He was taking his time getting used to the States. The opportunity that his company had offered of exchanging with another staff member was truly amazing–especially for one so young. But as exciting as it all was, he was taking his time acclimatizing–especially to the different words used by Americans for things. An aubergine was an “Eggplant” Lifts were “Elevators” A CV was a “Résumé” a mobile phone a “Cell phone” Text Messages were “SMS”.
He applied himself quietly to his work. No one seemed to notice him too much. But one day a lady stood by his desk demanding his attention.
“Hi. Now that you’ve been here a while I wonder if you would accompany me to a meeting with one of our partners? It’s a day’s drive away and we get to stay over. I’ll show you what a real American Motel looks like.”
It was a lady simply known as Miss K. She was tall and statuesque, older than most on his section, but very very attractive. She had fascinatingly reflective blonde hair that tapered into pretty soft curls. She always wore scintillatingly reflective diamond earrings and a strangely attention grabbing small diamond pendant on a gold chain around her neck. She was always immaculately dressed. He liked older women and was rather taken with her.
As he agreed to her proposal he forgot that during his lunch break he had been daydreamingly browsing sites containing photos of ladies in satin attire. He found satin so sensual and soothing. Perhaps his loneliness in a strange land had compelled him to feed his fascination while on his employer’s time clock. He went to click away, but too late. Miss K had already noticed the tall, blonde lady in a scarlet charmeuse satin blouse and figure-hugging knee-length skirt.
“Nice taste” she said with the barest hint of amusement. “Say what do you do for accessories?”
He blushed as she strode away laughing–but in a sweet not a mocking way.
The next day, he received a message on his phone as he stood near the entrance to the office…
He walked out into the warm air and was stopped dead in his tracks.
Miss K was driving a red convertible with the top down. She stood beside it shades perched on her forehead with her blonde tresses tousled mesmerizingly by the warm breeze. But her clothes took his breath away. They were an exact replica of the two-piece satin set on his computer. Ms. K’s scarlet blouse rippled and rolled tantalizingly in the breeze. Clad in a shiny black satin pencil skirt she rubbed one long and shapely, sheer silk stockinged leg against the other. She elegantly beckoned to him to come and sit in her car.
“Like the outfit, sweetie?” she asked, even though the blank look on his face told her all she needed to know.
“Now remember, sweetie, we have a long drive. But I’m sure we’ll find ways to get to know each other. I’ve never really gotten to know what makes an English guy tick.”
He felt as if at some point in the day he would tell this lady everything as they sped away.
After an hour, they started making small talk. The subject matter expanded until they discussed “Hobbies”. At this point, she took out her phone and located a message and handed it too him.
“Here’s a message I got from one of my “Hobbies”, dear” she said
He read it
As he read on she watched him gape in wonder.
“Now see my reply.”
After she handed the phone back, his eyes widened. She wondered if he was going to faint.
“Here, let me show you a few more” she said laughing.
“I….I…” he stammered.
“Yeah, that’s right. Who would have thought that prim and proper Miss K was addicted to phone sex?”
“Have you met these men?”
“Oh some of them, yeah. And honey, they are not all men!”
At this point he did nearly faint.
They drove on for a bit and she surreptitiously placed her hand on his.
“Recovered yet, my little honey bun?”
“Sort of” he said sheepishly. “I think it’s fascinating. I’ve never done anything like that.”
“Oh but, honey, you want to, don’t you? Deep down in that repressed ,little, English soul of yours. I know you love satin, my dear.”
As she said this, she deftly let the cuff of her blouse brush his forehead and neck.
“Now come on, dear, open up to Auntie K. Darling, tell me what’s going on cuz one fetish always leads to another.”
She persisted. And try as he might, he could not suppress the desires and fantasies gushing into the conscious world to be beholden by another who was the ensorcelling embodiment of many of his yearnings in the oh so sensuously desirable, fashionable, fascinating, feminine flesh. It was like a dam of straw trying to resist a tidal wave of pleasurable passions passionately pumping through him.
“Ok , Ok” he began. “I have a thing for older women. And….I like to be nurtured like a little boy and stroked and caressed too. And I would love to be , well hypnotized by a lady in satin, just told to go to sleeep and everything would be ok. She would watch over me, but have her fun with me too, if you know what I mean….”
Her eyes widened. “Wow” she said. “Why that’s fascinating. An English hypnofetishist. Wow!”
“A what!?” he said inquisitively.
“You’re a hypnofetishist. You see hypnosis and sexual submission and arousal as intertwined. You want to give up control to a dominant yet caring lady to take all your stress away. And maybe you want to give her a little sexual gift in return?”
His uneasiness steadily enlarged as their conversation continued along this all too intensely intimate pathway winding to a possibly deliciously decadent destination he dared not dream of or even contemplate. He felt his world’s most private parts were virtually on display before the soothing, spellbinding, penetrating eyes of this incredibly irresistible woman who all but had him in and eating out of the palm of her hand. In answer to her accurate deductions and last insightful inquiry, he shook his head from side to side in an attempt to convince her she was on the wrong track.
