Eager to begin, Marquesa puts Her glass down, focuses Her attention completely on Her prey, and begins to send him telepathic commands.   “BECOME DROWSY!…RELAX!!…REST!…SLEEP!”  These thought messages, short and sweet, sound like something from Hypnotism Made E-Z — comic book hypnosis — but in Her earlier ‘laboratory trials’, short-and-sweet seemed to outperform long-and-involved messages.  At first, Her quarry seems oblivious to the thoughts She sends his way, but She’s not easily deterred.  Besides, She tells Herself, the night is still young.
She knows this is much like fishing — sometimes it takes a while before you get that first bite.  Minute after minute, eyes and mind focused on Her prey and concentrating intently, She continues on.  Once again, as though he senses Her energy, senses Her closeness, he looks back again in Her direction.  Owing to Her darkened corner, He doesn’t register Her presence, but the fact that he looks around suggests to Her that he’s still alert, so if he’s responding to Her commands as She’d hoped, it’s not apparent.  Realizing something is amiss, She stops and realizes She needs to regroup.  “Grasshopper!” She thinks, “You have yet much to learn before you attain true Mastery. Time to start over.  Back to basics…”

                   As though She were talking to a first-time subject, Marquesa commands Herself.  “Jussst RELAX!!TAKE THREE DEEP BREATHS, clear out your lungs and bring more oxygen into Your system.   ONE!INHALE!…Breathe ALLLL the way in…EXHALE sloowwwly!…Empty the lungs as far down into Your tummy as You can…Gooood!!!!….TWO!...INHALE!…Deeeep..Deeeep breath in…Hold it!…Hold it!…Now EXHALE!…slooowwwly…Verry Goood!!!….THREE!!!…Last time…INHALE!….ALLLL the way in…Yeeeessss!!!…And EXHALE!…ALLL the wayyy out…” 
She does so, clearing Her lungs with such a vigorous rush that the couple who had recently been seated near Her look Her way questioningly.  She reflects, “It would have been better to have been able to breathe clean fresh air, but beggars can’t be choosers.”  She continues to coach Herself along, “Now CENTER YOURSELFEMPTY THE MIND…COMPLEETELY..EMPTY THE MIND!!…Yeeesss!!…Consciously clearing the mind of ALLLL extraneous thoughtsJussst REELAXX!!…LET GO!…LET GO THE MIND…LET GO THE BODYNOW..GATHER THE ENERGY FROM THROUGHOUT THE BODY AND MINDCONSCIOUSLY GATHER ALLLL THE ENERGY….Yeeesss!!!….GATHER ALLL YOUR ENERGYFOCUS!!…FOCUS THE ENERGY…FOCUS THE ENERGY IN THE PINEAL BODY…FEEEL the Energy moving to the Pineal Body…Feel the Energy Focused there…That’s it!!!…AND NOW PICTURE YOUR TARGET…”
                      That’s better, She thinks.  Opening Her eyes momentarily to re-register Her quarry in Her mind’s eye, She sees him taking another sip from his drink.  No more!  He’s had enough!  She doesn’t want his mind befogged with any more alcohol, but maybe what he has consumed thus far may relax him a bit.  Will that be a help or a hindrance?  She wonders, Well, we’ll see…  Closing Her eyes once more, She concentrates on opening Her Third Eye.
She imagines it — She wills it — wide open and ready to emit telepathic thoughts.  This is not easy:  She feels a slight headache, one that is growing steadily stronger from the tension arising from Her mental efforts, and Her Third Eye is warm, almost hot to the touch.  Even Her body temperature has risen with Her exertion — who says mental effort isn’t physically taxing?  But Marquesa is far too wrapped up in the moment to notice any of this.  With sweat beading on Her forehead and Her brow furrowed in concentration even more intense than before, Her physical and mental state go unnoticed as She methodically opens Her Third Eye.  Gathering all Her focused mental energy, She pictures Her quarry once more in Her mind’s eye and resumes beaming telepathic commands to him.
                    “YOU FEEL TIRED!…MORE AND MORE TIRED!…YOUR EYES ARE TIRED!….YOUR EYES ARE HEAVY!…VERRY..VERRY HEAVY!…YOU ARE BECOMING MORE TIRED!…CLOSE YOUR EYES AND..SLEEEP!!”  A stream of mental energy, as concentrated and intense a stream as She can manage, pours forth from Marquesa’s third eye into the mind of Her quarry.  At least, that’s what she hopes is happening.  Certainly, the intensity of Her thoughts is much stronger, and they are more intensively focused than before; however, Her prey still seems unaffected.
