matt was sleeping alone in his vacation cabin in the mountains. He and his wife had gotten into a horrible fight and he stormed out of the house. He was still angry! She wanted to share the financial duties in the household without his okay to make investment decisions, of all things . . . she was a woman! . . . what did she know about such things! But that was not how it was supposed to work. At least that was not the way it had worked when he was growing up. His dad made all those kind of decisions, and his mom never complained.
In fact, it had never occurred to him to even discuss that kind of issue with Cindy as they prepared for their marriage. Cindy was beautiful dark and sexy but the last thing in the world he wanted was for her to be his business partner. The last straw was when she had purchased some stocks a few months ago without telling him. She had made nearly $20,000 in ninety days on the purchases but damn it! she was supposed to ask him if he would let her buy stocks . . . not just up and do it!
Well, one word led to another and there he was, on his own at the vacation cabin, lying in bed watching the late, late show. It was lonely up there in the mountains. The cabin was in the middle of 100 acres and only a single-lane gravel road led there. The closest cabin was over three miles away and it was probably vacant this time of year. It was just him and the television, he was sure there was no one else around.
Suddenly the television went crazy . . . the picture started breaking up and waving across the screen and static replaced the voices that had been there just a moment before. At almost the same time a loud swooshing sound and a bright green light passed over the cabin.
Then suddenly things went silent. The power went off, knocking out the lights and TV, leaving him in the dark. He fumbled around in a drawer, found a candle and lit it. Its meager light flickered and threw odd, distorted shadows across the walls as he placed it on the table.
With the candle burning behind him he walked out through the front door and stood on the wooden deck and looked out to the valley below, illuminated by the moon. As he stood there he heard a crunching sound as if someone was walking along the loose gravel road. Then, in a bend of the road about a hundred yards away, he spotted her figure. Even at that distance, he could tell She was something extraordinary. Her figure appeared to be full and perfect. The moon reflected off her long, flowing blond hair which moved rhythmically as She walked toward him.
Something began to stir in his crotch. Only hours away from his wife and he was already getting horny watching this vision approach. She was dressed in a one-piece cat suit. It shimmered in the moonlight like nothing he had ever seen. It almost seemed to have a green glow to it, not just reflecting the light of the full moon but radiating as if by its own light.
As She drew closer he just stared at Her. Her body, beautiful at a distance, became astounding as She drew closer: full, lush breasts, thin waist and sensuous womanly hips. Her legs were long and perfect, like a ballet dancer s.
She continued to walk directly toward the cabin slowly, deliberately. matt just stared at Her as She climbed the steps to the porch, his mouth hanging open. She was more beautiful than any model he had ever seen. Why would so gorgeous a woman be out wandering about by herself at this time of night? His mind filled with questions as She came ever closer, Her face filling his vision.
She had clear, flawless skin, full, red lips and big green, mesmerizing eyes. Her eyes almost seemed to glow as She turned and looked directly at him. They were like cat’s eyes, shinning and glimmering in the dark . . . like two glittering emeralds holding him in their invisible grip.
He kept staring as She came closer, stopping only when She was so close he could feel Her warm breath on his face. He was frozen in place, there seemed to be no escape from those gorgeous hypnotic eyes. matt felt himself drifting . . . floating. Even though a voice inside him told him to look away, he couldn’t break the power of Her compelling gaze.
She lifted Her hand up beside Her eyes, showing matt Her shiny, glittering green fingernails. They were the same shade of green as Her fascinatingly beautiful and mesmerizing eyes. She then started to slowly move Her fingers, catching and reflecting the light of the moon, casting flecks of green into his receptive male eyes.
Finally, She spoke. Her voice was soft, sexy and compelling: Look at My nails, matt. See how they draw your attention . . . see how compelling they are . . . look closely at them as they move . . . just watch and relax . . . feel their attraction . . . their power . . . just watch and relax as I speak to you, My pet . . . only My eyes . . . and My nails . . . and My voice . . . exist for you now . . . listen to My voice . . . so soft . . . so soothing . . . so irresistible . . . listen and surrender . . . listen and obey . . . surrender to Me . . . surrender . . . and obey . . . . matt’s previous mundane world was disappearing as Her hypnotic voice filled his mind. All that remained were Her eyes and Her nails and Her voice . . . but these fabulous erotic symbols were now inside his head. He was falling into a green light and was helpless to resist . . . he no longer wanted to resist . . . he just wanted to live and enjoy this moment of sheer pleasure.
