Posted by Krystal Mesmer
Hello, E/everybody:
“THERE’S MORE TO THEM THAN MEETS THE EYE.” It’s often true that how someone is primarily perceived doesn’t even begin to embrace all of who they are and what they have done or can do. The article whose link is below reveals that some very well-known celebs are a lot smarter than many of their fans or admirers may believe.
I just loved reading this article.CLICK THIS http://finance.yahoo.com/news/the-30-smartest-celebrities-in-hollywood-175417855.html LINK to find out more about these stars who are scholars to boot.
Here are some questions I hope will arouse some wonderful revelations:
What is something about Y/you that You/you believe would surprise the people on inraptured.com who know something about YOU/you?
What is something about YOU/you that Y/you believe would surprise the people not on inraptured.com who know something about You/you?
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