                   No matter, She tells Herself, Keep Yourself relaxed…Keep calmREMAIN RELAXED AND CALM!…and FOCUS! — Focus! — Focus! on him…gather ALLLL Your mental energy and FOCUS! on him, She commands Herself. Now send out your thought energy…direct it into his mind…Yeeesss!!!  The intensity of Her focus is little short of terrifying.  Now alternating between watching him intently and closing Her eyes to block out unwanted visual distractions, Marquesa continues to project thought energy, from time to time commanding Herself to be remain calm and focused so as to summon up the maximum power into Her projected commands.
“YOU FEEEL TIRED!!SLEEP!!!…EYES FEEEL TIRED!…EYES FEEL HEAVY!!…BODY FEELS TIRED!…BODY FEELS HEAVY!”  She continues on, every so often taking a moment to open Her eyes to visually assess Her progress, if any.  She continues, SLEEP!!…SLEEEP!!…SLEEP DEEEPLY!!…”   Another momentary peep reveals him placing his hand over his mouth and yawning.
                     I’ve got him!  She exults.
He’s responding!…He’s receiving and responding to My commands!Veerrry Goood!!!  Reflecting Her elation, a massive, surge of SEXXX!ual energy pulses through Her mind and body, and Her pussy starts to drip.  In Her current state, however, She knows She must keep a tight rein on the reflexive SEXXX!ual responses that are uniquely hardwired into Her makeup.
After such a promising start, Marquesa doesn’t want Her effort to fizzle out for lack of focus on Her part.  Hold Your Horses! She commands Herself.  For now, She needs to remain tightly fixated, both on Her message and on Her prey;  She must strictly control Her growing excitement and arousal, and, most of all, Her innate raging animal SEXXX!ual energy.  BE CALM! — REMAIN CALM!…STAY FOCUSED!Focus more than ever…Continue to FOCUS AND RELAX!…Continue to GATHER YOUR ENERGY…GATHER THE ENERGY FROM THE UNIVERSE AND CHANNEL IT TO HIM...Directly to him.
Another glance shows his head beginning to tilt forward…now tilting more, in increments, much like a jacked-up tire being lowered…shoulders slumping…head nodding.  She cannot directly see his reactions, but from the drooping aspect of his head and thousands of prior inductions She knows his lower jaw must be sagging open and coming to rest on his chest.  Damn!, She thinks, I wish I could see his eyes — are they closed?  But from the tilt of his head; they have to be.
A glance reveals him totally relaxed in his chair, almost as though he had passed out…“Very Good!!..CONTINUE TO RELAX!!..AND AS YOU..RELAX!! DEEPER AND DEEPER..YOU WILL TAKE CARE TO REMAIN SEATED IN YOUR CHAIR..”  She doesn’t want to chance him falling out of his seat, a real risk that goes along with falling into trance — as She knows all too well from prior experience.
                 She continues on, feeding him commands and suggestions that seem to intensify his sleep.  From Her limited view of his responses, Her prey seems to be relaxing more and more, going deeper into trance.   Marquesa finds Herself reflexively entering trance, too, something that usually occurs when She verbally lulls Her subjects to sleep.  And as Her own trance deepens, a strange thing is taking place,
something that never before occurred when She’d tried telepathy in Her earlier experiments.  To be sure, all Her previous attempts at telepathy had taken place place after She’d hypnotized Her subjects, whereas in this instance, She seems to have hypnotized Her quarry without ever before having seen him.
But whether for this or for other reasons, as Marquesa goes deeper into trance, and as Her quarry seems to become ever more profoundly unconscious, She begins to sense a growing rapport with him — even though, thus far, She has not yet spoken a word to him.  Her headache has disappeared.  Her thought commands and suggestions seem not only to be reaching him but getting through with increasing clarity, strength and power.
She also senses Her naturally dominant aural vibration becoming yet more powerful and feels Herself becoming psychically stronger and stronger.  Finally, everything has come together in Her telepathic efforts, and along the way, She has unknowingly entered that state of deepest enthrallment with the task at hand known as Flow, in which all other feelings and thoughts are blocked out and Her entire consciousness focuses with laser like intensity on the task at hand.
Often, Marquesa enters Flow when She is working with a subject in Her customary, straightforward hypno-fetish work, work which has long been second nature to Her and something She truly loves doing.  On those occasions, Her efforts flow easily, naturally, and She proceeds through Her work as though She is on automatic pilot.  As She is doing now.  Feeling flush, She thinks, Time to reel him in…Into Me!