Her well-honed feminine intuition buoyed by a boatload of erotic ensorcelling experiences bolstered her suspicion that he was throwing her a red herring.
“Indeed, my darling, my pet! Sssssssooooooo! if I was to slow this car right down.” Her gorgeous right leg relaxed a little as she allowed the accelerator pedal to rise. “And then I put one hand behind your neck and sort of caress it like so.” As her convertible slowed and she spoke these words, her right hand’s actions mirrored her sayings. “And now I enticingly draw your attention to my wonderful crystal necklace swaying back and forth.” As her left leg steadied the steering wheel in place and her left hand manipulated her dazzling pendant, her perceptive eyes watched his obedient orbs fasten on her jewelry soothingly swinging soporifically. “And if I was to talk to you in this sweet, soft, sing song, lullaby refrain, my dear, and say almost in a bewitchingly effective whisper – “You are getting sleeepy, verrrrrrryyyyyyy sleeeeeeepy. You feel so tired and sleeeeeeepy. You know and feel and admit you want to sleeeeeeep, my dear . Sleeeeeeep!!!”
His skin focused on feeling her long, powerful, slender, soothing fingers at his neck as Ms K’s pendant flashed before his mesmerized eyes. He felt calm and aroused. And she noted his arousal.
“You just proved my point. Dear me oh my, an English hypnofetishist. Well hot damn!”
Later in the journey, it got a little colder, and the top was back up. In the car, he found himself feeling drowsy. His head kept slipping towards the satin-clad shoulder of Miss K. Each time, with increasing effort and diminishing success, he fought to keep stopping himself from falling asleep. From time to time, she fingered the pendant and silently smiled. Later, during the meeting they were in, he again started feeling a little tired. While the business matters took a brief respite, knowingly she drew his attention to her pendant as it nestled into her cleavage surrounded by scarlet satin. He would have loved to have rested his head upon her their and then. But professionalism, shyness, and other impediments would not allow him to revel in the pleasures of pacifying his soul and igniting his body’s passions.
At the end of the day, they travelled to “The Aspen Inn” rather than stay at a motel. Miss K said she thought he was tired and needed somewhere comfortable. He offered to work on the figures from today’s proceedings. She said “Fine”, but she insistently suggested that he should get some rest. Their rooms were separated by a long corridor connecting two blocks of rooms at the inn. He was slightly dismayed as he hoped they would at least have adjoining rooms.
He tried to work, but was distracted by his emotions, thoughts, memories, and desires. He could not stop thinking of and fantasizing about Miss K; of her double life; and her sweet, silken clothing. And that pendant, always that pendant swaying nonchalantly but captivatingly conveying a potent message to the unfulfilled, sensual desires that he had held deep within all his life. For priority’s sake he had never, ever mentioned these hungers to anyone. And now this lady knew everything. She didn’t just know what made him tick, but somehow he was sure she could change the pace of that tick at any time.
As dusk came, his phone vibrated with a message
He sent one back to Miss K saying no then….
His flesh tingled “YES” he messaged back
“What am I doing?” he asked aloud. But he could not stop his yielding to his pent up desires. Nor could he resist the influences of the wonderfully wanton woman whose wiles were wickedly pulling the cork out of his bottled up passions and needs.
She sent another message.
His breathing got faster. What next?
The next message was a short movie. He saw Miss K’s face. She ran her fingers through her blonde locks and whispered.
“That’s it, my dear. You love my hair. Each strand is so soothing , so soft. See it cascade this way and that. You would love to rest against it and feel it envelope you, wouldn’t you? Admit how much you want my hair to softly lash your oh so sensitized flesh with its gossamer strokes of arousal and sleepiness. Spellbinding, intertwining as each wave of my wonderful tresses draws you in deeper. See how I flick it away from my ears. See my wonderful earrings drawing you deeper still. Just like you wanted to rest on my shoulder today and feel my silken locks caress you and my hypnotizing earrings lull you to sleeeeeeep.”
Some moments after the message ended he blinked suddenly. Another message awaited him.
This time he saw Miss K’s fingers deftly swinging her diamond pendant back and forth against the backdrop of her firm breasts decorated by her red satin blouse. Again that voice overwhelmed his consciousness.
“Watch the pen-dant, my pleasure pet. It is my ensorcelling piece de resistance. Behold my pretty pendant and its mesmerizing mistress hypnotically take away all your fleeting, fleeing resistance. See it magical artfully swaying softly against the compelling canvass of my sweet mammaries swathed in satin, my love. The satin that you love spells gently, soothingly, arousingly cast overwhelming you in silky, mellifluous sleepiness. The soft, mesmerizing satin that sends you sensually to sleeeeeeep, my sleeeeeeepier dear. So marvelously slip sliding mindlessly, soothingly into silken satin sleeeeeeep wrapped in my bosom. My pendant relaxing you softly, my sleeeeeeepy baby. Softly, my sleeeeeeepy boy feels so sleeeeeeepy now.”
