Once inside the men’s restroom i placed the Hot Pink Silky Panties on top of the sink counter. i then removed my shoes and placed them under the sink. Next i took off my socks and placed them inside my shoes. Now i had to stop for a second to take a deep breath. my blood filled engorgement was busting through my slacks. i then proceeded to slowly and carfully unbutton and slither my pre-cum stained slacks down to my ankles.
i then lifted my right leg up and pulled my pant leg off of my ankle, and then i kicked the left pant leg off with my free ankle. i picked up the slacks, noticing the giant wet circle caused by my excited penis, i folded them and placed them on the sink. Last, i placed my thumbs under my waist band and pinched down with my index fingers and pulled my soaked underware down to the floor, where i easily stepped out of them. i then picked up and placed my briefs into the trash can by the sink. Now, standing there with nothing but a shirt on, i reached over and carefully picked up the sweet and soft Hot Pink Silky Panties. First i held them in my hands and caressed my right cheek with the smooth Silky Panties.
Wow, did that feel nice. Next, i held the front panty panel to my nose, right where my Satin Goddesses’ “Kitty” would probably reside. i inhaled a big breath of air through my nose hoping to catch a wonderful scent of Her musky aroma. To no avial, i smelled nothing. Either She washed them very well, or they were brand new Panties. i tried one more thing; i held the crotch of the Hot Pink Silky Panties to my nose. i turned them so my nose was pressed against the cotton crotch panel. Again i inhaled deeply through my nose, knowing that if She had let these Panties grace Her Pelvis i would be sure to whiff something here. Nothing, these were new, just for me. my erection was spewing pre-cum constantly, so i pulled out a paper towel and wiped it off before i put the Hot Pink Silky Panties on.
i faced the front of the Panties away from me and slowly stepped one foot at a time into the leg holes. Right leg first, left leg next. Slowly i pulled them up.
i pulled all the way, until my purple cock was fully covered by the Hot Pink Silky Panties. The waist band just cleared the tip of my erection, it was bleeding clear, sticky, liquid and defiling the wonderful garment.
Right then a guy walked in the restroom, there i was standing with Hot Pink Silky Panties on! he started laughing and calling me names while he used the urinal.
i was focused and i stuck to my task. he walked out making fun of me, yelling and screaming to his buddies. i have no idea what he said for i was only responsible for completeing the task which my wonderful Satin Goddess told me to complete.
i noticed that Women’s Panties are not made to fit men. i would get one aching testicle in and the other would fall out the other side of the Panty crotch.
i tried to balance my balls on the crotch but it really didn’t work. So i picked up my slacks and started to pull them back on. i got them all the way up when i realized that if i stick my penis out through my zipper area that the Hot Pink Silky Panties would only cover the bottom of my cock. i needed to totally engulf my erection in the Pink Panties! i then pulled on the waistband and gained more material. As this happened, the panties were pulled into my ass. i now had enough coverage. and my testicles were now being held more firmly by the taut crotch panel.
i then buttoned my pants and pushed my silky covered rod underneath the button and pulled it out through the zipper. i also reached down through the zipper found my jelly like balls and pulled them out through the zipper also. i put my shoes and socks back on and washed my hands. i proceeded out of the restroom and to my left about 20 feet away i heard the guy telling his freinds, “That’s the guy!” they all started to laugh.
i turned to my right and started to walk quickly to the table which i was seated, towards the back of the restaurant. i quickly approached Her and presented myself. my task done, hoping that She would approve.
She gently flicked the Hot Pink Panties,with Her perfectly manicured nails, right where my throbbing penis was protruding! i fell to my knees. She said, “Very good, kevin, I see you completed what I told you to do. I like the way they look on you. Now sit down on your chair.” i did so. “Now tell Me what happened in the restroom? I heard some pinhead laughing and making fun of something, and I can see their table from here.” So i told Her about how he walked in on me and made many snide remarks and pointed me out to his freinds when i walked out. i told Her i could not remember any specifics, for i was not concentrating on him. She told me that i did good. She then signaled for the waiter.
