She was standing right in front of me and began to undue the Gold Satin Belt that was holding Her robe closed shut. i was sitting there, with my mouth wide open, taking this all in. She slowly pulled Her Gold Satin Robe away from Her Body……
Part VI
Once it was off She wisked it onto the other couch. i said, “Oh my Goddess.”
She was standing right in front of me, not more than two feet away. She had Black Satin everything. Her Bra, Her Garter Belt, and Her Panties. The Black Satin Panties were perfectly framed by the straps of Her Black Satin Garter Belt which was holding Her Black Stalking tautly.
Her presence and Her shape totally engulfed me. i could do nothing but stare intently. Her stature with the 4 or 5 inch heels, Black Stalkings, Garter Belt, Panties, and Bra was overwhelming. She said, “kevin, stand up, take off all of your clothes and kneel in front of ME.”
i did so with out a word said. i kneeled before Her, remembering the long walk i had to the restroom. It was starting to come back to me.
She is going to take control of me and this is what i want. She started to talk softly to me. “kevin, stare at My Black Satin Panties. Don’t They look so nice and smooth as They grace My Skin? I bet you would like to touch Them. Feel Them. Wouldn’t you?
kevin, think about your thick hard cock, how does it feel right now? Doesn’t it feel good? Don’t you want
Start to breath deeply and stare at My Panties. Hold a breath, exhale, you will give yourself to Me. Hold your breath, exhale give yourself to Me, stare at My Panties and notice how smooth they are. you want to be My Panties Don’t you. you will serve Me and all My wants and demands. you want this. Stare at My Black Satin Panties while you are there on your knees and feel that tingle in your penis that is now Mine. It feels good and relaxing, forgetting what you have done so far. Just fixating on My Panties and breathing deeply. Slowly. Forgetting. It’s so easy. To forget. Take a big breath. Exhale. Giving yourself to Me. Feeling good. Stare at My Panties………
She kept on…….. i did as She suggested and started to forget. i just gazed deeply into Her Black Satin Panties. Like a deer caught in the head lights. i just stared into the Satin. i stared so intently that i actually began to see what looked like my reflection in Her front Panty Panel. As i began to see myself, looking into my own eyes, i noticed that i seemed to be looking back at myself from Her Pelvis. i could see myself being soothed into a stupor, i could feel my self floating, i had that emptiness, with butterflies, feeling in my stomach………..
my eyes opened.
i had the morning sunshine on my face. i was covered by a blanket, totally naked and now awake! She was laying right beside me. Looking at me, like She was waiting for me to awaken. Currently, i was laying on my back, covered by a warm blanket.
i was pitching a tent right in the middle of Her bed. She was lying next to me on top of the blanket just to my right. She was intently looking at me, as if She was waiting for me to come to. i couldn’t but help notice that i felt so extremely exhausted, like i could not quite break out of the fog that i was in.
She then asked me, “kevin, would you like some coffee? i said, “Yes, that would be wonderful.” She got off of the bed and walked out of the room. She was now wearing light blue cotton pjs. They looked like typical lounging around attire. As She walked out of the room i was concentrating on Her Voluptuous body. Her magnificent body still radiated out, no matter what She wore.
i stumbled out of the bed, standing in the middle of Her room, i was naked, shaking my head trying to get rid of the cobwebs in it. i found my clothes folded neatly on top of the trunk; my shirt, pants, socks, and shoes. i could not
find my underware. Curiously, i could not remember much from the night before. i was now thinking to myself that it must have been a good sign. i put my pants on, then my shirt, and then socks and shoes.
Right at that moment She walked into the room and said, “Wow, found your clothes and everything.” “What time is it?” i asked.
“It’s only about 7:30am.” So i followed Her to the kitchen where we sat down and drank our coffee. i commented on how i still felt real tired. She acknowledged me and said, “Yes, you were up quite late last night.”
i was trying to remember what we did, it was very vague, but i could remember about 1 to 2 second snippets scattered throughout the night. So sitting there, drinking my coffee, i could barely remember even where we went, let alone, what we did. Anyway, i responded to Her that i had a wonderful time, and She nodded Her head and said, “I know.”
“i would love to get together again sometime soon.” i said. “I’ll call you around noon and we’ll get together again today. How does that sound kevin?” i was in total shock, this is a dream come true. my already swollen member instantly responded with an extra flush of blood rushing in, standing to instant attention. “i will absolutely be
looking forward to Your call.” At that i stood up and pushed the chair that i was sitting in back into place. She too stood up and walked me to the door.
i turned around and said, “i’ll be looking forward t Your call.” She then looked at the front of my pants and said, “you might want to tuck that thing down a little, kevin.” Then She laughed a sarcastic little laugh and moved close to me. i reached out and embraced Her, She then said, “Now get home and get some rest. your going to need it!”
As i was driving home i was trying to remember what if anything that we did last night. i could remember everything up to when we left Her house. Then it starts to get foggy. Oh well, i now have to try and drive so i have to try and focus more on what i’m doing and not what i already did. i reached across to buckle my seatbelt and i noticed that my back felt sore, like it was kind of burning. i then tried to push my shoulders together behind my back, kind of trying to stretch my upper body and then sharp pains ran down the skin of my back, ohh, i paused a little, what could that be from.
i was now driving down the interstate headed towards my home and more pain started to set in. my ass felt as if it were sunburnt. Not just that itchy feeling you would get from sitting naked in a tanning bed, but the feeling
you would get from falling asleep, with your ass exposed, for about 4 hours in the hot sun with no sunblock on. i started to find it uncomfortable to be sitting in the seat of my car. Like clockwork, each pain started to set in right after the other. From the skin on my ass the pain started moving inside.
All of the sudden it felt like i had a jalapeño pepper burst open inside me. Oh my god, i needed to try and concentrate on the road. All that was going through my mind was what could be causing all of this???
Then, some vague memories started flashing through my mind. One of them i could remember seeing myself tied up to a structure which resembled a pommel horse in gymnastics. i was bent over, looking up, i could see myself looking right back at myself in a mirror. She was standing right behind me, one hand pulling the back of my hair and the other hand was wrapped around my waist pulling me towards Her. She laughed and pushed my head down.
That memory then faded……
Next, i could see a flash of myself again looking right at myself in a mirror. Now it appeared that i was in a closet like structure. my hands were cuffed above my head and my ankles were also restrained, only they were spread apart as far as they could go.
She was standing along side me telling me to relax my ass muscles while She was holding what looked like a black cane. i could see that my nipples were locked up in what looked like tiny battery jumper cables. my happily exposed penis also looked as though it was tied up in some type of thin rope, as it was twitching with fear and hardness. She then reared that cane back and then i lose that memory too….
These memories start to make me breath quicker and my nipples hardened. Pain starts to sear through them, i now know why!!
The next memory pops into my brain; there i am, tied to a bed, totally naked and She is crouching right above my head. She too was naked and i could see all of Her Beauty, all i can say is, breathtaking.
Next, i see a golden stream emerge from Her. i could not close my mouth, it was forced open by some oral tool. This golden stream went pouring into my mouth and i laid there not being able to move and took it.
She finished and started lowering Herself and HerWomanhood on to my face, i noticed sunlight was just starting to break in my peripheral vision, the memory fades………..
To be continued………
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