As he drifted toward the green glow matt strained to hear Her voice soft, yet so compelling . . . so irresistible.
your will to resist Me is completely gone now, matt. you have no desire to resist. you know you will only be happy if you obey Me. Surrender! Completely! you are mine now . . . mine. you exist to serve only Me . . . you exist only to serve My will . . . Mine . . . Mine . . . MINE!
And he fell to his knees before Her.
A knowing smile played across Her face as She walked into the cabin and sat down in an easy chair next to the table where matt had placed the candle. She gestured Her new slave to a spot on the floor before Her as if he were just a puppy . . . a pet.
Her voice pounded in his head, Look up into My eyes, My pet.
From his place at Her feet he stared into the twin green laser lights that emanated from Her commanding eyes.
All My pathetic, pliable slaves worship Me while they are naked. Take off your clothes! Now!
matt managed to remain in his submissive, reverent kneeling position before this Green Vision of Loveliness as he removed his shirt. he then took off his jeans and threw them aside. his socks and briefs came off next, leaving him naked and exposed before Her. he managed to do it all without ever leaving his knees, a rather amazing accomplishment.
Although She was now controlling his movements one body part still had a mind of its own though it was a very appreciative, highly submissive mind! his manhood stood at rigid attention as if saluting Her as he gazed up with reverence in his eyes at his glorious Mistress.
Kiss My foot, pet.
matt”s body was on autopilot and he was just a passenger as he kissed and sucked Her toes, one by one. his manhood grew ever bigger and harder, thrilled as it was by this wonderful opportunity to show its reverence and gratitude for Her generosity and understanding.
As he succumbed to Her will She patted his head as She would a puppy s.
Close your eyes . . . sleep for Me, She whispered.
his eyes fell shut. he was powerless to resist Her commands. This Mysterious Visitor was in complete control . . . and he loved it!
Go deeper under My hypnotic spell . . . deeper . . . so deep under My control you will do anything I command . . . tell Me anything I wish to know . . . who will you obey, My pet?
You, he responded.
Say yes Mistress, i will obey only You .
Yes Mistress . . . i will obey only You!
Good boy . . . what do the numbers mean?
Numbers, Mistress?
Yes. I am trying to locate The Magnificent Mistress Marquesa. I have gone through the history books and tried to locate Her. I went by the location address the history books indicated but it was merely a room full of square mail receptacles. Then as I continued to examine this strange room a number of your police arrived and I was forced to leave. But the history books also had strange numbers 562-986-4347. What do they mean?
A telephone number, my Mistress.
And what, My little pet, is a telephone?
A communications device, my Mistress.
First the green-eyed blond smiled, then She laughed out loud. Ah, My little pet, I am from what you would call the future. We have studied the Magnificent Mistress because, for us, She is the historical figure that marks the beginning of change in the control over our planet to Our vastly superior sex.
Certain female scientists of the 22nd century were able to develop hormones and minor cellular modifications that permitted latent genes of male submissiveness to Females to rise in ascendancy and gave all women power over happily submissive males. Even before that research had later hit its pay dirt, the Marquesa had, from birth, also possessed an abundance of certain Female pheromones as well as genes that bestowed upon Her mental abilities and a powerful drive for dominance to go with Her Goddess-given natural beauty. With all this it was a simple step to discover Her ability to enslave mere males. The scientists of the 22nd century simply used the Marquesa’s DNA to synthesize those powers. With them came the power of telepathy. That’s why it seemed She always knew what was going on in the minds of mere males who, by nature, were already inclined to worship and submit to beautiful strong-willed women such as She. She was telepathic.
Part of My PhD research project at Marquesa University is to write a thesis on the First Goddess. What better way to journey through time to interview her. In My time we understand terrestrial addresses and so it was easy to find the address that was listed but what you call the telephone number confused Me. Even though we Goddesses in the 23rd Century are telepathic, the concept of a telephone was not known to us since we need no communications devices.
Being Me your telephone device and input Her numbers, slave boy.
Yes, my Mistress. i obey only You, he said as he obediently dialed the Marquesa’s phone number. he handed it to his new owner, who took it awkwardly and spoke: Goddess Marquesa, My name is Alpha and I have come a very long way to interview You for a university research paper on Your Power over men. Would You consent to see Me?
After some discussion an appointment was made for early the next morning and matt was given directions by The Marquesa to Her residence. Alpha smiled an evil smile at matt who, still in a trance, continued to stare into the sparkling jewel-like green eyes of this Woman of the future. Each second he gazed into Her eyes deepened his hypnotic spell of surrender . . . he had truly become Her toy, completely, totally powerless before Her.