From where i was sitting, i had a wall jutting out about 4 to 5 feet over my left shoulder, so i could no longer see the table where the guys were at. But She could. When the waiter came to our table She asked him, “What are those low-lifes drinking? I would like to send them each one drink on Me. However, bring those drinks to Me, first, before you take them over to them, Understood.” “Yes Ma’am” he said. “Oh and by the way, make their drinks a double shot.” She instructed, as the waiter was walking towards the bar.
i was now confused and not sure what was going to happen next.
The waiter hustled back with three drinks. A gin and tonic, and two Jack and cokes. My beautiful Goddess then said to the waiter. “Now go and tell those pathetic boobs that I bought each of them a drink and then come back and bring these to them.” As he started to walk toward them, She dangled one of Her rings into each drink. Then, with the straws, She stirred up each drink a little. The waiter must have been there by now, because She turned Her Luschious Breasts toward that direction and gave a little wave with Her hand. i’m sure their mouths were agape, with wonderment.
The waiter returned and took the drinks to them. She turned towards me and asked, “How is your salad?” actually i hadn’t touched it, i didn’t even know it was there. i took a small bite and said, “Wonderful.” Good, the main course should exceed your expectations.
i would be lying if i didn’t say that i was curious as to what was happening over at the other table. She looked at me and said, “Move to My chair kevin and watch what happens to people who make fun of My property. i stood up and moved to Her chair as She started to walk towards them. Sure enough, each guy’s mouth was wide open and heavily mouth breathing. She walked slowly and alluring. i noticed that the two Jack cokes were about half gone and the gin tonic was hardly touched. The guy who had made fun of me was drinking one of the Jack cokes. As She approched they all took a drink, i suppose to gain courage, or to clear their throat. Whatever the reason, it was a mistake. i could see the guys who had been drinking the mostly consumed Jack cokes, were having trouble keeping their eyes focused. they kept blinking and shaking their heads as She made small conversation with them. The guy drinking the gin tonic was fixating on Her Breasts. Slowly both guys drinking the Jack’s could no longer keep their eyes open and the one who had been in the restroom with me fell over on to the floor backwards. The other planted his head right into his dinner. The last guy was not yet unconsious. he was fixated on Her Breasts. She faced him and moved Her chest close to his face. Slowly, She used Her pinky finger to attract his attention to his slightly, glowing, blue-green gin and tonic drink.
She picked up the drink and held it in front of Her Black Satin Dress. She placed the drink to his mouth and he tilted his head back, She poured it in. he then focused on Her Breasts once again and i could see him quickly start to get dizzy. She then took him by his head and placed it on the table, he was now unconscious. She came back to the table and i quickly moved back to my seat. lewis showed up to our table and asked, “What do You want done with them?” “Tie them up and I’ll call Audrey, She’ll come and pick them up.” She quickly dialed Her cell phone. “Hello, Audrey, I have three males at the restaurant who are n dire need of an attitude adjustment. Punish them and keep them locked up until I get back from My vacation. I’ll decide if they are useful or not at that time.” With that She hung up Her phone.
The waiter brought the main course to the table.
Another man approached the table. he looked very familiar, i think he was a State Represenitive but i still can’t place quite place him. Maybe my beautiful Goddess won’t let me remember. Regardless, She dropped Her napkin and signaled for me to pick it up. i bent down, on my knees and reached for the napkin. She parted Her Legs just a little as i looked right at Her from under the table, like She knew right where i was going to look.
i was frozen! Staring at Her Black Satin Panties, immobilized, helpless. i heard Her tell the man to sit at the table. he did so. She asked him questions about what time he was going to show up at the boat tomorrow. he told Her that he might be late, it depends on some legislation he was working on. She told him to get it taken care of and to be on time, no excuses. i don’t remember any more for i was focused on the folds in Her Black Satin Panties.
Time seemed to stand still for me, my penis pumping with blood and oozing and oozing, while being gently caressed by the Hot Pink Panties. Her right leg crossed over Her left and i snapped out of it. i handed Her the napkin and stood up. he was gone and so was the plate of food that used to be on the table. She stood up and directed me to follow Her.