His head lolled onto the desk. But then another message stirred his surrendering mind’s synapses.
This time it was a movie of Miss K’s skirt as if she was walking down a long corridor. Her enticing stiletto heels click clacked like a rhythmic metronome. He heard the silken fabric shuffle as her legs strode forward and reflected the light….
“Look into the sweet folds of my satin skirt, my sumptuous darling. Watch my silken hips hypnotizingly reflect the light relaxes you evermore and more. As my hips sway and sashay towards you, feel your anticipation arousing for I am coming for you now, my dear. As sweetly melodious, satin hypnotic sleeeeeeep drifts over you, you will soon be wrapped up in those silk satin thighs. You will be sweetly mine soon enough. As I approach steadfastly, each purposeful stride sending you deeper into sleeeeeeep. You feel so sleeeeeeepy now. So sleeeeeeepy and yet sooooooo aroused. Man wand growing, wanting me and my satin caress . Needing my caring yet carnal comfort. Be ready, my dear. Take off all your clothes. Yesssssss! take them all off. Think of the satinnnn, my dear, of my caress, of languid lullaby languorous lovemaking, my sleeepy one. As you slip towards sleep, your manhood grows for me, my dear. Growing so hard, and so much longer and larger. Your much more than valuable, diamond hard erection quivering with hypnotized energy of soon to be unleashed desire. I am near, my dear, I am nearer..”
Suddenly, the door was flung open. In all her satiny glory, Miss K went to him and lifted his head to caress her charmeuse bosoms where the pendant dangled. His half-closed eyes glazed over with pleasure as he moaned and whimpered.
“Come to the bed, my dear. Come to the bed and love me. Satisfy my sensual desires, my sleeepy, sleeepy darling.”
He caressed her head and neck and breasts furiously. He seemed desperate for his hugely erect manhood to dive into her lubricated love cave.
“Steady, my dear. Sleeeeeeepy strokes up and down. Relaxed , sleeepy, languid strokes up and down.
“That’s it. Feel my soft hair brush your face. Enjoy my soothing fingers nurture and arouse simultaneously as I draw my long, red nails softly down the flesh of the sides and back of your neck. Feel my satin-clad legs deftly caress the front of your thighs, my darling. Everything we see and hear and feel and sense is building the symphony of arousal. Everything is amplifying our consummating, carnal crescendo played by the orchestra of orgasm up and down, my dear. Up and down, up and down. We move together in hypnotizing, harmonious hedonistic mutual satisfactions and pleasures. As your eyes flutter in ecstasy and I take all your stress softly away, my sleeeeeeepy, sexxxxy one. My sleeeeeeepy sexxy boy is quite a he man in the lusciously lustful land of lullaby lovemaking our decadence dreams come truly wonderful and wanton. Building up superbly mesmerizing skyscrapers of powerful passions for an exciting, exquisite explosion. Feel all our passions and pleasures and pleasing each other growing stronger, my dear. Up! up!! up!!! up!!!“` Yes! yesss!! yeeee-ssssssss!!!“`”
He let loose five or six times and slid down her breasts. Resting in her lap feeling overwhelmingly exhilarating ecstasies, all his pleasures-saturated mindlessness could do was move his lips into making soft, childlike whinnying sounds as she stroked his head.
He settled his head in her lap. In her lusciously lascivious, lustfully luxurious lap he shivered slightly as he dropped into deep sleep.
“Well done, my sweet boy. Now I don’t want you to fully remember this. But I do want you to be ready again for one of my little games. My, my!! you English hypnofetishists certainly know how to let it all out don’t you. You know those earlier messages were all my creations. Just a tool to draw you out of yourself and your tremendously talented tool into me, my beautiful not so little man boy. And you certainly came out of yourself this evening. Now, languish in my silken lap as I watch over you and you drift deeply to sleeeeeeep!!!”
2 Months Later
He was almost packed, though his flight wasn’t til tomorrow. He’d booked a room at the airport hotel. His farewell drinks had been nice, but he hadn’t seen Miss K there. He would do anything for Miss K. Indeed he had eagerly done nearly everything for her since that trip they made where his memory was slightly hazy. All he knew and all he yearned to remember was that he had been strangely devoted to her since.
At the hotel, he slipped into the bar downstairs. A familiar face and figure sat at a table. It was Miss K, with THAT blouse and skirt on. As soon as he saw her hand regally beckoning him, he obeyed her silent summons forthwith.
“Couldn’t let you go without a farewell drink” she said.
As they had drinks, she kept waving her pendant. He was oddly distracted by this and it made him re-visit his fantasies about being hypnotized.
They hugged and kissed before he went to his room. After he arrived, a message came through. It was a video with Miss Kay running her fingers through her hair and waving her pendant again.
“Not so fast dearie” she said “Maybe you need something, or even better some one!!!, to help you to go to sleeeeeeep!!!“`”
At the other end Miss K smiled devilishly as his eyes glazed over. Maybe he would miss his plane. Maybe she would find another residential role for him outside the company
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