We have some time to kill before our appointment. Why don’t you crawl closer and worship Me here between My legs, She said. Breathlessly, the slave began licking the shining fabric of Her cat suit. Although he gained no real pleasure from the rough surface of the metallic garment, the special fabric transmitted the feeling of his slavish tongue to Her tender flesh under the cloth. And here, She said, pointing to one of Her magnificently large breasts encased in the shimmering fabric of Her cat suit. matt stretched his body and continued to lick the fabric. Alpha gasped and froze on the chair. Her body trembled as he moved back and forth. his eager tongue licked, sucked and teased. he then, once again, lowered his mouth and licked feverishly down Her legs to Her feet.
Suddenly, deep in his mind, he felt from Her a dominating voice that said, Don t stop slave! And he couldn t . . . he helplessly continued to lick and worship Her body. Her hands forced his face further and further into the suit, smothering him, but he could not stop. At last She let out an almost alien scream of pleasure but still She would not let him stop until his muscles could no longer function and he began to tremble and finally collapsed from exhaustion.
he blacked out!
The next thing he remembered was parking his car in front of a beautiful home and walking ten paces behind Alpha to a door where She pointed at the bell, giving him a silent command to press it. Shortly the door opened and there She was The Magnificent, Mesmerizing, Manipulative Mistress Marquesa! It might have come as a surprise to matt, if he were not in a trance, to note that the green of Alpha’s cat suit exactly matched the color of the Magnificent One’s gloriously hypnotic emerald eyes, clearly a tribute to Her by the Goddesses of the Future.
There must have been something to Alpha’s telepathic explanation because instantaneously when the two saw each other, The Marquesa knew that She was admired and respected by Alpha and that they had much in common. Then, when She looked at matt, She also knew that he was Alpha’s slave.
The Marquesa smiled Her most wicked smile and called out, alvin, come here! and the ever-present and obedient live-in slut and nipple nerd ran into the room and knelt before the two stunning Goddesses. A slap from Alpha served as instruction to matt to assume the same position.
Alpha watched in awe as Marquesa took control. The two slut-slaves were powerless to resist Her commands and actually seemed to enjoy the treatment.
Both of you pathetic pliable slaves shall immediately get naked so I can even better read your thoughts.
The slaves stripped as ordered. Good, Marquesa said, now you may kneel before your Goddesses and stroke . . . but, don t either of you dare finish off until Alpha or I command it!
She then turned to Alpha and suggested, Now, My Dear, why don t We sit down and relax while Our slaves are occupied and have a sisterly exchange of views and discuss strategies for extending our ongoing revolution to gain absolute power for the superior Female sex over the lives of the inferior male worker sex . . . to achieve unconditional victory for the good of our planet and all its creatures . . . especially for vain, beautiful Feminine Goddesses such as ourselves.
And talk they did The Magnificent One telling the student from the future about Her life and how She had developed Her innate ability of mind control over masochistically-prone men. Alpha took copious mental notes and was sure She could get an A in Her college course when She returned to Her own time.
She was thrilled to have met this pioneer in the art of achieving total control and power through the use of Feminine beauty and vanity to exploit the deep-seated sexual instinct of submission and masochism that lies deep within the brain and genes of all males. All this had been accomplished by the Marquesa before the scientific discoveries of the 22nd century that sealed the doom of male supremacy in human society. Alpha informed The Marquesa about these still-to-occur improvements. They both had a long gleeful laugh.
Later Alpha explained to Marquesa how She had discovered matt and, once all the related circumstances were understood, The Marquesa called Cindy to come over and pick up Her property. With just a little conditioning and a few post-hypnotic suggestions from Alpha and The Marquesa it was a simple matter for matt to become Cindy’s first obedient, attentive and worshipping slave.
As the Three Goddesses were about to part, it dawned on The Magnificent One that neither alvin nor matt had yet been allowed to finish. They had been stroking for over three hours! She almost felt sorry for them but not quite!
The slave boys were quickly repositioned to kneel directly below their Goddesses with their heads bowed and their bodies aimed at the three women. The Women each placed a high heel-clad foot on one of the now-extremely sensitive body parts. The Marquesa looked into the slave’s eyes and whispered, Now!
The slaves speeded up and finished as commanded. They each gushed onto the shoes of the Glorious Goddesses. Now, clean it up, The Marquesa commanded. I want to see you two lick every last drop of your disgusting fluids from Our shoes.
The slaves did as ordered, licking their own and each other’s cum from the shoes of the Goddesses.
It is so much fun to be a Goddess, The Marquesa laughed, and you two worthless sluts are so lucky to be Our slaves!
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