We came across lewis and he gave Her a credit card and said, “Thank You YourWonderfulness.” She then handed me the credit card and said “you’re welcome.” i looked at the card and it was mine, how did She get my card? i thought to myself. Oh well, this has been worth it. We walked toward Her limo, there i was walking proudly alongside Her, with my penis protruding from my zipper covered in Pink Silk. i stepped into the vehicle after Her and realized that agian i had no idea what we had done up to this point. my watch said 10:35pm.
i sat down right next to Her and She handed me a drink, cranberry juice and vodka. i drank it down quite fast. At this time i just felt like i was on top of the world. As far as i know, or remember, this date was going wonderfully. So i turned towards Her and was going to ask Her if She was enjoying Herself? i looked at Her and i tried to mumble something, but it came out all garbled. i tried to focus my eyes….. i blinked and blinked again. i was staring at Her sumptous Breasts. The white noise around me seemed to get very loud, Her Breasts became increasingly blurry, no matter what i did to try to clear my head. i blinked again but it was to no avail. i quickly blacked out.
i came to as we were driving up the driveway to Her beautiful house. i looked at my watch and it was now 11:30pm. i couldn’t figure out what just happened to the last hour. “We’re here, sleepy head.” i looked at Her and i smiled. “Did i fall asleep? Well i’m sorry.” She giggled a little and said, “That is quite alright. It must have been a long day for you.” “i actually feel very awake right now.” “Yes, I know that you do. Now, let’s go inside.” my stomach quivered. i’m going back inside Her house? Oh wow, i must be one of the luckiest men on this earth! i walked up the path with Her, i looked down to see how badly my pants were messed up. my cock was pushing so hard agaist my pants and continually i could feel cum being forced up the shaft of my penis. It seemed odd for some reason that my penis was actually in my pants, but for the life of me i could not figure outmwhy. We walked inside and She asked me if i wanted some coffee. i gladly accepted. She brought me a cup and then said, “I’m going to get into something more comfortable, just sit here kevin and I’ll be back shortly.” There i was, sitting on one of Her couches and glancing around the room looking at how the room was decorated. She had many paintings, many of them looked rather expensive, however, they seemed to dipict dark and semi evil things. i could not quite grasp the theme of Her living room but it was dark innature. Her furniture looked very old and had an antique quality to it, although everything looked like it was in mint condition. She had huge gorgeous throw rugs laid across Her hardwood floor. Come to think of it……… i started to think about my hard wood. it was pushing and pushing against the inside of my pants. i am at this point bursting with anticipation as to what might happen on this night. Come to think of it, i don’t think that i have any underware on. my erection is pushing directly against my pants.
Right at that moment She started to walk down the hallway towards the living room. i could hear Her every step. High heels have a distinct sound on hardwood floors that i don’t have to describe. She walked right by me and sat down on the couch just opposite of me. i began to lean back into the couch as my eyes started to absorb what i was seeing.
She was wearing a Gold Satin Robe with Black Lace running up and down the edges of it. Her lucious Breasts were bursting through the top of the Gold Satin Robe, They were encapsulated by a Black Satin Bra that i could only catch glimpses of. my eyes wandered to Her feet which were strapped with Black high heeled shoes. They had a strap that kind of went around the outside of Her foot, most noticably, She had on at least 5 inch stilleto heels. They looked like they were directly out of a Fredrick’s magazine. i started to follow Her Legs up from Her feet; i noticed that She now had on black Silk Stalkings that went up to Her mid Thigh. i could sort of make out the scalloped top of Her Salkings. They started to blend in with the bottom of Her Gold Satin Robe.
As She sat down and crossed Her Legs i did notice the bottom strap of a black Garter Belt holding desperatly onto the top of one of the Stalkings.
my stomach felt empty and my penis had a tremedous tingling sensation, like i was dropping down the fastest roller coaster on earth, naked!! i focused back on Her Sapphire blue Eyes. She was waiting, She knew what i had been looking at. Once i had made eye contact with Her, She said, “So kevin, do you have some sort of curfew tonight?” She looked at me with a sarcastic grin and a raised eyebrow.
i said, “No, and even if i did, i believe that it would get broken.” i then watched Her stand up and move towards me. She was standing right in front of me and began to undue the Gold Satin Belt that was holding Her robe closed shut. i was sitting there, with my mouth wide open, taking this all in. She slowly pulled Her Gold Satin Robe away from Her Body…….
To be continued!
“It’s so easy to obey me… It’s so easy… to obey me…….”
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