her face was directly over Maude’s. “I bet your heart will keep pumping until there’s absolutely nothing left to pump!”
Nikandrea started laughing and pinched Maude’s nipple unmercifully. Her voice became sinister. “You should see the veins in your neck, you fucking little slut! They’re pounding like crazy! And you know what that means, don’t you, my poor, helpless, horny, little Belle de jour!” She wrinkled Her nose and began to make biting gestures with Her teeth.
My cock was throbbing with excitement. I wanted Her to bite her. I wanted to grab my hard member and rub it while my Mistress sucked on Maude’s neck. I was overwhelmed with lust. I was so eager I could hardly wait. “Bite her. Bite her.” I thought. I was quivering.
Nikandrea’s voice returned to the tone of exaggerated sympathy. “Oh wait! Maybe, just maybe, there’s a chance that your knight in shining armor will come and rescue you. Maybe there’s a chance you will be saved after all. Let’s find out, shall we?” She looked at me, and Her eyes hypnotized me immediately. “Come here, shining knight!” She commanded with confident authority.
Naturally, I complied, moving to the side of the bed, kneeling. Nikandrea seemed to draw my face toward Her, and right above Maude’s powerless face, we kissed.
This was not a loving, delicate, caring kiss. This was a wild, animal kiss. Our lips rubbed each other’s, and when they parted, our mouths were wide open and our tongues were frantically stroking and probing. I licked and sucked Her tongue like a thirsty dog. She tasted exactly as one would expect a lust-crazed, horny, dominant, feminine vampire mouth to taste. As we separated, She made a slurping wet sound with Her mouth.
She looked down into Maude’s hopeless eyes. “Well, My sweet, weak, treat! I think your husband wants to poke Me with something, but I don’t think it’s a wooden stake!” She looked back at me, grinning, still speaking to her. “I think he wants a divorce, My dear. Or, at least, to become a widower.”
Then She lifted Maude’s limp arm between us. The hand hung feebly down, in a gesture of pathetic offering. Suddenly Nikandrea opened Her mouth wide, and sunk Her fangs deep into the arm like it was an apple. Her cheeks sunk in, and I knew She was sucking hard. Maude’s arm actually seemed to shrink and quickly turned the ghostly color of bone. Then, Nikandrea abruptly stopped and quickly closed the wounds with a forceful lick. She dropped the wilted arm to the bed.
Looking ecstatic and delighted, She said, “Mmmm! That’s good! Oh, you taste delicious, My tempting tidbit. But, you know what? Something is missing.” She lowered Her grinning face to meet Maude’s saucer-like eyes. “The best foods always take time to prepare, don’t they, My juicy fruit delight?”
Nikandrea looked at me. I saw the absolute pleasure She was having at my wife’s expense. “What do you think, slaveboy? How ’bout we spice things up? Why don’t you come and fuck your Mistress right here beside this bitch wife of yours?”
I could not believe it! Nikandrea lay back with Her head right beside my wife’s. She spread Her legs wide, draping one over Maude’s paralyzed body. I didn’t waste any time. The robe dropped to the floor, and, in seconds, the tip of my prick was at the gate of Nikandrea’s garden of pleasure. I wanted to move slowly. I really did. But the moment the tip of my hard cock was in Her, I pushed hard. All the way hard!
Her creamy pussy seemed to burn into me like acid. She tightened up on me and held me deep inside Her. She burned through the skin of my cock, and the flesh underneath was swelling up fast. I was soaking Her in, and She knew it. I burned from the pain, and moaned. Or was it pleasure? It was so intense, I couldn’t tell, but I was getting bigger. Very big! I fucked Her violently, instinctively, and deeply. With every itch that was satisfied, two more appeared with anxious need. Nikandrea was moaning with pleasure, and kept commanding me over and over to fuck Her harder. Her nails dug into my ass.
Suddenly Her pussy tightened up, and Her hands held me deep inside Her. I thought She was about to orgasm, and looked at Her face. Instead of the expression of bliss I expected to see, She was very calm, and seemed to be judging me. From deep within Her, I felt something pinching the tip of my cock, sort of stretching me open.
