Goddess Marquesa [pronounced “Mar-key-sa” in line with a carefully reasoned rationale] looked breathtakingly alluring.
She surveyed herself critically in the mirror. The beautiful woman in the mirror stared back at her. The face was perfect, as it always had been. It was a beautiful face. Feminine. Naturally. But with that special element of the eternal female. Warm. Soft. Alluring. Possessing wisdom & character. A compelling face. Good bones – she thanked her genes for the bones. As every woman knows, having good bones – the brow, cheeks, good jaw – means always retaining a youthful look – not a young girl. Like a full bodied red wine – or a rose. Just approaching its absolute peak of perfection. After all, she wasn’t 20 any longer – thank goodness. But she sure as hell looked pretty good. Her bewitching emerald eyes, artfully made-up, were steady – intelligent, bright with the hint of a sparkle – or maybe a glint? Her generous mouth, flawlessly painted ruby-red lips, was in a state of natural repose, with the hint of a smile – a secret smile of amusement. ‘La Giaconda’ perhaps? Perhaps. Hmmm.
Not bad. Not bad at all. My figure is good. I’m lucky I guess. Just good genes & some exercise. Bust is great if I say it myself. Nice tight waist & good hips. Great legs. They’ve bewitched many, many men in their time. But, so have my eyes. My breasts. It’s my mind that does it. I just play mind-games on them, & sooner rather than later, they become Goddess Marquesa’s little puppets. Happy to surrender to my power & obey. I just love making them obey. It’s why I brought him here. To watch him crumble into helpless, submissive, adoring obedience. To me. To my will. Judicious hypnosis, erotic tease & denial – arousal with the hint of possible gratification. If they’re good. Maybe. Maybe not. Just slaves. But I like slaves. I like enslaving men. I enjoy enslaving them. I love enslaving men. Making them surrender to me. To my will. Making them do things they didn’t want to do. But do now. To please me. He does. Will. It will be fun. I feel a tiny tingle. I always love this feeling. I could just….. hmm. No. Not just yet. A little later maybe. Just to get me in the mood. Knowing what I’m going to do to him. What I’m going to make him do.
Again Goddess Marquesa looked into the mirror. Yes. The outfit was perfect. Just love those stilettos. Really set off my legs. Trim ankles. Sheer stockings. Yep, they do the trick. The skirt & blouse – finest black leather [& the pretty tight white panties underneath – to be revealed when their effect will be most devastating]. Perfectly fitting jacket – nice cleavage – my breasts are truly perfect – if I say so myself. They all adore them. He does.
I could pass ………….. If I wanted to…………. why would I want to pass, for anything? It’s me. It’s what I look like. & I like it. And what’s more, a whole lot of others – women as well as men, like it, too. Not that it bothers me one way or the other but, it doesn’t do a gal’s morale any harm to know she’s really a knockout.
She smiled suddenly, her crinkling, lips curving into a charming, warm, embracing expression. Why am I doing this? He’ll be under as soon as I open the door. He’ll see whatever I tell him to see, so why go to the trouble? Because IT’S ME! I’m the one I want to impress. It’s my pride & self-respect that motivates me. Not the opinion of anyone else, of some man on his way to me right now. Why, he doesn’t even know he’s coming to see me. He doesn’t know anything. Anything at all. Except what I’ve planted in his tiny brain. Telling him to come to me. From Europe. France somewhere. Whatever. Why the hell did I do that? He’s 70 years old. Looks OK from the pic he sent & looked OK in our sessions – not that I was paying too much attention to his looks. Just wanted to get him under quickly, then deconstruct him & put him together in a more acceptable fashion. After his first session I just sat in jeans & a T shirt – comfortable – & told him what I was wearing was black leather – all the stuff – not that I don’t love leather. He doesn’t so much. Didn’t. Hmm. He does now. I put on some make-up. But I always wear make-up.
She smiled again. He had been quite nervous. Anxious to make a good impression. Not that I cared. Care. He was pleasant enough. Had obviously been listening to the early inductions [just as well] & it made getting him deep quite straight-forward. Quite nervous. Not frightened. Just uncertain. Out of his comfort zone – her smile broadened – & I made sure he stayed there. Quite intelligent [though not as smart as he thought he was] good, agile mind & a quick tongue – which I intend to use this afternoon. Mmmmm. I don’t usually flick myself before meeting a new one, but this guy sort of interests me. Maybe it was just such a good sleep. I feel great. I always love the first meeting with a new slave. Got him well under. Docile & attentive. No unattractive ego trips. I’d have knocked that out of him anyway. He’s quite old. But what the hell? I am not planning to keep him. Just a whim really. May keep him as a house-slave for a week or so. That’ll put Kennie’s nose out of joint… She laughed out loud. Kennie was half Mark’s [that’s right, Slave Mark] age – & performing all his duties most satisfactorily thank you very much. & so he should. Careful vetting of all the eager candidates – a few interviews. Kennie was a shoe-in – went under like a dream & has proved to be most satisfactory after a couple of minor ‘modifications’. Great bod. VERY attentive. Smart. Funny [I like a man (slave) who makes me laugh]. & soooo attentive – hmmm, I already said that. Good company. Likes me,[naturally – but he really likes me as well as adores & worships]. So does this guy. Mark. Said he loved me. Admitted he felt like a little kid on first date. Those intro sessions really worked on him. When he asked for my panties [ho hum] I read it OK. But his idea that he wasn’t to even sniff them without permission was quite good. Then when I wore them first live session it really blew him away. Still wearing the chastity tube. There he was. No Adonis for sure. But at least he was new. I love the new ones. So I did a customised personal for him. Then I sent the panties, with Panty Playtime to keep him warm. He was really hooked. More direct sessions. I could just put him under soooo easily. He told me everything. Nothing very exciting. Some potential though. His wife must have had some fun. He did.
