She started pouring oil on my back, ooh, it was cold at first. Then She started rubbing it in and i felt like i was in heaven. She pinched, pulled, rubbed circles inside and out, pushed my skin up and down side to side. She then went up and down my spine, relaxing me even more. All i could think about was the Goddess that i came with and how my stiff penis was being pressed between my stomach and the leather table! Her hands were moving swiftly, smoothly and sensuously up and down my spine; She sent tingles all over my body when She quickly and gently scratched the back of my neck and head. This sent all of my skin into goose bumps. She was not done. Next, She removed my towel completely. my erect shaft was pressed under the left side of my abdomen, my descended testicles were completely exposed between my legs and were quickly trying to pull themselves in from the sudden rush of cool air. my eyes were wide open and my nervous system had shut down, i was frozen in time on that massage table. She squeezed some more oil on my ass and when it touched my skin it sent cold sensations through my body. i felt liberal amounts of oil running between my cheeks all the way to my scrotum. At that point the oil slowly trickled along the raphe of my scrotum and sent me into shivering convulsions. Within seconds the oil, which had felt cold at first started to heat up measurably. All of the sudden i could feel each ass cheek starting to burn a little. my shivering started to subside and my balls started to drop as fast as they could from the new found heat. Soon i was in semi agony from the warmth which was created. As She started to massage my ass i started to moan and groan a little. Then…….. She was done! i felt totally relaxed and wonderful. “Stand up, kevin.” Her voice quickly broke my semi-tranced induced state. i stood up and i kind of turned away from Her and remained in a semi hunched over position.
“Don’t be ashamed of your arousal kevin, turn and face Me.” i slowly turned towards Her. “Now stand up straight and show Me how turned on you are.” my penis felt like it had grown an extra inch over the last couple of days, because it was standing higher than it ever had before. “Put your towel on kevin, now it is your turn to learn how to give a good massage. I will teach you everything you need to know. your objective will be to use this knowledge to massage Her Majesty.”
i was very eager to learn more because i wanted so badly to please Her Majesty. i felt so lucky that a truly beautiful Mistress choose me at the library just a few days ago. After about 20 minutes of instruction Allison told me that Mistress is coming to see how my skills are. i asked, “Do You think i will do okay?” She said, “Yes kevin, you have been a very good student and you have enough skill to give Her a good massage.”
“Thank You for teaching me.” “you’re welcome,” she whispered.
While i was waiting i made sure that my towel was tucked in tight so i wouldn’t have to fumble with it while i was massaging Mistress.
She walked in and smiled. “I see that you are ready and waiting My presence.”
“Very much so.” i said. “How have you enjoyed your stay so far?” She asked. i said “i have really enjoyed Your establishment.” She gave me a quick glance that did not look pleasent. “How do you know that this place is Mine?” “Well, Allison told me earlier.” “Ahh, very good then. Let’s get on with this, I want to see what you have learned.” She laid down on the massage table and instructed me to go to work. i gently, slowly, pulled Her bath robe down to Her waist. i was intoxicated with the way Her lower back curved downward and then up and out to where Her luscious Hips were located underneath the bathrobe. “Well, are you going to start?” Her head was tilted towards Her left shoulder and Her hands were placed under the right side of Her head. i quickly walked to the shelf where the oils were located and choose a wonderfully scented oil. i was standing close to Her left shoulder when i started to dribble oil on Her back. She arched Her back a little when the cool oil made contact. Feverishly, i started to rub this oil into Her smooth skin. At that moment She reached out and tugged at my towel. i timidly pulled away from Her a little.
“Are you scared of what I might find under there kevin?”
i didn’t know what to say. Then She said, “you just keep massaging Me, I will look at whatever I want to look at. Obviously, there is a reason that I want to look there and you will move your ass back towards Me and let Me do whatever I want! Do you understand this!!?”
“Yes, i’m sorry, it was just a reaction.” “your apology is currently accepted.”
She pulled my towel off and right in front of Her my penis was standing at full salute. i was dripping beads of hot sticky pre-cum all over the place. She pinched, poked, prodded, and moved my purple blood filled member from side to side while i was rubbing Her majestic back and shoulders. She giggled and said “Hmm, I think I can find a use for this.”
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