Suddenly, Her stomach tightened up, and I felt Her forcing something into me. A gush of fluid was being forced into my cock. It felt like blowing up a balloon, and that balloon was my cock. There was no doubt about it; this was pain. I tried to pull out, but Her hands and pussy gripped me in place. She pumped a second time, and another rush of liquid gushed into me. I cried out in pain. Nikandrea giggled.
My eyes begged for mercy as I looked at Her. “Tell the bitch what you feel,” She ordered. I looked at Maude.
“She’s pumping me full of pussy juice,” I said, hardly able to speak. “It feels like my cock is going to explode. It… ouch!” Nikandrea had thrust again, and this time the torrential rush flooded my testicles. Instantly a war broke out in my balls. It was a battle between Her femininity and my masculinity. I didn’t have a chance. Within a minute, the urge to cum surpassed anything I’d ever felt before.
“You want to cum now, don’t you, My darling slave-pet?”
“Yes,” I moaned, “I need to. Please! Oh, please!”
“Well, this is what I want. I want you to stick that big, fat cock of yours into that sticky wet hole of this bitch here. I want you to squirt every drop of cum you have as deep into her cunt as you can. And while you do, I want you to gaze into My eyes and tell me how much you love Me. Now be careful slaveboy, I don’t want you to have an accident on the way there.”
On the very edge of orgasm, I carefully withdrew from Her vampire pussy. “Oh and do be a dear and stuff some pillows under her,” said the vampire, giggling. “I want to elevate her legs. It’s so much better for the circulation, you know.”
I had to move slowly. I needed to cum so badly, I could hardly think. As I stuffed pillows under Maude’s ass and thighs, Nikandrea began taunting her.
“Do you know what is going to happen when My lover cums inside you? It’s very natural. Your body is going to sense his fluid, and the paths to your ovaries are going to open right up with welcome. But you’re going to get flooded out with creamy vampire goo instead. Won’t that feel good, you slut? Do you know what happens then? You get purged, My dear. Purged right out! Everything that makes you female is going to get washed out of the center of your private feminine place, and into your bloodstream. Yum, yum! Just think! I’m going to suck the femininity right out of your body, and your heart is going to pump it out like that stupid battery bunny of yours.
“Do you know what’s even better? Do you know what’s going to happen to you when that much estrogen hits your bloodstream at once? Why you’re going to cum, My sweet. You’re going to have the best orgasm of your whole life, and you’ll be looking right at Me when it happens. Won’t that feel good? Hmmm? And I even get that too. I’m going to suck the orgasm out of you along with everything else. Oh, how delicious!”
I could hardly stand it anymore. The last pillow was in place, and I was insane with desire. I started to slide my bloated cock into Maude’s pussy. It seemed wetter, and more swollen with desire than I’d ever felt it before. But then, my cock as at least three times larger than she had ever felt it before. I pushed deeper, feeling her pussy stretching to the limit.
Nikandrea’s face was right in front of mine, and just above Maude’s. She gently stroked the side of my cheek, and I felt my first convulsion of orgasm. Cum exploded from my buried cock with huge volume. “Mistress,” I stammered, hardly able to speak, “I adore You so much.”
“I am your Vampire Goddess,” She said, prompting me.
“Yes!” I squirted a second burst, as large as the first.
“And you are completely devoted to Me.”
“Yes! I’m Yours!” A third gush spewed out of me. I was in another dimension. I felt Maude’s pussy tighten up. Her orgasm, voluntarily or not, was beginning.
“And you love only Me, My puppet.”
“Yes! Oh yes! Nikandrea, only You! Only You.”
Nikandrea looked at Maude’s face closely. Maude actually moaned, unable to resist her own pleasure. She was being forced to gaze at her predator helplessly. I pumped until I was empty. My eyes were almost closed with exhaustion. I saw Maude’s eyelids close, and Nikandrea tilted her head to the side, then moved the hair from her neck.
I withdrew my sore cock, and slumped down behind my Mistress, as I saw Nikandrea move down to Her victim’s neck. It was so comforting as She pressed Her feet against me, seeking the warmth of my belly.
As I drifted off into slumber, every now and then hearing a delicious, slurping, sucking sound, I thought about the roads we would take. “Nikandrea would probably prefer the slower, more scenic back roads,” I thought to myself, happily. I hugged Her feet against me, knowing that Her wiggling toes meant that She was having fun tonight.
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