That first live session. He had been sooo cool. Or tried to be. Nervous. Just put him under. Slowly but real deep. I could tell he was trying to resist. Escape. Even asked me to stop! As if. Once I had him deep I really mind-screwed him. Locked him up tight. He was MINE. The panties did it. He’s a sucker for ‘pwp’ pretty white panties – the tighter the better. I just parted my delicious thighs a little, & let my fingers ‘stray’ a little. He was gone. Well, I was. Not him tho. Still in the tube. Just as well, or he might have popped early. Lots of toys – she must have enjoyed those.
He kept asking if he could come to me for a personal session. I still don’t know why I told him to come. Something about him. He was – holding back. Not consciously maybe. She must have had a great technique. Long-dead but still controlling him. I kept him in the tube for weeks. In session he was like putty. I had a lot of fun. He loves me. And why not? I could – can – make him do anything. It’s fun. I just love that total control.
So, he came. Rang from his hotel last night – as instructed. Put him under & made him put the slave ring on. Couldn’t have worn that through security. Put him to sleep – he’s quite old & travel would tire him. Now, he’s on his way. After a good night’s sleep. Rested & fit. No idea what’s in store for him. I’ll take him deep straight off. Then, we’ll have a little talk – I got good information during our live sessions, but face to face – or, she snorted with amusement , face to panties. Face to pussy. MY pussy. He’ll tell me everything I want to know. Every – little – thing. Hmmmm, there’s that tingle again. Perhaps……mmmm, nice. Then a simple post-hypnotic instruction – just so I can put him back under fast – I like to finger click – it is soooo superior & commanding. Bring him right up. & out of trance.
THEN a nice BD session. Ohhh how nice. The works. Just to let him know who’s boss. ME. I AM. Goddess Marquesa. His keyholder. After all, I’m a hypno-domme – I just love dominating my slaves. Making them do my bidding. Obeying my every slightest whim. He’s already wearing the slave ring. I like them in a slave ring. Or chastity. Lets us both realise who’s in absolute control. Mmmmm, naughty girl. Naughty fingers. Nice. Tie him up. Tight. Maybe hog-tie him. Or spread him, so I can “operate” as I please. Nipples – CBT – some electrics maybe. Discipline. Show him what happens to naughty boys. They’re spanked. Doesn’t like that – so much the better – more punishment. And, anyway, I DO. Teach him to relax & show his feminine side. Says he doesn’t like cross – too bad. He’ll learn to like it. Ohhhhh naughty fingers – that’s soooo nice. I’m warming up. Oh. Yes! A little thrill there. I’ve got all afternoon. I ve got all night if I want it. He’s here for my pleasure. To be trained to be my absolute slave. My slut! Ohh YESSSS! That was nice. Ohhh it will be such fun. Keep him on the brink. Maybe a little trance – just to see what he really thinks of what I do to him. Ohh. Then some Interrogation – I LIKE interrogation – a little judicious torture – really subjugate him.
A real BDSM session – with him fully conscious, seeing me …………… like this. Blow his mind. All part of the mind games. Me in total control, doing whatever I want & have him do exactly what I tell him [maybe he’ll resist a little – I like it when they fight especially the new ones & then watch them crumble as they realise I’ve got them. Helplessly. Totally. Utterly in my power. Make him submit to every little act of obedience that I desire- & have him know EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. Ohhh that’s sooo nice….Then, when I want a rest [ho hum] just have his face buried under me, smothering him with my gorgeous femininity ………….. maybe allow his tongue just THERE – we’ll see. Put him in my queening chair maybe. That would be fun. Otr just have him kneeling before me in total submission – not evn post hypnotic – abject surrender – knowing I have won – knowing he is utterly in my power and grateful to be my slave while hating himself for his utter humiliation yet still wanting it to go on forever.
Oooohhh. That’s nice. Mmmm. Ohhh. Yes. A little pop. Ohhh. Bettter. Niiiice. Ohh yes. Hmm, delicious. I might keep him for a day or so. A week maybe. I can always get him back if I feel like it. Might even give him to the girls. Or make him perform in front of them. Not hypnotised – just trained. Completely trained to obey. To obey me without question. Knowing exactly what I am making him do – not in a trance, just conditioned to surrender. Utterly. To me. Or anyone else I choose. Getting his pleasure from ”the act of obedience” itself, not what he actually does. It’s more exciting for me when I know they hate what they’re doing – but have to do it anyway because it’s what I told them to do, & above all they crave my pleasure – mits what they were created for. To serve me. Ohhhh. Oh yesss! That’s sooo nice. Oh. Oh. Oh. Yesss. Yess!! Ohhhhhh, sweet ***** that’s sooo great. His little tongue juuuust there. Oh YES!! Oh yes little Mark!!! Your marvellous Goddess Marquesa is going to use you to complete her perfect pleasuring. You will surrender to her – to me so utterly. Oh Oh Oh Yesssssss!!!! I am ready to ensorcel you Mark Shaw. You are mine!!
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